

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのJapanese and teeth

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My family told me that Japanese people are discouraged to floss their teeth because they fear it'll widen the gaps of teeth. I tried to correct the myth and convince my family to start flossing, but they were pretty firm on their opinion...

I was pretty shocked. I think Japanese people are one of the cleanest people on earth but their dental hygene definitely needs to be improved.

Is it just me or have many foreigners found this to be a hige "turn-off"?


You can't except much from a country where insurance does not cover orthodontic treatment like in the US....I'm pretty sure some treament is covered by insurance, but only when it's a huge health risk or because of a car accident, or whatever.
I found most of the Japanese women I’ve met in Hawaii floss. I think guys are just too lazy to do itあっかんべー Maybe ppl don't floss because when they do it the first time there may be blood and soreness. Or they had a bad run in with an over zealous dental hygienist. I remember one that thought she had done a good job only when all my gums were bleeding (and I floss regularly).

I do have to say I've met a lot of Japanese that could use a good orthodontist.

I think they should get the work done in Thailand and have the adjustments done in Japan.
My opinion, we Japanese think that the slit between teeth is a kind of dowdy.
Maybe decades ago, we had an image that the poor nutrition children have that slit.
So the custom of flossing progresses slow in Japan.

About me, I don't floss my teeth now, but I should. あせあせ
as far as dental hygene is concerened, Japanese are at least a generation behid than Americans, i'm afraid.One solution for you is you just stop flossing. Then you will have Japanese teeth.
With asian cultures(not just Japanese), we use tooth picks.... I believe this cause big gap in the teeth...
Perhaps they are afraid to floss because they think flossing also cause teeth gap....

I do think that they are a little behind in orthodontist... In my opinion, more people should use flossing and teeth whitening as well....
crazy isn't it? Only extremely violent flossing would cause gaps between the teeth. I can't imagine how you could manage it anyway. Not flossing is the main cause of "ass-breath" which is so common here.
Yeah, I agree. I'm trying to get my husband to floss but he says it hurts and ends up bleeding. I told him he's doing it wrong, but he refuses to take me seriously. Neither of his parents floss.

My co-workers all seem to have bad teeth or breath. Drives me nuts to stand close when they hadn't the time to brush that day or something....

I never heard of the gap thing, but if it were true I'd rather have a gap that the "ass-breath" Leeroy mentioned.
i wonder just how often an aeverage American flosses.

really! That's quite often. Is that what an average American does?
mouthwash still cant get the food stuck between your back teeth out. not getting that stuff out will cause terrible breath in days, not to mention it can cause tooth decay between your teeth.
Bottom line=floss is good for a healthy odourless mouth.
I think it is a bit turn-off as well as any kinds of smell.
eat seaweeds and floss in descent spans. then you dont smell<3
japanese ppl usually dont even have to use deodrants to get rid of the smell of their bodies. Haha its good to be me xP
the breath and body smell DO inherit as well.
If you really want my opinion...Americans are not homogenous like Japanese people so they fit into all sorts of categories, and it's difficult to create an "average". I can only give my experience, and my parents floss daily, too, so maybe it's average and maybe not.
Maybe YOU should do some research for yourself.

Amen to deodarent. I also feel there are not deodarents made available for women. All they have is the spray that DOES NOT WORK and one or two clear roll on liquids that I also feel aren't good. I do think some magazines are starting to promote better habits! I read a men's magazine recently that talked about good ways to minimize smell and flossing.
Ha ha. funny about the teeth.

I've seen some japanese actors with HORRRIBLE teeth, (Kill Bill, the businessman Gogo killed. Ugh.)

But thankfully, a lot of my japanese friends and such have decent teeth, and decent breath. relief much?

But some of them do have teeth problems. never figured it was 'cause of flossing though....huh.

Thank god i haven't met a japanese person with bad body odor, either.

and very few with bad breath. Good. 'Cause those two are extreme turnoffs for me.

however, sometimes, i find the slightest bit of unperfect teeth...cute.
i'm weird, I know.
My dental hygienist told me at the last cleaning appointment that it is possible to widen gaps with wrong flossing. Then again, once you floss the teeth the right way, the gaps will actually go away.

I know how your husband feels, my gums bleed as well. The very dentist told me to keep flossing - with massage, gums will be healthier and stop bleeding eventually.

As for the main topic, 'imperfect' teeth are not a turnoff to me. Bad breath surely is. ボケーっとした顔
I am Japanese, and I do floss.
I don't know if you have similar kind of commodities in other countries, but I floss with "ITOYOJI." by Kobayashi Seiyaku and I am loving it.
It is easier than manipulating the flossing thread using both hands, and is strong enough that it won't break until I finish cleaning all my teeth. Just my 2 cents (or yen).
Angelic Feline>
Yeah, we can buy that stuff at dollar stores here as well.
Its no better than itoyoji tho, each lasts til about my 6-8th teeth x) lol
I remember when I was engaged my fiance NEVER flossed his teeth and I was quite repulsed by it.

To be honest I've never seen a Japanese person floss their teeth but....then again unless I live with them it's hard to see whether they do it or not.

I would say I have more "OMG BAD BREATH I'M GONNA DIE" moments here than in the States but that could also be a tokyo=crowded factor.


As for me, I brush twice a day, floss once a day and visit the dentist for a check up once a year. My biggest fear is losing my teeth. *_*

I just bought them for my husband and he didn't have any problems either! I just want him to always be kissable. I can totally see why some wives don't wanna touch their smelly old husbands, so I'm trying to fix that problem before it starts!


I'm in the countryside and I have plenty of those moments....
it's easy to notice others' smell.

it's almosit impossible to do so on yourself.

what a joke of life!

(nowadays, there seems to be an odor detecting machine which shows how bad your breath is.)
All I know about Japanese dental hygiene is a friend of mine who came from Tokyo out here to NYC had 10 cavities when he went to a dentist here due to tooth pain. He blamed it on American food, but at the time he was only here for 2 or 3 months so that's absolutely impossible. And being that I was born and raised here in the states and have only had 1 in my life, I called BS on his claim haha.

Thing is he definitely brushes his teeth at least twice a day so I was shocked he even had em... I guess he was lacking in other areas?
my mum was all about brushing her teeth, she always made us do ten brushes every tooth, ten front, and ten back, but she was somehow against flossing back in the day because she said your gums will rip open. then i went to school with white kids and learned things.

#24, i have to say, i didn't get cavities till i moved to north america. maybe it's the toothpaste?
When i saw the topic i swore this would be about all the funky teeth configurations over in japan
Odd to hear that people worry about the gaps getting bigger
never been too big on flossing, once a week or so,
Bleeding is a bad sign, but if you keep at it, it stops
so no worries指でOK
yeah bad dental habits is a big turn off...
I don't have perfect teeth, but so often I see japanese people in a much worse condition than me...
@25-- The thing is, he was here two months at the time and had 10... so it really doesn't make sense. 1 or 2 maybe. 10 and a couple of them breaking? No way. He also still hadhis toiletries from Japan at the time. I'd expect most people who experience a change in diet, products, etc to undergo something like that but not in an impossible time frame. In your circumstances, I don't doubt it was a product or food switch that did it. But in his, I doubt what he's been doing dental care wise.

That is some major BS. When I fart, I definitely smell it. hahaha




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