

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのRacist Japan?

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The infamous Yamanote Halloween Train party was supposed to take place on Halloween night in Tokyo. 
This year’s party brought more than just cops and foreigners. Those who showed up at Shinjuku station at 9:00PM encountered a very angry and very loud group of nationalist activists carrying Japanese flags and signs with anti-foreign slogans.

This anti-Yamanote Halloween party demonstration, intimidated uninvolved foreigners: “Go to hell, get out of Japan!”

Ultimately, it was the Japanese people who caused the most trouble.

Foreigners either weren’t around, or even if they were it wasn’t for Halloween, but the Japanese still all yelled and threatened them.

There were some people holding signs in English saying “Go to hell, get out of Japan!”

I read that after these idiots realized that nobody was having a halloween party on the train, that it stopped being a demonstration against the Yamanote Halloween party and just became an anti-foreigner demonstration.

Makes me feel sick.

What can we assume by looking at these photos? That Japanese people are a bunch of racists who hate foreigners? Not entirely true, but yes some people here are very racist and I come across it quite often actually... hate though, a very strong word... I wouldn't go that far.

The protesters apparently came from right wing activist groups such as Shuken Kaifuku wo Mezasu Kai (The Society to Seek Restoration of Sovereignty). "Normal" Japanese people called them terrorists... how about just simply, racist bigots

Nothing more needs to be said, here is the proof わーい(嬉しい顔)


Of course this is not a majority view, but yes, these people walk amongst the crowds of sheep. And yes, these people, if brain washed even more than they already are, would not hesitate to knife us or drive their car through an intersection in Akihabara to prove a point.


This is still going O_o

>222 エボニー

This is what I think based on what I have heard, experienced and imagined etc. I could be wrong but I don’t think my understanding of this would be far off from the truth.

Because Japan is not attached to a continent, they are not used to seeing foreigners. First none Asian race to come to Japan was white (1500 AD ish?) and only recently, African Americans started coming to Japan.

Japan was beaten in the war by America in WW2. At that time, America was still not as open to Africans or any other Americans of none Caucasian (looking) race, hence almost all the officers or other important position members of the military that came to Japan was usually white. Also, just like how some states in America didn’t let their people know there were African actors in the movies (got cut out by the racists or whatever) for a while, it was done the same in Japan.

It is different now that we have the internet. It is already been used to reveal human rights violation in some countries that people didn’t used to be able to speak out, so I am hoping that the internet will help bring people closer and racism and discrimination based on none sense will disappear. I am an optimist.

Even i knew that. Ok here is how it is out here. If you look more European, no matter what else you are mixed with you are still white., Its sad how America has brainwashed the world with the media and such.

Yes, that's true. Its sad that happened. Its easier for Japan to just find out the truth about other races such as African Americans, Hispanics, etc for themselves. Our media isn't the most trustworthy source. The only show what they want the world to see and believe. Mostly lies about everyone non-white.
Oh yeah an America likes to cover up the truth about its history. :) The dirty parts that is.
>アイラsann,Nikki sann

The middle-aged Japanese man yelled at アイラsann couple is just hatred and it is not from jealousy.
Unfotunately, my father is that kind of person. He never yelled at other people though.But, in his mind,he is thinking about the same thing like this middle-aged Japanese man.
If your husband is not Caucasian but not japanese, this middle-aged Japanese man would yelled at you , when he found your husband is not Japanese.
This kind of people believe Japanese should marry Japanese and hate to mix other race blood line into Japanese blood line.That's All.
My father mentioned it in my early 20's and he and I had a big fight.
I just coudn't accept my fathers belief at that time.
Also I encountered some Japanese men has the same belief of my father.
They are like obsessed with blood line.
But now , like アイラsannwrote in #174,there are different ideas and beliefs including hatred and I accept my father's belief, but I still hate his belief and feel shame at my fater though.
don't worry, look at their face. looks like a ghost standing in the picture....げっそり
Some people are obsessed with their religion or their beliefs..although most of us are not so religious. Unlike many of european or american people, average japanese people go to the church or temple once a year.
I know that some of japanese people have such a bad image from the thing that happaned in the yamanote last year or whenever, they still have the same thought of foreigner.

But I cannot belive that those yucky people really brought those pla card? says, "motherfucker"...i wonder theyknow what that means...haha

See, I know whats going on here, but I can't help but be amused by it.
I can hear everyone going on about racism and Nazis, but it's nothing new to me.
I live in Las Vegas, which is okay for the fact that we get so many foreigners here that it doesn't really seem to bother anyone. But I have dealt with racists for as long as I can remember. Here in the states, we have people who hate Black people, Asian people, Mexicans, Jews, gays, Muslims. It's a country where if your not white, you get looked at. But this is only a small amount of uneducated racists, not the whole country.

So when I saw this, I though the same thing as here "That's only a small amount of the Japanese population.

I'm aware of that, nevertheless they look caucasian or western not "american". Thats insulting all non-white americans and more important for me, all europeans. We do not look "american" here in germany.

All the best, Kimi
Well, because not all white people are european-americans. In fact most white people are not american. They are from some country in europe or perhaps australia. Why would you call an Irish or french "european-american" when hes not american. I dont call every asian I see "chinese-american" either. ウッシッシ
>228 スモモ

Thanks for the comment. It could well be true that this street fighting man
was just a hater of the mixed blood of Japanese.

My father was a bitter man as well. Because his house was burnt down
by American air raid during the WW2, he still hates America. So I ended
the family ties with him (and the whole family) because we share
different views. I can’t look back, I only hope for the bright future.
Miss Ris

Ok, they stole America so therefore they claimed themselves as natives. That is why no one says Euro-American or whatever. They distanced themselves for Europe of course.


So...what are you trying to prove? You just said the obvious. :/ They are still WHITE people. -_-
(Referring to the original post)

Sorry, don't mean to be ignorant but I don't see what's all the fuss is about... They're just words. I'd be more concerned if they held a gun to my head.
Anyone who utters racially offensive words is a racist. Very simple. Let's look at it this way.
You shouldn't really give a fuck about them in my opinion.

Pathetic human beings finding excuses and reasons to hate someone else
just so that they don't feel too bad about themselves...

Personally, I can NOT stand racism, it's a really REALLY stupid concept to hate other just for their skin colour difference or beliefs.

Those protesters should go to hell, or I'll send them myself.ちっ(怒った顔)
So racists are a race that should be discriminated the most on this planet.
I was born in Japan but I moved to California in 1981, that's 28 years
ago now. Believe me, the stereotype/racism back then there was nothing compared
to that of this day. I introduced one unforgettable incident @post 171. And @182,
I observed my own feelings and I concluded that I would not deny that I do get
jealous, maybe just a tiny bit deep in my mind.
And I believe racism exists in the mind of everyone. But why?

So this is the conclusion of my successive posts. This is my theory.

We all come from a mother. And when we are born into this world, we have no
knowledge, we don’t know anybody…we don’t know anything. At this stage,
people are not racists. But we develop this selfish notion while we grow older.

When you are a toddler, your family is your world. Your mom, dad and other
members of your family are everybody. You belong to your family.
Then you start talking and realize the other ones, your neighbors and friends.
The community you belong to. Whether it’s a city or village, it is your whole world.
Then you recognize the state or prefecture..a larger community. Let’s say,
you were born in New York and very proud of it. You wear a I-Love-NY T-shirt
and feel attached to it. And now when you meet foreigners, you act like
a proud American.

So as you grow, your world spreads from your family to a local community, city,
state then your country. It gets bigger and bigger. And more fear and pressure
grow as well. You learn to cope with the reality of life and society.

With all this developing in your life, you try to cheer yourself up.
It eases your mind to think you are fortunate. More fortunate than others.
So you want to think your family is better than others. Your community is better
than others. Your country is better than others. Your nationality is better than
others. And when you’re weak enough, it becomes the mental protection
to cope with the complex surroundings.

When you are trapped in it, you start denying others.
Yankees fan denying Braves fans. Tokyo uni student denying other uni student.
Punk rock fan denying jazz fan. Buddist denying Christian..
But the color of skin is the easiest to pick up on.

It is hard to sum it up in one post. But having have to deal with racism for
most of my life, I am very interested in this topic.
And I believe there are intelligent people here. I will start other thread
when I have more time to discuss about this. Thanks.
I either lead an isolated life, or Kansai is friendlier to non-Japanese, as I have never experienced an assualting incident for discrimination.

Denied entry, slow service, etc.... but nothing physical nor verbal.

My heart goes out to Nikki, because I have seen similar incidents as he described...
i dont feel surprised. haters are everywhere
some strangers often visit my page and leave some sh*t

i checked back and found that their displayed names of mixi are talkin sh*t about my country. even they set up some groups to insult my country.

it's funny they login the mixi JUST ONLY for insulting the country they hate. if it makes them feel excited, go on then. but i just wonder if they dont have more interesting things to do or they have nothing to do in their life....
wow that is soo extreme
wonder if the woman in the middle picture (who held the english sign) believe in god
i dont get why "You Betray God" (someone explain maybe)
dont the bible teach them

"The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
Mark 12:31

"But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without
expecting to get anything back.Then your reward will be great, and you
will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked."
Luke 6:35

may be they are some racism in Japan as most of the countries around the world. But Japan is really far to the worst one, in China , black people are showed by fingers and they are treated as shit.

A day in Beijing, I heard a chinese saying that to me " they are a lot of Black people in the south because the weather is hot "

I was really shocked but I did not say anything because that's China. I was thkining that he was talking of an animal , like your have a lot of monkets in tropical regions...


I know Japan well and I was always treated very well, yes you have some stupid people but not everybody
When a black American friend of mine and I went to a cafe, we overheard a white guy telling a Japanese girl that there's racism in JPN cuz he gets stared when he gets on a train. We both thought that was ridiculous. She said that the dude didn't know what racism was!

Anyways, there might be cases of racism in JPN, but racism is anywhere. I am not saying it is right, but I don't think JPN is any more racist than, say the U.S, because a few minority.
So here's a question: (how) should Japan address this? Should people just shrug and say, yep--we're racist, who the frack cares; or should Japanese somehow try to be more culturally sensitive?

I offer: In a country that really _is_ relatively homogeneous, why is racism necessarily a bad thing? It helps keep the population the way it is, and relatively free of direct extracultural influence.

(Personally I think multiculturalism does breed a certain degree of racism perhaps, but the potential economic/artistic/social benefits of a diversely-opinionated, multicultural society by far outweigh any detractors. But playing devil's advocate: why is racism bad again?)
Racism is a problem when you have multiple ethnic group living in the same country. It is a characteristic of North America but not Japan nor China.

The definition of being Chinese (or Japanese) in that matter has to do with race and skin color. The 4000 year history of China dealt with race through forceful melting pot.

In a perfect world, we all should get along.

For the Chinese, we still need to get over that WWII invasion where our capital and their inhabitants got humiluated in Nanjing. There is also some bitterness of those "white" people who send us those drugs and performed a 8 country invasion.

Perhaps once we regain the normal historical normal world dominance (ie world power from 4000BC to 1500AD), we start relaxing and proposing these "let's not be racist" and "we welcome you to immigrate to China" ideas.
As far as technological concerns, China was way powerful and advance before 1500AD. So in World History, it is quite true China had lots to contribute before 1500AD while Europe was a backwash.

The American experiment so far has lasted about 300 years. If your civilization continues to grow pass its 482th year (Roman Republic servived that long), then maybe it is a quite decent system.

The China system has always been dictatorship. Before was emporer and now it is 1 party rule. Survived a crazy 4000 years.
There are Americans in Japan but they are considered "Visitors" not Japanese.

The protest seem to aim against the westerners who don't know their place and start pulling some tricks on the subway in someone else's land. The Japanese are too weak and can only protest and take it in the chin.

No westerners try to pull that shit in China. We'll put you in jail Chinese style, and revolk your human rights. See who's your daddy now. With rising power, don't really need to yeild too much when your government protests. Hell. We send tanks against our own people.

Westerners coming into China should just keep a low profile, scurry, and transfer your technology and English skills and then leave.

Hey. We did that too when we came to America. We slaved on the railroads, held our head low while you passed the "Chinese Exclusion Act". We bowed and did the work you guys didn't want to do and then "go back to China" when sort of told to do so. Now it's only fair that we treat you just like you treated us when we were weak.
I am a foreigner but I hate most foreigners in Japan.
No, you are not a rock star in Japan.
No, not every single girl loves you.
No, you are not a samurai or Jedi master.

I am talking about the guys who come for only working holidays and such. The people who have been here several years like myself and call Japan home act differently. At least I hope you do. :)

I see how gaijin act in Roppongi and in other places. It is disgusting and there is no way in hell they would act like that in their own countries.

I can see why people are pissed off. I have even yelled " kuni kaere " to a bunch of gaijin acting the fool. Does that make me racist ?

There are racist people all over this planet and a bunch of drunk gaijin smoking, drinking, and peeing on the train doesn't do a damn thing to brighten up our image.
ok white people or "Gaijin" people or "tiger".
Stop hating your own kind.

The fact that you are able to live in Japan and not get cut open was the kind fact of a white dude in a battleship showing up in Japan's shores to force it to open. Had your nation and people not been dominating in the past 100 years, your use in this country will be nil.

The fact your kind with superior weapons and successfully conquered Japan in World War II elevated your status in the race rankings in Asia. Though not the same level in Japan as Japanese, you rank higher than Koreans, Chinese and... black people who are not American.




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