

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのWhat is the BEST way to learn English?

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Hi. I'm ☆Jimmie☆, the founder and administrator of this community.

I've launched this community in order that the Japanese can use English freely because I think that practical communication is the key to improve their English skills.

I know that there are some professional English teachers and native English speakers in this community.

So I need your opinions. What is the BEST way to study English? I think that the natural language-acquisiton process is listening, speaking, reading and writing as you grow up.

However, I'd like to learn the BEST process to learn the English language.

What do you guys think is the BEST way to learn English?

Vocabulary first or grammar first?

How do beginners learn another language the fastest?

Could you please give me any opinions?

Any opinions will be helpful.

Thank you for reading.



I was really interested in Beatles and Carpenters. But some hip-hop groups etc. use improper expressions. So teachers have to choose the proper ones, I think. Anyway, singing is a good way to learn casual sayings. Thanks.
Hi I’m private English conversation teacher.
I think it depends on what you want to learn first,speaking first or writing first....
I usually talk to parents of student about it and Start the program.
But all programs have “vocabulary section”
So in my opinion, vocabulary skill is different type, vocabulary skills need all the time... when you start studying grammar first, at the same time you better start study vocabulary.

For your question ... fastest way to learn English vocabulary first maybe?
In Japan, there are too few native-English speakers to talk with now.

But, I’m sure that more and more immigrants will come to Japan as workforce.

So we need to learn a global language such as English to communicate with them.

The time has come.
Of course it is very important to learn English words at the first time, I think.
You say what is the BEST way to learn English.

You know that now in Japanese primary school, young students have learned English.
I think that I am a Japanese, because I can speak Japanese, read Japanese and write Japanese
correctively. Japanese is the most important for Japanese people, not English.

Of course your opinion is maybe right, that is, foreign workers will increase in Japan
from now on, but many foreign workers are Asian people, Vetonam, Phylippin and China.

Of course English is very important for business, studies and other areas.
But this is the very important problem how many Japanese people need English
for their business, that is, jobs.

It is very difficult for Japanese people to speak with foreigners to speak English.
There are few chances for Japanese to meet foreigners to speak English.

But you say that the situation for Japanese people to need speaking English will come
in the future. I agree with you, but at the same time Chinese words are maybe more important
than English for Japanese. We can't say "NO!".

My English has many wrong words. Excuse me, and thank you for reading my bad sentence.
I think that Japanese use English more and more.

Wrong English is not shameful. It is bad that Japanese are afraid of speaking bad English.
Challenge to use English is the BEST way for Japanese people. Don't be afraid!

just talk or write to an English speaker and who cares if your grammar or speaking is bad, you are learning is expected, and from us is expected to help you in a friendly manner to correct your mistakes ウインク
Thank you guys for giving me helpful opinions.

In summary so far, "the iteration of 4 skills, writing, reading, listening and speaking with an English speaker who can correct mistakes with love" is the BEST way to learn English ( but minimum vocabulary for communication would be wanted if possible ).

Also the mindset ( or the motivation) is the key to get a great command of English.

That would be applied to another language, I reckon.

The population of Japan is getting smaller and smaller and immigrants will be wanted as workforce in fact.

Eventually, Japan will become one of the countries which are called "the salad bowl of races."

This is the destiny that a developed country get through, otherwise it will be collapsed.

However, most people in Japan neither think that will really come true nor have awareness of crisis to learn a global language for communication.

As a result, the Japanese have studied unpractical English at school and in daily life.

In addition, most people in the world are not aware that "technological singularity" will take place and most of the work which exist now will disappear because AI will take the place.

No one can tell the world in 2030. That would be excited.

By the way, do you have any good ideas to motivate people to learn English ( or another language)?

How can we get a lot of GRIT to master English ( or another language)?
Having fun is the key element to keep learning. So gaming with others in English is a very good idea.

I think that your opinion is maybe correct, that is, foreign workers
will come to Japan now and in the future.
But they are people from Asian countries, not USA or European nations.

Motivation for Japanese people to learn English or Chinese is
the benefit or money, that is, jobs.
It is not hobby to learn foreign languages.

You say about AI, but I doubt your opinion.
Of course I don't know about the near future.

But Asian people are cheaper as workers than AI.
Now AI is a kind of dream.
We need to watch the REALITY.

Japanese people like to live with only Japanese people,
because Japan is the nation of irland.

Japan has a long history, and so it is difficult that many foreigners
will come in Japan as workers.
Maybe it is same that England has gone away from the EU.

At least, manual labor will be replaced since the automated vehicle( also drones) operation has already been at the validation phase.

That means we won’t need drivers and carriers (as well as immigrants?) in the near future.

By the way, if various Asian people come to Japan, practical (communicable) English skills would be more and more important as a common language.

The other day on the street, I saw Japanese and some Asian constructon workers use English as a communication tool.

There seem to be more people from other countries than those of Japan on the streets of Akihabara on a weekday.

That is quite different from the past and we need to accept the paradigm shift that is happening now, I think.

The time when we need global cooperation is coming soon.

Where do you come from?

I come from the earth. I’m an earthling.
Could anyone please get the topic back to the right track?
Hello Jimmie and all.
Do you want to talk about which is first vocabulary or grammer?
Or do you want to change our issue how to motivate to learn English?

I agree with Epcot that vocabulary is first because many Japanese people cannot understand English because they don't have it enough.
As you may know that there is a research that people can understand English to memorize 2,000 frequent words.

And then, I want to talk about motivation to learn English.
I feel my English became practical since I have friends around the world on internet.
We can make friends online. I suppose that is one of the thing to motivate us to learn English.
OK. Then how can we memorize 2000 frequent words the fastest?

In other words, what do you think is the most effective way to imprint those words?

Do we have to memorize the parts of speech at the same time?
Hello Jimmie.
Hahaha. I don't feel we must know 2,000 words in the begining.
I know we need to improve 4 skills(reading, listening, writing, speaking) and grammer too.
I suppose there is no easy way to learn English as well as other things.
I guess that motivation and continuity are the keys. And there is not only one way. We have to find out our own way to learn English, probably.
Okay. In conclusion, so far, the best way in another language acquisition doesn’t exist.

So each of us has to find it out while sustaining his/her own effort.

There is no genius that bests hard work as the saying goes.

Nevertheless the iteration of four skills with some fun such as gaming seems to relate to make language acquisition more effective.

All of the comments will be helpful and I will make use of them as future references.

I’ve been so into 24 series and watched all the seasons.

When I was a uni student, I was rented a lot of DVDs and watched them with subtitles.

Some say “I wanna watch movies without subtitles.”

However, that is quite difficult because English sentences that we have learned at school was by far more different than casual ones.

Now in Japan, children in their fifth year of elementary school have started to learn casual ones to make speeches of themselves and so on... on trial.

I think that’s good for communication as well as watching movies and TV series.

Entrance examinations of school and some other qualification tests of English have been changing and more and more focused on four skills.

So the four skills of English which Japanese people have will get much better in some years.

Good luck to the next generation.
I`m learning English from Japanese teacher. I found that grammer and bocabulary are very important.
I would like to higher score TOEIC, that is reason why I learn English. And also I use English for my job.
To get a certain level, grammar is important.

TOEIC endorses your communicative skills in everyday life.

Try hard and you’ll get the certain level.

There is no royal road to learning.

But there are some effective ways that we’ve discussed so far.

Exactly yes. But this kind communication also can be allowrable.


Try not to be afraid of making mistakes.

Everyone has made a lot of mistakes especially when they were kids.

As people become adults, they get to be afraid of making mistakes even when their youths didn't.

Their vanity and prides prevent them from progress.

Even my English is not good enough so I make a lot of mistakes, but making mistakes is necessary for us to get to a certain level.

Remember the time when you were a kid. If you have a kid, you know what I'm saying as well.

No one is perfect from scratch.

Practice makes you (nearly) perfect.

I always try to work on my composition to revise the wording.

But I’ve already noticed some mistakes such as the usages of “everyone” and “get.”

That’s the shame on me because I’ve been teaching English for about 20 years.

Even teachers make some mistakes, so I think the regrets of mistakes make you better.


By Mike Krgygewski


By Henry Ford
There is no single 'best' method as we are all individuals with different personalities, motivations and goals.
Also, we all learn differently: visually, kinestheticly, via audio or by reading and writing (realistically we are all a unique combination of the above).
Ideally, you will know yourself well enough to find the method which suits you best.
However, a good teacher will quickly be able to realise which kind of learner you are and adjust their teaching to fit you.
Especially here in Japan, it's been one of the social problems to be short of good teachers, I reckon. I'd like to know how we can solve it. I was a juku(= a cram school) teacher for many years and it is one of the hardest jobs, I assume. A lot of teachers quit their jobs because of the rigors. We have to solve this problem somehow, someway.
Repetition and speaking with natives are the best options when learning a new language. We are lucky to live in an era where the internet exists. There are so many tools for memorization and learning new words on the internet. I joined this website to help me learn Japanese, so I think It would be useful for someone who is learning English to find an English forum or group so they are regularly tested on their knowledge.
It depends on your personal learning style. for those who are good at simply memorizing things, starting by a acquiring a sizable vocabulary may be helpful. for those who may not be as good at raw memorization but can learn rules and patterns, starting with grammar may be best. in any case, forcing yourself to use the desired language on a regular basis is key, hence why immersion is so helpful. but as it was mentioned earlier, staying with something you enjoy, like music, may get you and keep you interested which may be one of the most vital elements of you're to actually keep up with your studies. it's all over one you lose momentum after all.




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