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Where would you recommend I visit for sightseeing in Japan?
I would recommend Hakone. Hakone is a popular all-year tourist site because of its many hot-spring resorts, beautiful scenery and comfortable climate. Its easy access from Tokyo, views of Mt. Fuji, and the plentiful facilities in the district also add to its attraction.
What is the attraction of Japanese summer?
If you are interested in outdoor activities, you can enjoy swimming in the sea or climbing mountains. You can also enjoy viewing fireworks displays and Bon dances, throughout Japan in summer.
What is the most important event in Japanese history?
It was the Meiji Restoration. It is narrowly defined to refer to the 1867 coup d’état that overthrew the Tokugawa shogunate, but it more broadly marked the beginning of Japan’s modernization. Following the opening of the country to the West in the mid-19th century, Japan had an influx of various foreign things from Western technology to the military draft system to democracy. Japan abolished its feudalistic shogunate system and developed into a constitutional monarchy.
I am interested in Japanese history. Which museum would you recommend I visit?
If you are traveling in the Tokyo metropolitan area, I would recommend two museums. One is Edo-Tokyo Museum in Sumida Ward. There you can get a brief overview of Tokyo’s 400-year history through various exhibits. The other is Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Cultural History in Naka Ward, Yokohama. One of the museum buildings is a former bank built in the Meiji period, and its very modern architecture is worth seeing.
I can’t sit on tatami mats for a long time. What should I do?
When we need to sit in the “seiza” position (that is, to sit on our heels with our back straight) on tatami for a long time, it’s natural for our feet or legs to go numb. The trick to reduce your numbness is that you slightly cross your big toes, relax your elbows and shoulders, and occasionally switch the upper and lower positions of the big toes. But if it really gets unbearable, you can ask for permission to be excused from such a position and sit cross-legged.
I lost my passport. What should I do?
First, you should report it to the police. If the police weren’t able to find it, then you should get in touch with your embassy or consulate, and apply for the reissue of your passport. Most likely, you can have your passport reissued in two or three weeks.
Today many Japanese work very hard. Why do they work so hard?
It is because of the Japanese work ethic. Japanese place intrinsic value on work itself, and don’t necessarily consider work as something to be exchanged with money. That’s why Japanese generally do a lot of overtime work, even when they’re not paid for it. However, this work ethic is changing among the young people today, many of whom place equal importance on their private lives and their work.
What is the most popular sport in Japan?
By far the most popular are baseball and soccer. Among amateur baseball events, the high-school baseball championship games are the most popular. They are held each spring and summer, and broadcast nationwide. Japanese professional baseball attracts fans of all ages. Soccer shares the same popularity as baseball. It is particularly popular among the young.
Where do you think is the best spot for viewing Mt. Fuji?
Probably it is Lake Kawaguchi on the northern foot of Mt. Fuji. The lake is noted for its fine view of Mt. Fuji from its northern shore, where the majestic peak may be seen both in its natural form and as an inverted image on the surface of the placid lake waters.
Is the Imperial Palace always open to the public?
No, it is open only on January 2 for the New Year Greetings and on December 23 for the Emperor’s Birthday. On those days, access is allowed as far as Chowaden Hall, where the Imperial Couple and their family can be seen.
What is the climate of Japan like? How many seasons do you have in Japan?
There are four distinct seasons in Japan — spring, summer, fall and winter. There is also a rainy season between spring and summer. Japan’s climate is influenced by summer and winter monsoons, ocean currents and topographical features.
On what occasions do Japanese go to Buddhist temples?
Very few Japanese go to temples except for funerals or hatsumode, the first visit paid on New Year holidays. However, temples in Kyoto and Nara, such as Kiyomizu Temple and Todai-ji Temple, are always crowded with tourists.
I can’t use chopsticks. What should I do?
Don’t worry. Most restaurants or dining rooms of hotels you may stay at have knives and forks available for those who are not accustomed to using chopsticks.
When did Japanese start wearing Western-style clothes?
The Japanese started wearing Western-style clothes in the Meiji period (1868-1912). The Meiji government first adopted a European-style military uniform, and decided that officials, mailmen, and railroad workers should all wear Western-style clothes. This was because they felt it necessary to quickly transform Japan into a modern state. This expedited the spread of Western-style clothes among ordinary people as well.
I would like to smoke, but can I smoke anywhere?
In most public places you can’t smoke. Places where you can smoke are very limited like the “smoking corner” of railway stations or the smoking area of restaurants. In some streets of large cities you can’t smoke while walking. If you are caught smoking, you will be fined.
What is the major industry of Japan, and where is it located?
It is the automotive industry, and its largest factories are located in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture, in central Japan. Toyota Motors has become the biggest car company in the world, surpassing General Motors.



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