

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのHow do you like to travel?

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Let's talk about how we like to travel and what things we
have as interests during travel, so others can see(learn)
from other people and how they travel. We all know that
students often manage to travel long distances on very
limited budgets. The secret is to find cheap travel, food
and accommodation.

1How many countries have you visited and which is your
favorite country apart from your own? Explain why?

2Would you like to live permanently in another country?
Why or why not?

3Which is the longest journey you have ever made?
How did you travel? What events do you remember on the way?

4Which is your favorite journey for beautiful scenery?
Describe what there is to see.

5Which capital city is your favorite? How do you like
to spend your time there?

6Do you enjoy touring - travelling from place to place?
Describe one of your itineraries?

7Do you suffer from travel sickness or anxiety in cars
boats or planes? If so, what do you do to overcome these problems?

8Do you buy travel insurance before going to visit other
countries? What worries would make you take out insurance?

9Imagine you are an explorer and have the opportunity to
make a big journey. Which continent would you visit? Where would
you go? What would you hope to see?

0Is organized travel the best way of learning about the world?


haha you asked too many questions. For me the most difficult part is to find good travel-mates for a long trip. You don't wanna spend a few weeks with someone who might screw it. It's also hard to find a good time for everybody.

talking about the dislike. It always makes me sick staying on the flight for 10 or even 20 hours. Unless you got the first-class seat, it's just like a cell in jail.
1.) I visited 6 countries so far - USA, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, Taiwan.
My favorite country is Japan, and my own country i dislike the most. I love Japan for the way it's running which fits to my own ideals best

2.) Yes, I want to live permanently in another country, for I think that the country i live in is finished and if one see's something bad is about to happen he should take action - mine would be to get away from here

3.) Longest journey were the travels to Japan and Taiwan - about 12.5 hours. Of course i travel by plane. Not much happens, who likes sitting for hours and hours in an cramped airplane cabin? It's the only place where you're not doing anything but feel largely exhausted once you leave

4.) I liked traveling by Train through Japan or by bus in Taiwan. For me the cities and landscape is very new and I like the large urban cities as well as the hill- and seaside views you can see there.

5.) Tokyo. There are lots of things to do there and something good for foreigners - most all signs are written in English as well. I like go exploring (for example find new drinks from vending machines or snacks in kombini, walk around orientating on the map and find sights, go out for eat to Ramen shops or Restaurants, hang out in Izakaya or Bars with friends and then go to Karaoke either).

6..) I like it a lot, on my last travel in Oct 2007 i arrived in Kansai Airport Osaka, then traveled to Fukuoka -> Izumo -> Hiroshima -> Kyoto -> Takefu -> Nagoya -> Yokohama -> Tokyo -> Osaka. As mentioned before travelling with JR is very convenient, and i can enjoy the bentos sold in JR stations. Of course it's also a good oportunity to pick up a local speciality and hand it to your friends that you might visit in next place

7.) Not really travel sickness, but a half day in plane is an severe exposure. Best thing there would be to sleep, but though i tried with eyemask and earplugs still the constant humming of engines didn't let me sleep aboard. The air is very dry and will make your eyes feel sore, after 10 hours it gets rather smelly as well. So for people who can get sleep, do so. For people who can't, get something that you can be busy with for hours beforehand. Never get on the plane without anything to do and feel bored for 12 hours.

8.) I always got luggage and abroad health insurance coverage when i booked flights. So far never ever anything happened, but it feels good to know you're safe just in case. And the few Euros more don't play a large role

9.) Asia again, I've been in Europe now for ages, not really interested in north and south america. Africa also is out of my interests, same as Australia. Much too warm for my taste. So i would visit Japan or Taiwan again, but also Korea would be intersting for me as I haven't been there before. And I'd do what i did before, go exploring and experience everyday life there

10.) Everyone has their own opinions about that. I like to organize my trips beforehand in all details - that include flight plan, hotels booked in advance, railway tickets booked in advance, maps of airports, cities and public transportation, time schedules, contact numbers and persons to meet, location of ATMs, etc. It's quite an effort to gather all these infos, but once on the travel i can sit back and totally relax as nothing can happen since i got it all in my organizing chart.
oh, so much long, man...

1) 37? 38? 39? I forgot. but anyway around that.
I recommend you Morocco. Sahara is so great!

2) Even if I'd have gone to live in some foreign country, I would come back and live in Japan after retire. I was living in India for 1 year to study, but finally I found that I love Japan. India is good country. I recommend you also. But it was not my home.

3) 1 month and a half to Europe in school days. I went 11 countries by using Eurail Pass. 4 days for 1 country. Too many and too short. Now I'm confusing which is which...

4) Take a bus in KKH (The Karakoram Highway) in Northern Pakistan. You can see so much beautiful Valley and Mountain view. The flight between Islamabad and Gilgit is also good. It's like a mountain flight of himalaya.

5) Vienna. You can feel some artistic and sophisticated atmosphere there. Sit in a chair and take a cup of coffee in an open cafe, and you will find that you are a part of this Vienna atmosphere. It's...good.

6) I like seisyun-18-kippu travel in Japan. This ticket is seasonal, and with this ticket you can take all of JR local train for 5 days for 11500 yen all around Japan. (Only LOCAL, not express and Shinkansen bullet train. This is the point of this ticket) This is my typical trip to enjoy the transport itself. Reading a book, eating a lunchbox, chatting with friends, viewing the scene, and getting to the destination slowly and slowly, one by one. It's perfect.

7) Sorry, I'm so much strong against this kind of sickness. In the boat floating and shaking on a Typhoon sea, I can read a novel without any problem. Envy me??

8) Yes, I buy travel insurance everytime when going to foreign countries. If I got sick in bed in hospital and had an operation there, who pay?

9) I wanna go to South America and see Machu Picchu. But 2 weeks is enough for me. I will start getting bored with staying in a foreign country after 2 weeks.

10) It's depending on what they want to do there and what they can do there. For me, I wanna do everything by myself. I'm enjoying organizing my trip.

hey, I finished, man... Anyway I like trip!!




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