

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのTOPIC : the ways to inprove English skill while you are speaking your mother language is........

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I need some opinion from people who study and speak English.

At first, let me sate my assumption not to cause misunderstanding.
1. Trying to work hard in English as you are doing now is so important and I never deny it.
2. I like discussion on the pursued the fact, truth and many points of view but not for breaking opinion of other meaninglessly.

Do you think “Changing communication style” build up English-speaking skill?

I would like to discuss my idea with u from these two points of view below.

Now I am researching how to brush up English skill by speaking Japanese language. It equal to brush up mother-language skill to improve English skill. In the days, I finally found the conclusion above.

1. To speak Japanese in English grammars.

To explain it more concretely, it’s defined as “to be assertive-styled communication”. It doesn’t mean to be expressive but to be conscious to speak from conclusion which is “what a speaker want say or tell in one phrase”.
In my opinion, the reason why English is one of hard languages for Japanese people is not only because they have customs of speaking and outputting English in spite of the fact that we had been learning perfect grammars of English and many difficult words for 6 year of the term they were junior-high and high school students but also difference of speaking-style.

Generally English is ‘conclusion-based language’ I think. Conclusion-based language starts with “conclusion”. In other word, we have to clarify what we would like to say first, and next term we have to state the reasoning of conclusion. If necessity, we also state the evidence grounded by his or her idea based by knowledge and experiential episode of the speaker.

On contrary, Japanese language do not always need to speak from conclusion; therefore, it is so flexible that we can change the subject in the mid of conversation according to situation.

That is to say, due to the characteristic of language, we don’t always have to speak from what I would like to say when we are communicating in Japanese but English doesn’t work like that because of the communication style I explained above.

In summary, adopt grammars into English as long as speakers can is one of good ways to brush up English skill.

2. To keep away from “anmoku no ryoukai (shared idea)”.

When we are speaking with someone like friend or one who go with that we have known for long time, the communication is not complicated. For example, if I tell 10% of what I would like to say, he or she try to understand my idea by the mean of experience shared. In other word to say, most of communication with near one can be made up with non-verbal communication. However, communication with foreign people can’t do same as we have been because we need to tell the idea from one to ten until listeners can understand completely. As matter of fact, there don’t exist the “unmoku no ryukai” because we have been looking and sensing same things in different way and word of expression.
Although, it can be said for speaker with same language, but it’s going to be so hard as with different culture of back grounds from my experience.
Therefore, if we speak to someone who has different background, we have to tell form one through ten including assumption of words.


If my comment make you feel bad in some way, I will apologize and please don’t hesitate to claim.

If my topic is not inappropriate this site, please inform administrator to delete this topic this site.


One thing I'm sure about is:
It's gonna be totally mess when we speak Japanese in English grammar.
(guess what if talking in Japanese using "SVOO" structure for example, though I know this is not what you mean)

According to your point 2,
we've always gotta put "subject", "verb", "object", etc, don't we?
like responding to the question "did you watch the movie?"
you may have to say "watashi wa sono eiga o mimashita"
instead of "mimashita".
is my take correct?
actually regarding point 2 what you wanna say is pretty unclear to me
or just I don't have enough insight to understand.

please consider it.

last of all, the way to study anything (not only language) really depends on individuals and the purpose of them.
you cannot make one rule while there could be a lot of other ways.

but yeah, the effort to find what's the best for you should be done by any means,
which I haven't found yet.

Thank you for comment.
I really appreciate and let me reply to your comment.

>>One thing I'm sure about is:

I think I give you misunderstanding because of my careless. I didn’t much care about thinking deeply about how “SVOO” structure works. As you said so, it is impossible for us to transpose grammars because of structural difference between Japanese and English.

At least, it is the fact that position of Verb and object is hard to switch.

And how about phrase structure to start with “conclusion-reasoning-fact/one’ episode’?

>>last of all, the way to study anything (not only language) really depends on individuals and the purpose of them.

>>I know! In this topic, I state one of ways to learn and never to mean to stick only my idea. Of course, it is still unclear for everyone to study language though,…

Thank you for comment.

I think I had same experience as you think. Actually, when I speak to one who has different backgrounds of culture, he or she asked me the reasoning of what I said first.

In my opinion, Freedom of speech always consists of the strong accountability like “why do you think so ”and it will be meaningless or just an abusive language as long as my speech can’t makes listeners understand directly and completely. So if some misunderstanding was cause, it turned to be all my fault because of short of communication skill. Actually making-excuse doesn’t really matter as long as I can do it logically.

Above all things, we have many situations to answer the questions of “why” more than anything else and it can’t end up with only less than 2~4 word when. In a way, it is required more thinking skill rather than speaking skill.

So to go aboard or English speaking school has the one-other advantage to think our speech over objectively to make them well-organized structurally to speak.

Actually, this answer is so simple
you don't have to study grammer if you only wanna speak English instead you should use English Every day.
I've been to Australia for a year, then I asked same question.
They said we don't "study" English, we just use it Everyday, then we can catch it up.
That's all.
I don't agree with よねちゃんさん.
I don't think we don't have to study grammer.
Of course, your opinion makes sense when we are in a country where people speak English.That's why anytime we need to use and listen to English.
But we are in Japan now.we don't have a lot of chance to speak English.
So we have to "study" Englsh grammer first.We just line some words,it's like a child who just learns words.If you want to speak English, you had better learn grammer.
Your opinion got to make sense after poeple learn grammer to some extent.
That's my opinion.
Thank you.




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