


  • mixiチェック
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加







The recent disaster in Japan reminds us that we are limited beings.
Limited in our capacity to dictate the forces of nature and the extent of the damages that may come after disaster.
But limited as we are in capacity,our love and prayers transcend physical buriers.
Let's spread our love in this time of great turmoil.


Let's all try to see the good and positive in all the troubles that we have right now.
We can find strength us and from friends across the world.


Hello everybody.
I wish all of you are safe and in good condition.
Those who are affected by the earthquake.
Be strong and stay positive .
You're in our prayers.
Hope to meet all of you again.
-never to forget from Keng-


Through prayers I can greatly help you and your country during this situation.
This act may be very simple but I believe very powerful to heal wounds from disasters.
Take care...


It's very disheartining but times like this remind us to come together and pray.
My prayers go to everyone appealed.


It's time to believe in GOD & start praying.
Because earthquakes & other natural disasters are GOD's act to let us know that he exists & is the most powerful.
He punishes the wicked but saves the good.
Especially,those who believe in him and fear him.


As soon as I heard the devastating news.
I was deeply sudderned and so I said a while prayer for you guys out there.
It may be the most terrible tragedy but newer lose hope , never lose heart.
We'll keep on praying for you .


Hi , everybody.
We are all praying for you.
We hope that you are all okey and that your families are okay too.
Let us know how you are.


I was horrified about the news .
What happened in your country?
...And my sympathy is with all those who were badly affected by that calamity.
Don't lose hope...life must go on..
We have to be storng,,,We will be praying for all of you...
You are strong people in a strong country I believe you can survive...


Cheer up.
Everything's going to be alright.
I'll pray for each and everyone of your families in Japan :)


I really don't know how hard the situation is there now but I do know that Japan will pull through.
There is nowhere to go but forward!


We may never be experiencing what you are going through now but we are one with you in praying that all things will be okay and in no time go back to normal.
A saying goes , "Everything happens for a reason."
We may not know what exactly but rest assured , something good will come out of it.
Stay strong! Samishiidesu! Kiwotsukete!


I am sorry to hear about the news .
I hope you and your family and friends are safe.


It is normal to mourn because it is indeed unfortunate but let this fortuitous exert turn over a reeve lye in our lives.
It is a time for reconciliation and it is the best time for awakening as to what life is really all about event turn over a new leaf in our lives.


A terrible disaster struck Japan butI wish and pray that the situation be brought under control.
Take courage!!!
We can only hope for the best.
-desk Chelle-





To begin with, thank for sending massages to us
Fortunately, I’m not a victim. But I have many friends who are victims and still looking for their family. The death toll from this earthquake reached five thousand. We learned a lot of things through this matter. Even though Japan has high technology and good buildings for earthquake, these couldn’t save them. On the contrary, as for nuclear plants, they have been threating our life. They are not under control.
Wherever we are, dangerous is always with us. I would be a victim, I’d lose my family.
I was just lucky. You would be one of victims. I can say again, dangerous is always with us.
We don’t know when we die. We might die tomorrow. Who knows?
So, we shouldn’t waste time. We should do our best every day until the time comes.
All we have to do for victims is to remember this matter.
For us including Filipino, It’s time to REthink about our daily life.




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