

SAPCコミュのHum プレスリリース

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580 Broadway Suite 902 New York NY 10012

For Immediate Release

curtated by Shinsuke Aso

Richard Bedkowski
Damon Freed

July 13 ? August 12 2006
Opening Reception: Thursday, July 13 6 ? 8pm

SAPC Gallery is pleased to announce the two-person exhibition Hum, new paintings and drawings by Richard Bedkowski and Damon Freed, curated by Shinsuke Aso. This exhibition presents the artists’ attitude toward creation by comparison to the musical term “hum”.

Although the works by Bedkowski and Freed appear unrelated, the two artists share a common creative process, similar to that of people humming. Humming begins as a melody or beat coming to mind automatically. As people realize the sound, they change speed and tone, repeat the same phrase or improvise. In other words, humming is a free-style self-jam-session that transcends paradigms and includes all non-categorized sounds.

Bedkowski and Freed begin creating works by observing the things around them, or searching for fragments of memory to find seeds?everything from styles or movements in art history, to the artists’ most recent personal events. Anything has the possibility of becoming the seed of their creation. Once a seed is selected, these small hints are developed and expanded into elaborate paintings and drawings by combination of unique techniques, diverse materials and ceaseless experiments. Through this means the artists’ freely shuttle back and forth between the borders of self and the outer world, past and future, to explore unknown selves.

Richard Bedkowski has been investigating a figure that represents his psychological state by drawing and painting imaginary body parts over and over in different ways for more than ten years. The surfaces of his half-representational, half-abstract figures are covered with numerous intricate lines and marks. These lines and marks are made by his distinctive technique of scratching wet paint with pencil as if he were dissecting real bodies, and produce grotesque, yet alluring patterns.

Damon Freed’s works are traces of his experiments to capture the fleeting balanced state in his art and his life. As he himself continues to change and cannot be defined, his works also reflect changes representing the point where he himself feels balanced. Tension amongst organic shapes constructed with straight lines seems ordered or stiff, while other elements appear fluid and more unstable. Freed’s art ably conveys a balanced state no matter his current state of mind.

For further information, please call 212-431-7878 or e-mail tobeyfinearts@msn.com.



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