

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのNations gather to call for cluster bomb ban

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Found this on the internet.

"A two-day meeting is getting underway in Norway to rally support for a ban on cluster bombs. The devices explode on impact, releasing bomblets randomly. Many remain hidden, dispersed over a wide area. Delegates from 40 nations will call for a total ban which Oslo hopes to push through by 2008. Human rights campaigners like Marc Joolan blame the bombs for killing and maiming thousands of innocent people:

"Throughout the world, we know of 21 countries which are still polluted with cluster bombs and the estimate goes towards around 33 million undetonated bomblets that are still lying around.", he said.

Despite being targeted at military personnel, is mainly civilians and children who pay the price. An estimated 104,000 have been killed or injured since the bomb's invention - but these are only recorded cases. Experts say it could take up to 18 months to clear southern Lebanon of cluster bombs fired during last year's war. Other countries with significant problems include Iraq, Kosovo and Afghanistan.

While campaigners say people are dying to this day from devices planted 40 years ago during the conflict in Vietnam."


Basically these bombs are not very nice and the people who gets injured, killed by them are more often than not civiians, children well after a war is over.

Most countries with some common sense and sanity want to ban them. However, USA, Israel, China, UK, Canda, Russia and a few others like to kill children and civilians well after a war is over in the name of "the war on terrorism"


I'm afraid to say, but Japan is one of the nations
which don't agree or ratify the treaty. One of the
japanese delegate said that they couldn't ratify it
bacause bombs are very useful to prevent enenies from
invading Japan.
The U.S and the like will not ban them because they have massive stock piles that they want to use. Also it`s pretty silly to talk about rules again in the same breath that we are talking about war. No one follows rules in war. What they should be talking about is banning WAR! Anything else is meaningless.
I can agree to that. Countries who put the bombs there should be held responsibile for the damages. People are still being killed and injured in Vietnam today by cluster bombs which were dropped by USA 40 years ago.

It all gets very technical with all these kind of international laws and regulations here. Anyway. So far 46 countries have signed a declaration stating that they will no longer use cluster bombs. 153 countries have signed declarations banning land mines.

Again, I think the thought of making the country responsible for putting the mines there when they go off to be a good one.
this is just another thing we (i) have to be worried about when i'm in afganistan in august....Russia left a shit load of those around. 4 of our lads died last year in afganistan...1 because of RPG, 2 because of a mine and 1 because of a bomblet. it's shit. The russians even had very small ones that looks like a toy or a sweet...they even painted little supermen on them, so children would pick them up...they're called sycamore bomblets.




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