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I heard that there is a ski resort in Hokkaido where many Australians visit. Where is it?
It is Niseko, one of the major ski resorts in Hokkaido. Around 7,500 Australians visit here annually. It is because (1) many of them are attracted to the top quality powdery snow; (2) the time difference between Australia and Japan is only an hour; and (3) there are direct flights between Sapporo and major Australian cities in winter.
Why did samurai always have two swords?
When two swords were carried together by a samurai, they were called “daish?,” or literally “big and small.” More accurately, they are referred to as the katana, or longer bladed sword, and the wakizashi, shorter bladed sword. The daish? were limited exclusively to the samurai, and therefore a symbol of their rank. The wakizashi was carried to commit “seppuku” (or “hara-kiri”), or to be used in case the longer sword was broken in combat. Usually the swords were used individually, although a few samurai were trained to use them in combination.
Who do you think is the most important foreigner in Japanese history?
I think it is Commodore Matthew C. Perry, who used “gunboat diplomacy” to make Japan accept and sign “the Treaty of Peace and Amity” (or “Treaty of Kanagawa”) in 1854. This led to the opening of two ports (Shimoda and Hakodate) to American whaling ships. This also meant the end of Japan’s 220-year “sakoku” (seclusion) policy and later Japan’s signing of “the Treaty of Amity and Commerce” under conditions favorable to the U.S. in 1858. These historical events marked the burgeoning Western influence on Japan.
If one of your foreign tourists left his camera on the train, what would you do?
I would call up the nearest lost & found office of a major station on the line that the person had just used. If I weren’t able to get the number or get through, I would go to a nearby police box, and a police officer should be able to help us solve the problem.
I know Japanese people love flowers. But why do they particularly love cherry blossoms?
Cherry trees bloom brilliantly and lose their flowers in the short span of about two weeks. This evokes a sentimental feeling among Japanese, drawn from an ancient cultural belief, and reminding us of the short, transitory nature of human life. Also, cherry blossoms are regarded as the official signal that spring has come after a long, cold winter, so people are naturally in a cheery mood. Besides, Japanese people like to enjoy “hanami,” or cherry- blossom-viewing parties, with family and friends. These are some of the reasons why Japanese love cherry blossoms in particular.
I heard that there are some different dialects in Japan. Can you tell me something about them?
Interestingly enough, although Japan is such a small island country, it has several distinctive local dialects in the Japanese language. For example, the standard Japanese word (also the word in the Tokyo dialect) for “thank you” is “arigatou,” whereas it is “ookini” in the Osaka dialect. Yet, people from all areas, including Okinawa, can communicate with one another in standard Japanese, which has evolved from the speech patterns used by people in the Tokyo area over the centuries.
Why do you want to be a tour guide?
I want to go to Hakone. Could you tell me something about Hakone?
Hakone is a popular all-year tourist site because of its many hot-spring resorts, beautiful scenery and comfortable climate. Its easy access from Tokyo, views of Mt. Fuji, and the plentiful facilities in the district also add to its attraction.
I have seen two types of curtains: One was a red-and-white one, and the other was a black-and-white one. What are they? What is the difference between them?
The curtain with broad red-and-white vertical stripes is used on celebratory occasions, such as entrance and graduation ceremonies at schools. On the other hand, the one with broad black-and-white vertical stripes is draped on sad or unhappy occasions, such as funerals. Since ancient times, red has been the color of celebration because it is associated with the sun. Black has been the color of mourning because it is associated with night and darkness.
I want to visit a traditional Japanese garden. Is there anywhere you can recommend?
?If you are traveling in Tokyo, I recommend Hama Rikyu Gardens in Chuo Ward, Tokyo. Hama Rikyu was the garden of a feudal lord’s residence during the Edo period, and is one of Tokyo’s most attractive landscape gardens. It is located along Tokyo Bay, next to the futuristic Shiodome district. Seawater ponds (“Shioiri-no- ike”), which change their water level with the ebb and flow of the tides, former duck-hunting grounds, forested areas, and a teahouse are some of the park’s attractions. Also, you can enjoy the superb contrast between the traditional gardens and Shiodome’s skyscrapers in the background.
?If you are traveling in Tokyo, I would recommend Rikugien in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo. It is one of Tokyo’s most beautiful, Japanese-style landscape gardens. Completed in the early 18th century by shogunal official Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu, Rikugien literally means “six-poem garden,” and reproduces 88 scenes from famous poems in miniature. Rikugien is quite a spacious garden with a large central pond, islands, forested areas, man-made hills, and several teahouses.
?If you are traveling in Kyoto, I would recommend Kinkaku Temple and its surrounding garden. Kinkaku, a three-story pavilion covered in gold leaf, is positioned at the edge of a pond. The structure is supported on pillars, extends over the pond, and on a clear day it is beautifully reflected in the calm waters. You can also enjoy exploring the surrounding garden with its moss-covered grounds and teahouses.
?If you are traveling in Kyoto, I would recommend the garden at Ryoan-ji Temple. It is one of the most famous Zen-style dry-landscape gardens in Japan. Just 15 rocks are arranged in three groupings of seven, five, and three, in waves of raked white pebbles. From the temple’s veranda, which is the proper viewing place, only 14 rocks can be seen at one time. Move slightly and another rock appears but one of the original 14 disappears. In the Buddhist world, the number 15 denotes completeness.
Why is Edo Castle called the Imperial Palace now?
Built early in the Edo period, Edo Castle was the headquarters of the Tokugawa shogunate for over two centuries. In 1867, however, Tokugawa Yoshinobu, the 15th and last shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, surrendered to the emperor the political authority to rule the country. After the Meiji Restoration started the following year, the area enclosed by the castle’s inner moat became the Imperial Palace.
What was the Nara period like? Tell us about the Nara period.
The Nara period spanned from 710 to 784, when Nara was the capital of Japan. Buddhism flourished in this period, under the state patronage and protection of the religion. It was also during this period that the world’s largest existing bronze statue of Buddha was constructed at Todai-ji Temple in Nara.
These days the Japanese economy is very bad. What do you think Japan should do to cope with it?
In Japan, both consumer spending and plant and equipment investment have been weakening for a long time. I hope that the Japanese government will strive hard to boost domestic demand, by cutting waste in the government spending and implementing drastic, practical measures. It is hoped that some policies of the Democratic Party of Japan, such as child allowance and scrapping high-school fees, will truly bring out an immediate effect on the Japanese economy.
Why do you want to be a tour guide?




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