

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュの9.11

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A long decade has passed since 9.11. Has the incident really changed Americans' way of living?

They were tolerant, friendly, sympathetic, and forgiving. That is my impression toward Americans as a whole before 9.11.

But after that, I feel they have become rather cautious and had more patriotism on the surface. I think it is a very natural tendency. If we Japanese had the same kind of terrorism in our country, we would have the same attitudes as American had.

Do you think American national character has been changed due to the incident?


"They were tolerant, friendly, sympathetic, and forgiving." ?

I thought things started to become that way after 9.11? Well...more friendly. That is when i saw. Yes, a lot of people were overly cautious, but i think that is normal after a huge disaster like that.

Hm...i've never though of America as forgiving, sympathetic, and tolerant too much...but i guess that is how some people in the world view it as.:o

But honestly besides the tougher airport security, things go on like they always have before 9.11. I'm not thinking about 9.11 until if comes up again. That is just me. I'm sure those who were effected by the actual disaster by losing a family member might feel differently.

911 was pretty funny, i always made fun of it at school, when they say give a moment of silence i make plane crashing sounds when everyone's quite, i cant help myself. and people get mad, but i just dont give a fuck.わーい(嬉しい顔)
> fujikoさん
Yes,I have heard of that. They made an excuse for starting the war against countries like Iraq or Afghanistan. Their aims might be oil,elimination of dictatorship,and expansion of democracy. I watched once TV program that claimed the one which crashed into the building of Pentagon was not a civilan aircraft but a Tomahawk missile.
But I do not want to think in that way. 9.11 has an aspect of religious conflict begun by some radical groups of Moslems.
yeah its funny, and yeah america wants oil, hell if theres a war, i'll see you guys in canada
でにす. lol

typical loser,no real job. だから日本に居るね。アメリカに仕事出来ない。(笑)

an idiot,Canada is connected to the US. A war would involve both.

South Americans.lol
oooh im so hurt from your insultsげっそり

yeah i am a spic so the fuck what?

go waste your time and try to bother someone else, you pig fucking, cum swallowing, racist douch bag.ウッシッシ
Point proven. Thank you.

And remember,it was your ignorant,heartless statement that started it.
Back to the topic. 9/11 was a tragedy which was used as an excuse to start wars which have killed +200,000 people. A day of tragedy for America has led to a decade of suffering and death in Iraq & Afghanistan. But most Americans main concern is that it takes a few minutes extra to check in at airports.
Despite whether or not the American government is or is not guilty of, those people on the plane did not deserve to die to prove anyones point or to control any countries oil reserves.
So it was not funny でにす. And if you really think it was, you are as bad as the worse offenders. There was no need to even share your opinion on this thread if all you wanted to do is shock and awe. But that is just my own opinion. I don`t believe you could really have meant what you said even though you might want us to believe it.

Inside job, I doubt it. But it may have been the direct result of some other action that the USA may have willingly allowed. Turned a blind eye. Decided to not notice in time. I would not put anything past big brother government when it comes to oil, power and greed.

Checkout http://prisonplanet.tv/news/index.php for conspiracy theories galore.




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