

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのNo outlets for PC of MaCdonald's in Saitama Pre.near Tokyo.Is it discrimination or not? 

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Hi! Everyone.How's it going? ウインクわーい(嬉しい顔)

Would you please give me ur opinion
as follows:

Is it dircrimination or not?

McDonald's shop which I used often was opened after one month from the beginning of last October.ウインクウインク

When I came to the McDonald's expectedly,I didn't believe it.There were no outlets for PC.OMG! It was out of date.涙がまん顔

Many people who were using this shop, some of business persons, and some of the university students.

Perhaps manager calculated the turnover of the customers to raise sale profit and made space by installing a chair in the wall. This shop no longer to use for me.パンチNG

There are the McDonald's which we can use PC to some extent in Tokyo. It depends on the shop, but Saitama Prefecture was out of date.がまん顔パンチパンチ

We can see many outlets for PC installed at the counter seat faces the road in the big McDonald's in front of Takatanobaba station in a row.

A shop was always crowded with many customers, and the turnover was considerably good. People using the PC were not disturbed..

The McDonald's in front of Yodobashi Camera of Nishi-Shinjuku is a partition in the center, and a back seat becomes the smoking section, and this side becomes the non-smoking seat. There were the outlet of the PC in the center in both seats.

There were the outlets for the PC centrally at the MaCdonald's at the west exit basement. Of course you may charge for your mobile phone.

There were the outlets of the PC formed a line in the first floor and basement at the MaCdonald's in Ogikubo in a row.

There were two or three outlets in the right center of the MaCdonald's in Shin-Ochanomizu Station located at the first basement leads to the subway.

As my opinion, I have no doubt that Saitama is not recognized as one of a world city.

No matter how big Saitama super arena being built,Even if there was the amusement facility. Inhabitants of Saitama Prefecture are said to be conservative remarkably.

I noticed that outlets were covered with alminium tablet so that it was not connected the outlet of the PC in McDonald's which I used well and I couldn't use it late evening last Thursday.I didn't believe it.There were no outlets for PC.OMG!
Panna cotta!(Italian Dessert) This phrase is a Joking.It's out of date.パンチパンチNGNG

This problem may be unimportant for you, but it is an important thing for me coz I often used laptop computers,no battery,it's sad.I want to say that Saitama Pre.called hick:dasai in Japanese.

Have a good day.

See ya手(パー)手(パー)

かわいいBy Phantom.かわいい

*Sorry my poor English.



I'm pretty sure the one in Shibuya doesn't have outlets either.

It's not discrimination, you just have an inferiority complex about your hick prefecture.
That's good English. You said a lot and I think that's good practice.

My opinion is that you take your business elsewhere and hope the McDonalds realizes that they're losing customers. Then maybe they'll change.
Discrimination!? It's their electricity, they don't have to give it to you unless they want to! ウインク
"This problem may be unimportant for you, but "

It is. Why didnt you write that at the beginning of the article? :(
Yes, this is discrimination. I think you should sue McDonald's for money damages for all the pain and suffering they brought on you, plus a public apology.
Hi! Everyone.
I found seven outlets of PC,at the counter on the second floor of MaCdonald's in front of Kita Urawa station,J.R.in Saitama Pre.today.OMG! It depends on the shops.Very sorry.


かわいいBy Phantom.かわいい

Japan is extremely lenient with customers who loiter. The fact you can buy one コーヒー and stay there for hours was and still is amazing to me.

OP is spoilt あっかんべー
I came to MaCdonald's in front of Yodobashi,Nishi Shinkuku now.No outlets of PC,at the counter on the second and third floor of MaCdonald's.Oh! shit! I'm sure It is dircrimination.It's out of date.




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