

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのTax time (住民税 "juuminzei") *sigh*

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So anyone working in Japan dealing with tax (residence tax 住民税 "juuminzei")?

From 2004/2005 I lived in the Kyoto countryside on my Working Holiday Visa and didn't get charged a cent for residence tax.

Now I'm in Nagoya and I just got hit with a 150,000 bill for last year's (2007) earnings 泣き顔. Ouch!

It's usually paid in a lump sum or quarterly earnings. However, I told Chikusa ward office that I was a working student who pays off my own school fees in Canada (I take university courses online) and they allowed me to pay in eight installments which comes out to about 18, 800 yen per month あせあせ. It's a bit more manageable but it's still a big amount. I've heard rumors of a working student deduction though so I'm going back to the ward office to get more information on tax deductions.

Tips? Stories? Discussion?

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A guy I worked with never got charged (Tokyo) ward tax for about 6 years. He didn't even know about it because for most of us the company paid it but his situation was different. Anyway they called up one day with a bill for, I think it was around Y1-2M. They were pretty reasonable about installments, but still.
Holy shit - I wonder how a person falls out of the system for SIX years.
I'll show you some information.The cost of that tax is quite diffelent .in diffelent place.
For example in Kandachiow,has a big factory possessed by Nissan,that of the price is low.

Becaus of well amount of tax from the big company.

Sorry for my poor English.
2 Jay Sama
> Holy shit - I wonder how a person falls out of the system for SIX years.

He was in the system, he just didn't know it. 冷や汗
But I don't know why it took them so long to come pester him about it.

Yeah I heard the cost of tax is quite different in different places. I've heard of some Japanese people who "officially" change their addresses to the countryside so that they can avoid the big city tax.


If I was going to be charged 2000000 - in that case I just might have just gone back home to Canada. But yeah I wonder why it took so long to come and bother him about the goddamn money. I would have thought that they would have considered the tax to be "unclaimable" after six years.
> Jay Sama

Unclaimable? Not if they are anything like the IRS in the USA. Don't pay your taxes here, they take your house.
Oh well... Shit happens when you live in the USA あっかんべー Better not forget to pay your tax. huh! Not saying there's anything wrong... In pissin' England, we just get ripped off for everythingexclamation ×2
> ほんま

Canada's the same - our tax is unbelievable up in the north.
They need our tax money to fund more roads to nowhere. Try running a company here. It will bring tears to your eyes.
While I'm not opposed to taxes per se, the problem is what they USE taxes for (particularly vote-buying schemes) especially in the US.

Also, I have a big problem with WHAT they tax...
Property tax... There IS no freedom to own property in this country as long as we have to pay property taxes year after year. Technically, we RENT our property from the government (the rent being property taxes). The problem is, you work hard all your life to buy and own a house (the "American dream" as it's so-called), then thru no fault of your own, your property value sky-rockets one day (maybe because a Wal-Mart or toll road just got built near by) and all of the sudden you cannot afford to pay the taxes on the house you've worked so hard to own and are forced to sell. This happens to countless middle-income families and retired people.

Income tax... another brilliant idea. Punish hard work and success. The harder you work, the more you get penalized. Not to mention having to deal with IRS Nazis (yes, I call them Nazis - and I DON'T use that term loosely... they believe they are above the constitution and to them, you are guilty until you prove your innocence). I hope Japan doesn't have its own version of the IRS.

I believe the answer to be sales taxes and usage fees. ...and a SEVERE cut in spending. We spend way too much on "ear-marks" and politician's pet projects that serve nothing more than to get them re-elected. Not to mention roads to nowhere, scientific "studies" that serve no value, and more waste than one can fathom.

Sorry for the ranting. Maybe taxes are truly a "shikata ga nai" situation...
Be thankful you guys'n'girls ain't livin' in China... ウッシッシ

I heard even if you buy your property there, the government reserves the right to boot you outexclamationげっそり If and when they wanna use the land for redevelopment or something... Just look at all those poor sods who've been evicted to make space for the summer gamesexclamation ×2 And to think the games could still be boycotted if they don't comply with the Human rights demands...

I wonder what will happen... hmmm...
Maybe someone can tell me if this is true... i heard that there is no eminent domain laws in Japan. If they wanna build a highway and some old lady refuses to sell her land, that highway project comes to a halt until either said old lady relents or dies - or they build the highway AROUND the old lady's land.
I have no problem with eminent domain for things like schools and roads, etc, but lately, they've been seizing land in USA to give to PRIVATE entities (such as Wal-Mart) using the increased tax revenue as an excuse.
Yep.. it's true!! わーい(嬉しい顔) "if you say No to the government, they can't do nothing"




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