

津軽英語同好会コミュのKayaking in Lake Ogawara

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I thought we could not come home.

It was sunny almost no wind. You might be amazed by the beauty of nature.
We decided to cross over to the other side of the lake about 5.5km. It seems a bit far but we possibly make it.

An hour later, we came up to 2/3 towards the other side. Then the direction of the wind changed and struggled with the waives. Returning to the starting point is almost impossible, against the wind. Paddling became powerless to be able to control. So we decided to keep going.

Strong wind and waves made us powerless to control the kayak. Huge energy loss and mental got weaker. But somehow, we were able to touch down the land.

Luckily we had a mobile with a signal to call a taxi to get to where we parked the car. We waited a taxi for 40 minutes and paid \8,000 but we were happy because still alive泣き顔.



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