

Kinky EnglishコミュのViolentAJ has been banned from Kinky English

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I am sorry guys, I really hate banning someone from this community since I believe in free speach and since I want everyone to be equal, but he went too far by sending others emails and carrying too much anger. Please feel free on this community, I am not here to stop you from talking or telling your point of view.


Nah, no worries, DJ.
I think he deserved it.
The guy is too square to listen to anybody.
I wonder if he got bullied at school.
Ahaha, He was doing in the English Only community also.
He started an accidental war with me and polaroidfades.. bastard!! :I haha

Sorry about that polaroid, I didn't want to get pissed at you over nothing.
It's hard to imagine a black nazi. I swear, certain parts of his speech are identical to chilifresh, another troller on mixi a while back. That guy was also a nazi flag waver if I'm not mistaken.
He did worse, he even messed up in "I love black people" community hahahaha check this out, it's insane http://mixi.jp/view_bbs.pl?id=17263354&comm_id=986983 really insane!!!!
That just makes me believe even more that the guy isn't actually black, and that he stole his mixi pictures from someone else.

All he does is make himself look bad and he does it so purposefully there's no mistaking the anti-black intentions.
Obviously it's just a person with a lot of free time.. And nothing better to do... More than Likely, It's a 10 year old kid whoes been spanked by him Mommy too many times =]
Stout I'm shocked....
it would have been much cooler if we all just ignored him...

i would so like to have had the chance to "meet" him on the street.
A part of me is like <7> and I think all of us have an overwhelming feeling of "thank fuck for that"....
I actually agree with <10>
There were a lot of times during the ENGLISH ONLY rampage and then the KINKY ENGLISH attack that I felt like taking a shot at some of the things ViolentAJ wrote....but we should all know by now that all it gets you is more bollocks, and possibly annoying mails to your mixi page.
It sounds so cliche, but *it really isn't worth the hassle*
It's easier just to ignore the comments.
After all this was supposed to be a community where you can say *anything*.

And since you created the community after being kicked out of ENGLISH ONLY for no good reason DJ Stout, I thought you would have bit your tongue with ViolentAJ...
It's your community ofcourse, but it's not "free" like you say it is if you are gonna kick people out...

I know ViolentAJ had to go, and we are happy for it, but it just goes to show how hard it is to be truely democratic on the net...
People will test it if you say it's "free"
Which is what I think ViolentAJ was doing
So, yeah we are all happy to see him kicked the fuck out, but it's a little bittersweet to see we are only "open minded" to stuff we already agree with...
Tough area really...

Anyway. Back to more cock, pussy, felching, boston ties, Mississippi gaurd dogs, and swearing related fun etc!
I wanted to keep him on the community, it was fun to argue with him, but then he started e-stalking some people and me with it, and I didn't like that. Also some people from the community asked me to kick him out. So that's why I did it. But if you want, I can accept him again.
Don't do it DJ! :)

If you let him back on it will be like sweet smug bollocks in our faces all freakin' day long. I understand the conoundrum tho'.

Let's look at it another way. People have a right to freedoms as long as their actions don't don't infringe on the freedoms of others. Maybe he wasn't squelching voices of reply per se, but he was obnoxious enough to turn a lot of people completely away from and off the topic.

I think when you start the verbal attacks, there is something there that's related to oppression and restricting freedom, it just depends on the kind of person being attacked.

The only way to really be democratic about it is to take a vote.

Maybe we should all mail DJ with a yea or nay to allowing that tard back in..
I think getting "ViolentAJ" voted back on will be tougher than getting Bush re-elected.. haha
Hey,DJ bro.
Fine with me.
Why don't you set up another thread, like
"embracing AJ" or "AJ fund" ,and the first one will
lose as soon as he/she starts swearing.
13> hello DJ Stout,

Yeah, no, don't re-instate him (can you do that?)....

As I said, I think we are happy to see him go. And personally I'd draw the line at personal e-mails too - I think you can say whatever you want on a thread, even if it is obnoxious, racist, sexist, or whatever. All us adults have to do is ignore it.
But when somone starts e-mailing people with their bullshit then that's fucked and they have to go.

I just think you can't say a forum is "free" when, as you do, the administrator has to look after the feelings of his community. If loads of people send you messages saying ViolentAJ is offending to them and they want him out, then you have to do it...
But the flip side of that is it means we aren't free here, and *we don't want to be*. We only want to talk about what we all agree on as "OK", and when someone goes outside of what we think is OK, then they have to go....
This is exactly what happened to you and the other guys on ENGLISH ONLY. Most of us weren't offended in anyway by what you posted there, but some (very fragile people) were and they asked that Jimmy guy to kick you out.
And he did.
And actually thank fuck he did, because now we got KINKY ENGLISH right : )

I just mean, for me, it's a little bittersweet because I thought here at KINKY ENGLISH we are all pretty adult, prepared to use *any* words we like, and nothing is taboo....

But yeah, if everyone told you AJ had to go then I respect your decision DJ.

14> "The only way to really be democratic about it is to take a vote"

Na, no need for that. I think you'd find a 99% vote against letting him back lol

I think the real issue is wether we are libertarians here or not. Democractially ViolentAJ wouldn't have any supporters, but in terms of "no taboo", "say whatever you want", then...painful as it is, people like AJ shouldn't get kicked out *for what they say*.
Mailing people is another matter though. That is fucked, and honestly users who send hate-o-grams to other people should get physically beaten - to see what hate actually feels like.
Not to mention I think these people have mild mental problems....
But that's the internet isn't it :D
Well you are really free to say whatever you want, I didnt mind that guy, but I did mind him e-stalking people and me with it.

But say whatever you want here, you can even tell me things like "your mother was a hammster" etc... I dont mind hhahahahaha
hi brother dj i miss you guys finally your community have strange people lol ..recently im busy with my project so i miss the fun :( . sugoi na , AJ ! HE IS FUN ! that guy is so crazy ! if we keep him on this community we sure have our fun :). in order to make a community fun , there must be some people like him .lol .i wonder if テレサ is like dat ? :P i really hope to see テレサ wear that Bruce Lee banana suit on her birthday ;P
Yo bro H! So happy to see you back! Yeah that guy was so insane, he started e-stalking me and other guys, and was so stupid. He was fun at the beginning, but then turned so fucking insane, really insane. This guy will probably open his window on day and jump from it.
hahaha...i thought hes that guy ,shooting in virginia tech school or maybe a terrorist . i think al Qaeda will be happy to see him ,and wants to recruit him as a suicide bomber .he got the potential .hes full of hatred !i really miss the fun, bro ....

Hey, Long time, dude!!
Ar, so you mean you offer me a banana suit instead of Seahorse as a birthday present?

Yeah!!Personally, I think DJ violent is quite funny!
I have talked to him on English Only(Actually, we insulted each other)and he gave me some interesting comments.....But in the other hand, I think he is kawaisou...
That's just my preception. I thought he has tried to accommodate in japan but at last he got disappointed and became cynical or maybe i can say terroristic....wahaha..

yes , long time .kind of miss you ;P cause recently i got project to rush . actually banana suit looks sexy on you , by the way sea horse recently is ban in singapore ! what about sea monkey ? its still legal in singapore :P

that guy is not a dj violent , dear . his name is AJ violent.if a dj going to be so violent then he must be a dj for heavy metal music .:P
I just wanted to explain to people why he was not here anymore. If it was up to me only, I would have let that guy in the community as it was fun to speak with him, but some of you asked me to bann him as he was more than agressive.

Hope you fine with your job.
Wahaha....Banana suit looks sexy on Uma Thurman, but not me....haha...
What? Sea horse has been banned in Singapore, since when? Why? What the problem!!
Sea horse soup is very tasty.....
But,of course, i won't cook it if you give me the dried one....
What is sea monkey?? Clever animals?

Yes, that's up to u, Stout, maybe we can open another forum to vote whether we welcome back him......(joke)
dancestar >>

bro stout is trying to be nice to everyone on this community . that guy ( violent AJ ) is stalking almost everyone in this community .that must be stop .me and bro dj was ban in " ENGLISH ONLY " its because some guy in that community cant stand our sense of humor ..thats all .and we did not stalk anyone , that makes us different from AJ violent .

im busy doing some freelance interior designing ( everyday i only sleep for 3 hours ) .seamonkey , are smart and they can do some easy trick if you train them ..lol.for your information, they are not monkey .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea-Monkey.

i dont know what reason our goverment give us for banning seahorse ...anyway our goverment can even ban chewing gum , so its nothing new to us :( .
hahaha I know it's ironic man, but he went a way to far by e-stalking people! This guy also got kicked out from "I love black ppl" community! hahaha so fun, he is pathetic.

Man I understand many things but I cannot let a guy on this forum that is keep on calling japanese "japs" and then e-stalking all of us with racist mails.

I really wanted to keep him in a way.
DJ stout >>

bro its your community ,so you can decide anything . you are already being kind enough to tell people why you banned AJ . you did a good job bro ,no worries.



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