

ポエム倶楽部コミュのDear Smile

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It was you who taught me how to taste uncured ham.
I t was me who taught you how to enjoy the air.

It was you who gave me the tenderness.
It was me who felt the loneliness.

When I was convulsed with laughter for the strange falsetto,
When I hit my head against the law ceiling,
When I was insulted by a cute pussy cat,
When I was twisted around a cowboy’s little finger,
You are the one who laughed with me warmly.

You are loved by everybody and you love everybody back equally,
with sincerely and almost grievously.

It was you who tell us what we wanted to be said.
It was me who couldn’t notice it.

It was you who always do something for “somebody.”
It was me who always do something for “me.”

By reading their own verbal signals,
By entering their deep sorrow of the moment,
By getting over the moment of losing yourself,
It was you who always smile to try make somebody smile.

Even you are not loved by everybody,
You love everybody equally and faithful which I almost wanted to ruin.

If there are more you, the world would be become filled with smiles.




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