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This is Videa. I took picture of her inside a brothel in Bonbay's
red-light district. She is on a balcony overlooking the street
where her mother and her friends sell their bodies for sex.
All she can see when she looks out are more brothels. This is her
view of the world. This is her destiny. This is the future of
children like Videa all over the world. Videa will grow up to
be a 21th century slave unless we act.
Deep inside of brothels of Bonbay, I personally met children who'd without choice been born into sex trade.
Fossel, a local man, inspects the goods, two teenage prostitutes, in the market place in the Bonbay’s red-light district.
Forgotten innocence. The corridor of the brothels is an unsafe playground for the children of the red-lights.
Love is enough. Rarge, only 8 years old, is at the entrance of his mother’s room in the brothel.
Endangered sleep. A baby sleeps by her mother’s bed in the brothel. Her mother will have sex with about 15 men a night. It is also well known that children curl under the bed while their mothers work.
I was disturbed to see babies and young children inside the brothel.

Rashma, aged about 6 years old, sits on herbed, which her mother uses
to service 15 clients a night. Rashma doesn’t attend school.
She spends her time running errands for clients who visit the brothel.
Sometimes, she’s just on the street, playing in the red-light neighbourhood.

This woman asked me, “Are you talking pictures to send back to my
village?” Her shame was summed up in this one sentence. Most women
forced into prostitution by poverty, some were kidnapped and some
cheated. Many were trafficked over the border from Nepal. Once a
prostitute, your future lies in this midnight world.

Grorry was rescued precious moment before being sold for 150 pounds
to a brothel owner. Escaping a life time sexual slavery, she is now
cared for in a juvenile’s home for abandoned children rescued from
sex industry.

Around the world, millions of women and children are trapped in modern day slavery.

Sex slaves. It’s a nightmare world. Very few escape.

Shei Colon has been rescuing young girls from the sex industry
in the Philippines for over 25 years. He says child prostitution
is a crime against humanity and must be stopped.

Slavery is illegal in almost every country on our planet. Yet the
world leading expert on modern slavery, Professor Kevin Bells tells
us that there are 27 million slaves in the world today. That’s more
slaves are alive today than all the slaves stolen from Africa over 4
century’s slave trade. True Vision’s devastating documentary exposes
the truth of modern slavery. These are the story of slaves today.

Drrisa works on a cacao plantation on Ivory coast. Cacao is made into
chocolate we all eat. When he tried to escape, he was savagely beaten.
After his rescue, he told True Vision that when people eat chocolate,
they are eating my flesh.

These boys were kidnapped and forced to work in the carpet industry
in India when they were only 6 years old. They were made to work 18
hours a day, kept in pain, hunger and fear to produce a few carpet
that could be sold so cheaply in the West. But now they have been
rescued and reunited with their parents.

Domestic workers are held captured, forced to work for long hours,
paid nothing and beaten badly. Dora was a domestic slave but escaped
and now works for the World Bank.

Dalits, or untachables, have been called modern day slavery’s biggest
challenge. About 250 million Indians, that’s 25% of the population,
are dalits, which means broken or crashed. They are considered less
than human, victims of the caste system that destroyed hundreds of
millions of people through the ages and continues today.
The slave trade lives on in places like Sudan. Amnesty International
has reported that the regime abducted thousands of civilians, mostly
women and children, and forced them into unpaid labour in the North,
in effect turned them into slaves. The same pattern is unfolding in
Darfur, with **** regime **** destroying lives. Yet, the world fails
to act.

Bonded labour is the most widely used system for slaving people.
The poorest of the poor in Asia today, men, women and children borrow
money and offer their labour to work off the dept. Some are tricked or
trapped to work for little or no pay, sometimes 7 days a week.

There have been always slaves. But the trans-Atlantic slave trade was
different as racist ideology which was used to control the largest
international business of the time ***ed a new world order. It transformed the world beyond anything anyone could ever comprehend.
Over 4 centuries Africans were kidnapped and became slave labour force
but drove a new international financial system. It created Dynasties &
Fortunes for slave masters in England but destroyed families in Africa.

African slaves serviced the international business and enterprise but
expanded the economies of all the slave trading nations. Essentially
slaves of African developed European nations and contributed to the
wealth and success. Slavey was the key to the making of the modern

The slave trade ended for many reasons. Slave themselves revolted,
changing entire Europe. Parliaments and investors looked elsewhere
for profit. But the campaign in England played an important part.
It was the first human right campaign of its time. In 1807, Parliament
passed a law ending the shipping trade and 40 years later slavery in
its traditional form ended.
200 years ago, slavery was ***(dead?) to blow. But it was recovered well.
“We need to revive the spirit” That inspired the campaigners to fight
the slave trade. We can and must play a part to fight the 21th century
evil of modern slavery. Join us.

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