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面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What’s Japan’s climate like?
(3) What period of Japanese history are you interested in most?
(4) What is bonsai?
(5) What is the important custom that foreign tourists should be aware of, when they come to Japan?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What part of Japan has the heaviest snowfall?
(3) I would like to buy some traditional Japanese souvenirs. What and where do you recommend?
(4) I would like to take a hot spring bath in Shikoku. Where would you recommend?
(5) Will you explain rice-straw ropes decorated with strips of white paper in Shinto shrines?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What is the attraction of Mt. Fuji?
(3) What is the difference between Geisha and Maiko?
(4) What is rotenburo?
(5) When do Japanese people go to their family graves?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Why do Japanese like cherry blossoms?
(3) Do you think Toyotomi Hideyoshi is an important person in history? Why?
(4) Tell me about Todaiji.
(5) The precincts of most shrines and temples are covered with pebbles. Why is that? Does it signify something?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What is the climate of Hokkaido like?
(3) At the end of the Edo period, why did the shogun return his power to the emperor?
(4) What do you do on the New Year holidays?
(5) I heard Japanese have three writing systems. What are they?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) It is said the summer in Japan is hot and humid, but where would you recommend I go if I visit Japan in summer?
(3) What are some of the most important events or developments in Showa Japan?
(4) Where in Tokyo would you recommend I visit?
(5) On what occasions are hanko or Japanese personal seals necessary?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) How would you explain Japan’s four seasons to foreign tourists?
(3) Japan is an island country. How many islands is Japan made up of, and which island would you recommend visiting, apart from the main island of Honshu?
(4) What is daruma?
(5) I have no cash and I only have credit cards with me. How can I get cash?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Please tell me about the winter climates of Hokkaido and Okinawa?
(3) What are the three most famous gardens in Japan?
(4) What is kakejiku?
(5) What do you think of the fact that there are far more people going abroad than people coming to Japan?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What is the attraction of Japanese winter?
(3) I heard there are many hot springs in Japan. Please recommend one of them.
(4) Is the Imperial Palace always open to the public?
(5) Tell me about Japan’s overseas trading.
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Why does Japan have a lot of earthquakes?
(3) I have seen people carrying a small shrine on their shoulders at a local festival. What is it and why do they carry it?
(4) Where would you recommend if I want to eat some inexpensive food in Japan?
(5) What was the Showa period like after the end of World War II?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What is tsuyu?
(3) What is shogun?
(4) Where do you recommend if I want to go shopping in Tokyo?
(5) What do you think of the current global economic recession?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Tell me about the geographical features of Japan.
(3) What is tokonoma?
(4) What is the oldest Buddhist statue in Japan?
(5) What is Haiku?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What is haniwa?
(3) Please tell me something about Matsushima.
(4) What is the most comfortable season to travel in Japan?
(5) What is shichi-go-san?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What is Sumo?
(3) We are on a budget tour. What type of overnight accommodations would you recommend to us, and why?
(4) What is Kabuki?
(5) I heard the Meiji Restoration was very important in Japanese history. Why was it so important? Tell me how it happened and what changes it brought to Japan?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) I am interested in Japanese history. Which museum would you recommend I visit?
(3) Why do Japanese children go to cram schools?
(4) What is the retirement age of company employees in Japan?
(5) What is koinobori?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Do you think Minamoto-no-Yoritomo is an important figure in Japanese history? Why?
(3) What is Momijigari?
(4) Why do Japanese eat rice cakes during the New Year holidays?
(5) What type of tour guide would you like to be if you pass this examination?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What is the attraction of Japanese summer?
(3) Please explain what a daimyo is.
(4) I want to see a typical active volcano in Japan. Where should I go?
(5) How would you explain “Golden Week”?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What are the three most famous scenic spots in Japan?
(3) Where is the best place for skiing in Japan?
(4) What are “capsule hotels”?
(5) What is the difference between rakugo and manzai?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) Tell me what I should do when an earthquake occurs.
(3) What is “ukai,” or cormorant fishing?
(4) Tell me about Japanese martial arts.
(5) What is the difference between Hiragana and Katakana?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Apart from samurai, what kind of people lived in the Edo period?
(3) What’s the difference between judo and aikido?
(4) Will you explain the decorations seen at the front door of many Japanese homes during the New Year holidays?
(5) What would you do as a tour guide, if a woman on your tour bus says that she wants to go to the restroom in a traffic jam?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) I hear that Tokyo was called “Edo” in olden times. When and why was the name changed?
(3) Why did samurai always have two swords?
(4) What’s the difference between kendo and fencing?
(5) What is the major industry of Japan and where is it located?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What is the attraction of Japanese spring?
(3) Tell me about Seto Inland Sea National Park.
(4) I have seen many Japanese worshippers washing their hands and rinsing their mouth with water in a Shinto shrine. Would you tell me the reason?
(5) Why do Japanese eat rice cakes during the New Year holidays?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) I heard that there was “the procession of feudal lords” in the Edo period. Please explain what it was like and what it was for?
(3) Tell me about one of the famous Shinto shrines in Japan?
(4) What is the best season to climb Mt. Fuji?
(5) How do you celebrate Tanabata, or the Star Festival?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What is the most important event in Japanese history?
(3) What is Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost island, famous for?
(4) What do people do on New Year’s Eve?
(5) How can the government encourage more foreign people to visit Japan?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) I would like to go shopping in Tokyo. Are there any shopping complexes?
(3) Apart from cherry blossoms, what other flowers are famous in Japan?
(4) What is Okinawa, Japan’s southernmost prefecture, famous for?
(5) What is hanami?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What was the Kofun Period like?
(3) How would you explain Nijo Castle in Kyoto?
(4) Why do so many students in Japan go to cram schools?
(5) Why do Japanese fly carp streamers during the Boys’ Festival?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What is the most famous waterfall in Nikko?
(3) What is taian?
(4) What is sakoku?
(5) Why do Japanese group people by their blood type?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) I’d like to spend a day in Kyoto, and see both cultural and natural attractions. Where would you recommend?
(3) How is Japan’s prime minister elected?
(4) There are several large statues of Buddha in Japan. Which one is the largest one and where is it located?
(5) What is o-bon? How do Japanese spend bon holidays?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) How big is Japan?
(3) On what occasions do Japanese go to Shinto shrines?
(4) Will you tell me about one of Japan’s World Heritage sites?
(5) If I am invited to the house of a Japanese friend, what should I be careful about?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What is the difference between soba and udon?
(3) If you become a tour guide, what kind of Japanese things would you like to introduce to a foreign tourist?
(4) What is hatsumode?
(5) What Japanese custom do you think foreigners dislike?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What is the best way to go to Osaka from Tokyo?
(3) What is setsubun?
(4) I would like to try some typically Japanese cuisine. What would you recommend?
(5) What would you do if your tour bus got stuck in a traffic jam and didn’t move anywhere for long periods of time?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Tell me about “Tokaido 53 Stations.” What is “Tokaido-gojusan-tsugi”?
(3) What is seibo (o-seibo)?
(4) What is Joya-no-kane?
(5) I have seen two types of curtains: One was a red-and-white one, and the other was a black-and-white one. What are they? What is the difference between them?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What is byobu?
(3) In the Edo period, there was a system called “Sankin-kotai.” What was the purpose of it?
(4) Will you explain white strips of paper tied onto the branches of the trees in a Shinto shrine?
(5) What is enka? Is it popular among young people in Japan?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What is Zazen?
(3) Why are there so many Buddhist temples in Kamakura?
(4) What is kaiseki-ryori?
(5) What would you do, if a group of foreign tourists you are guiding missed the Shinkansen they were supposed to take?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) Why is it so dry during winter in Tokyo?
(3) What is the difference between kabuki and Noh?
(4) What types of Buddhist statues are there?
(5) If one of your foreign tourists left his camera on the train, what would you do?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What is sumo?
(3) When did the Japanese people start wearing Western clothes?
(4) What do you think of the numerous bicycles illegally parked around stations and on streets?
(5) Why do you want to be a tour guide?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) I want to go to Hakone. Could you tell me something about Hakone?
(3) What was the Nara period like?
(4) Why are there so many shrines and temples in Kyoto and Nara?
(5) What is the difference between sukiyaki and shabu-shabu?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Why is the Imperial Palace surrounded by moats?
(3) I’m interested in Japanese festivals. Please tell me about one of the most famous festivals in Japan.
(4) What is chawanmushi?
(5) How would you explain cha-no-yu, or the tea ceremony, to foreign tourists?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What is donburimono?
(3) What are honne and tatemae?
(4) What is the difference between shrines and temples?
(5) I saw sumo wrestlers throw salt into the ring and stomp their feet before their match. Why do they do that?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Where in Kyoto would you take a foreign guest who has never visited the city before, if you have only one day for sightseeing?
(3) What are Uchiwa and Sensu? What is the difference between them?
(4) Where is the biggest car factory in Japan?
(5) What do you think is the most important thing for a tour guide?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) I’d like to visit a castle. What is the most famous castle in Japan?
(3) What part of Japan is famous for producing rice?
(4) Why do Japanese people clap their hands at Shinto shrines?
(5) What is tenno and what acts does he perform according to the Japanese Constitution?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What was the Kamakura period like?
(3) How do you explain shoji and fusuma to foreign tourists? What is the difference between them?
(4) Tell me about some unique characteristics of the kabuki stage?
(5) Why do Japanese work so hard?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) When and where can we see cherry blossoms in Japan?
(3) I would like to see some historical sites in Japan. Where would you recommend?
(4) What is oden?
(5) These days, global warming is getting serious. How does it affect Japan? What can Japan do to stop global warming?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) I heard that there is a ski resort in Hokkaido where many Australians visit. Where is it?
(3) What are “business hotels”?
(4) Please tell me about one of the agricultural regions in Japan.
(5) Japan is known as a safe country. Why is Japan’s crime rate so low?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) I heard that the largest wooden building in the world is in Japan. What and where is it?
(3) What is tempura?
(4) On what occasions do Japanese people wear a kimono?
(5) Why is tourism so important to Japan?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Who was the last shogun, and when did he rule Japan?
(3) What is the difference between hotels and minshuku?
(4) What is Giri?
(5) Why is whole sea bream, including the head and tail, considered auspicious when cooked for meals?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) I would like to buy some modern Japanese things. What and where would you recommend?
(3) What is the average life expectancy of the Japanese? Why do they live so long?
(4) What kind of fish can you catch from the sea around Japan?
(5) Why do Japanese always want to hold discussions before deciding on something?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Have there been any female rulers in Japanese history?
(3) What is the best season to visit Japan?
(4) Please tell me one of the industrial cities in Japan.
(5) I have seen gardeners wrapping tree trunks with straw mats or straw blankets in early winter. What is that for?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) Why are there so many hot springs in Japan?
(3) Tell me about Nagasaki City, including its location, history, and industry.
(4) Why are weddings so expensive in Japan?
(5) Why do Japanese like traveling in groups?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Who do you think is the most important foreigner in Japanese history?
(3) Please tell me about the topographical features of Japan.
(4) What is the difference between sake and shochu?
(5) Why are there so many speeches made at wedding receptions in Japan?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) I hear that in Japan it is very hot and humid in summer. How do you cope with it?
(3) Will you explain a pair of stone dogs at the gate of a Shinto shrine?
(4) I’m interested in matcha. Where can I have matcha?
(5) Why is it customary for Japanese to eat buckwheat noodles on New Year’s Eve?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What is the difference between shogi and go?
(3) What is sunomono?
(4) Please describe a karesansui garden. Where can I see karesansui gardens?
(5) Many Japanese celebrate Christmas, even though they’re not Christian. Why do they celebrate Christmas, and how?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) When and where can I see cherry blossoms?
(3) What is sento?
(4) What is izakaya?
(5) Why are gifts wrapped so nicely in shops in Japan?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What is the charm of Japanese autumn?
(3) What is the difference between kimono and yukata?
(4) What is futon?
(5) Tell me about a typical Japanese custom.
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) How would you explain bunraku to foreign people?
(3) How often do Japanese people take a bath?
(4) Why do Japanese take off their shoes when they enter their homes?
(5) How should Japan cope with the problems that may arise in an aging society?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Please explain what a typhoon is.
(3) What was the Edo period like?
(4) What is maneki-neko?
(5) I heard that there are some different dialects in Japan. Can you tell me something about them?
面接その 1 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What is the difference between emperor and shogun?
(3) Tell me something about Amanohashidate.
(4) What is nakodo?
(5) What is the most famous rock garden in Japan?
面接その 2 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) Where is the best spot for viewing Mt. Fuji?
(3) What is hina-matsuri?
(4) What types of gardens are there in Japan?
(5) Why do Japanese call each other by their titles?
面接その 3 
(1) Please tell me your name and where you live.
(2) What was the Heian period like?
(3) What is koban?
(4) Will you explain about school sports held on elementary or junior high school grounds?
(5) Why don’t Japanese often invite others to their homes?
面接その 4 
(1) Will you tell me your name and address?
(2) What is the difference between haiku and tanka?
(3) I hear that many Japanese houses are made of wood. What are the advantages of wooden structures in Japan?
(4) Please tell me about Japan’s educational system.
(5) Why do a lot of Japanese fall asleep on trains?





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