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Thanksgiving is near and I have a special guest for my 90 minutes traditional SeiTai class.

Date: November 10th, Tuesday
Time: From 9:45am to 11:15am(regular 90 min)
Fee: $25
Location: Sunnyvale, Cabana studio inside of Fair Oaks Apartment
Address: 655 South Fair Oaks Avenue, Sunnyvale, ca 94086 (near El Camino Real) http://www.kiflowbalance.com/images/class/cabanaStudio-e.jpg

Note: same place as MON & WED classes
It's traditional 90 min SeiTai. While we are exercising, we will have a special guest to clean our sprit/soul for the new year to come with more joy.
This is one time event in this year.
Please email to book your spot for special cleansing of your body and spirit.
[Sorry, we have to do this in the weekday's morning due to studio availability and the guest's schedule]
** You can come for only the class and don't need to have the spiritual cleansing at all. Also, there is absolutely no obligation to pursue any other invitation. It's a gift for you. It's your choice to take it or just do the SeiTai exercise.
As always please bring a yoga matInnocent

[description from the guest]
Experience Jyorei For Health & Total Well-being

It takes just 5 minutes to experience the healing power of Jyorei.

Jyorei originated in Japan and is now practiced throughout the world. Its growth in popularity is due to its ability to heal and strengthen all aspects of
a person's life. Jyorei is the art of focusing and directing healing energy. It is usually practiced by two people, one who gives and one who receives.
While receiving Jyorei a sensation of happiness, warmth and peacefulness may be experienced, as well as profound healing..

我々は、人間の病気その他の苦悩の原因は、魂の汚れから発生すると考えます。”健全なる精神は健全なる肉体に宿る”と言われていますが、現在までの西洋医学は、体だけにフォーカスした対症療法であり、真の問題解決には至っていないのが現状です。SHUMEI AMERICA で行われている浄霊法は、不幸の原因とされる魂の曇り(汚濁)に霊光を放射することによって霊体共に浄める効果があります。しかし、浄霊は単なる病気治しのヒーリングの方法ではなく、魂が浄まることにより肉体的には健康で、精神的には感謝、利他愛、美を求める心を育んでいける”生命の芸術”であると考えています。

Find out more by visiting our website:
Now accepting your reservation for this special gift along with regular 90 min SeiTai class! It is one time event. Please make it special day for you. There is no additional fees.

Please email: class@kiflowbalance.com

See you there!

PS. I will have my 5 min of healing as well! I've done it before. It didn't hurt me or changed me anything much except for warm feelings. Some people benefit more than others. Plus, this is a free gift for you! You are mature to take this free gift of healing or not at your own choice.

We will have regular 90 min Traditional SeiTai. During the class, people who are interested will step aside to receive the healing energy by Mr.Keiji. He speaks both Japanese and English for you. Again, he is someone I met at East and West bookstore where he was giving his workshop. It doesn't hurt me if you don't like him/thisWink He is credible healer who is accepted to perform at bookstores in Mt.view.

One time event. Please enjoy something new in life.
I like to bring you new information to be always open and progressive as human should be.
That's all,
Have a great day!



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