

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのWhat's your greatest fear?

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I have a simple question.
What's your greatest fear?
What scares you most?

Atrocious crime?
Mass violence?
Natural disasters?
Environmental destruction?
Autocratic government?
Loss of freedom?
Religious or racial persecution?
Loss of good health?
Food insecurity?
Your father?


Wow, lot of things listed up top you don't have direct control of as an individual.

I'd have to say my greatest fear is probably divorce/marriage.

And I've never been married.
to die alone and in fear and mentaly ill....basicaly to go crazy and do something stupid.
To not be loved or hated.

Theres enough bullshit to make me sick already.
to disappoint people I care for.

oh and maybe things like being buried alive or being tortured while being kept alive and such things, just hate them :P

ohw ohw, and to be tied up and have spiders walk all over me until I die, I just HATE spiders and can't stand the thought of them crawling over me -_-;;

actually, I think humans don't have a greatest fear, just some things we think of more often, usually things that made a great impact on us. In the end, fear is something from inside the brain after all :3
What I fear the most is fear itself..
(No, I definitely did not read Harry Potter (^w^) )
Rori-chan, you must have read Michael Crichton's "State of Fear." :-)

For me... my biggest short-term fear is to lose my job. Scary!

In the long term, my fear is that we're all losing freedom. We are being controlled and managed more and more. The government is trying to sneak into eveyone's life. Wire-tapping laws, Patriot Act, etc., etc...
To have no one to turn to. To be truly alone scares the hell out of me.
Harry Potter? Michael Crichton? Surely you guys know that "the only thing to fear is fear itself" is from FDR's inaugural address? ウインク
My biggest fear is the death of family and friends. I've lost some people really close to me, it hurts the most, no matter how much time passes.
Becoming homeless. I apologize if there's any homeless people here that I offend, but the prospect of ending up on the streets scares me to death.
Anyone ever read Sidney Sheldon's 'Are you afraid of the Dark?'

That is the kind of what I fear; the darkness of unknown.
I saw a child like 4or5 years old little girl walking in my room in the midnight.it was definitely creepy things!!
I hate questions like this.
I guess some folks are reading everyone's answers, reinforcing their fears.

I would say... who cares? You know what fears the most, and that's enough. I would much respect those asking more meaningful questions that would lead us to something constructive to share with.

Is this community for under-aged kids or what?
Probably fear of something terrible happening to a loved one. Not even their death, but like my sisters getting raped or something like that. The thought of something like this makes me feel sick.
Huge Earth Quakes !! Big vicious dogs!! Things I can`t control.
>> 12: fenomas
>> "the only thing to fear is fear itself" is from
>> FDR's inaugural address?

I always liked what Theodore Roosevelt said; "Speak
softly,carry a big stick, you will go far."
It's actually an African proverb and he forget to
include the "you will go far" part, but I always

As far as fear goes. I'm petrified of cockroaches,
they scare the hell out of me. That's about it.
Same as 13. Jamie

Loss of family members and friends is what im scare of.

I started to work in hospital as part of course.

I rethought about losing someone I love most.
Aliens, especially those with big black eyes and long skinny limbs.




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