

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのwhat a MUGGY day!

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Hi, guys
we had 35 degree at my house in Tokyo Hino city todayXO

i think this summer coming soon.
i have to going swimming pool to my body tan!

anyway how hot are you at own place today?


i don't know the highest degree, but it was hot in Sendai anywayふらふら晴れ.
Not so hot in front of all the stores in Tokyo with their doors open and a/c pouring out....so refreshing!
oh, thanks your comments:]

i see.
i had some headache last night. maybe heat stroke?
then i woke up and surprised today is raining day!

just now 25 degree in my home Tokyo Hino-city
That's about how it is in Houston, 35-40 degrees every day though I just moved to Chicago where it's a pleasant 20-25 degrees.
Hi, jason
35-40 degree everyday???! what a hot!!

we had about 30 degree in Tokyo but we had some window.
so i worked at my family's barley field so hardXP
anyway i'm going to sleep ASAP
damm!! 35 degree in Tokyo.
what a muggy day!!
however i didnt use A/C untill today ever.
also my family grandpa 93 old didnt use A/C too.

phew.. i hope tomorrow is more cooler than today.
Hmm. Well if everyone decides not to use a/c, that's your choice....but keep hydrated and don't be silly when it comes to avoiding heat stroke, yeah?
28'C in Kaunas, and humid. feels good, but i wouldn't mind if it was few degrees lower.
T'was 35゚ in Tokyo and my room was a fxxking saunaあせあせ(飛び散る汗)Doing some looking around and was just dripping wet like I just finished a workout or somethin.

But since I've experienced the dry weather in Colorado(which sent me peeling in just days)I try to cherish what humidity we have here. On the other hand,NY, despite its heat, it's probably less muggier, and a bit more comfortable. no? or has it changed...
thanks for worry about it:] you're right,
its important to keep own hydrate. in fact i had heat stroke and headacheX[
at this morning i was finally recovery. i'll take it easy.
i see. i think this heat isnt like a America.
perhaps it like a Amazon jungleX[
i live in kanagawa and i know it would be hotter later as usualexclamation ×2 its crazy cuz even its hot like this, we have to save electricもうやだ〜(悲しい顔)

well, its nice to go swimming in the sunny day but be careful to get a tanexclamation ×2 it could be sunburnexclamation ×2
The humidity is horrific. What I would give to have a normal air conditioner or central ac.
oh its sound good! i'd love to swimming too:]
my body is such a white yet, and then i have to going tanning with sunshine.
Last summer here in my town in Aus was 43-45 degree......inside of our
house with air conditioning, was 35 degree水瓶座

Its winter here now 15 degree, 40% humidity very comfortable手(チョキ)
I dream of a hot day! I hate winter and in Sydney it's been a very cold winter this year. I've had 3 doonas on my bed.
omg!! 45 degree!?? what the hell!! its toooooo hotX[
im surprised it

oh its nice:] this cool air made by typhoon no.6:Ma-on. he living in pacific ocean now:] thanks Ma-on<3

oh i hate cold winter tooX| i'd love to going swimming pool in hot day:]




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