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B: Please put your bag.
Thank you.
B: Have a seat, please.
Thank you.
B: May I ask your name?
Yes, my name is ………
B: Where are you from, Mr. ………?
I live in ……… -ku, Tokyo.
A: I have several questions. What is the climate in Japan like?
Japanese archipelago is surrounded by two major seas, the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean.
Thus, the climate in Japan is influenced by ocean currents and topographical features.
Japan has four clear-cut season, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
A: Tell me about Haiku.
Haiku is a traditional poem in 5-7-5 pattern. People make Haiku on everyday life and natural scenic beauty.
A: Is this popular?
Particularly, for elder people, yes.
A: I am in Tokyo now. Where would you recommend to go?
I would recommend you to visit Oedo-Onsen-Monogatari in Odaiba, in Tokyo Bay.
A: Any other place in Odaiba?
There is a famous TV company, Fuji TV Broadcasting Company Building.
It is highly-stylized, elaborate building, and you can visit inside the building.
A: In Odaiba, you can see boats, I hear.
Yes. The tourist boats are available. The boats start from Odaiba and go to Asakusa or even go to Disneyland.
A: Where would you recommend in Asakusa?
I recommend you to visit Sensoji Temple in Asakusa.
The gate starts from the famous Kaminarimon, the thunder gate, to the hall.
Along the street, there are many souvenir shops called Nakamise.
A: Do you spend a whole day in Asakusa? If not, where would you go?
It doesn't take a whole day. For example, if you spend the morning in Asakusa, I recommend you to visit Tokyo Edo Museum in Ryogoku.
You can see hundreds of exhibits in Edo period.
A: Tell me about trade. What is the main product of the Japanese trade?
It is the car. There is a big car manufacturing company, Toyota Mortor Company.
Toyota surpasses General Mortors in the States, and it has a big manufacturing factory in Toyota-City in Aichi Prefecture.
A: What is the life expectancy of the Japanese?
According to the latest data published by the Government, I think, for female, the life expectancy is 86 years and for male, it is 79 years.
A: Why is it so long?
Because the Japanese people eat healthy foods, lots of vegetables, fish rather than meat.
A: Tell me about martial arts.
There are several kinds of martial arts in Japan. For example, Judo and Karate.
Judo is a self-defense using opponents' strength to themselves. Karate is also a self-defense.
It is characterized by strong punches by foot and hands.
A: What is unique?
Both Judo and Karate are unarmed self-defense.
A: These are popular?
In my age, we learned Judo at high school. I think, Karate is popular for younger people.
A:(試験管Bに話しかけ)Any other question?
B:(ストップウオッチを見て)OK, thank you very much.
Thank you very much.

(1)What is the climate in Japan like?
(2)Tell me about Haiku.
(3)I am in Tokyo now. Where would you recommend to go?
(4)Tell me about Japanese trade.
(5)What is the life expectancy of the Japanese?
(6)Tell me about martial arts.





come in . で、入室。ハロー大阪校大教室の倍くらいの広い部屋の前方にテーブルが
(部屋中央の自分の椅子に向って歩きながら、やや大きな声で)Good Morning!
(日本人試験官):Please have a seat
Thank you !(着席)
(日本人試験官):First please introduce yourself briefly.
All right. I will briefly introduce myself. My name is ........
I came from ........ City, ........ prefecture.
I work for an electronics industry related manufacture, that is ....... called .........
And our company has many foreign visitors every month.
At end of weeks, I often take them to short tours to Kyoto, Nara and other places so often and I wanted to continue this job and checked if I need any formal qualification to do this job for a fee, and it was necessary ( ここで日本人試験官うなずく), so I decided to take this test.
(試験管)Question NO.1. Please tell me the land size of Japan and what the land is like ?
Well, Japan is an island nation on the Pacific Ocean and the size is about the same as California State of the United States, and … then. What was your question then?
(試験管)Oh, and what the land is like ? So, many mountains or flat land..
I see, Japan is a mountainous nation. 67% of the land is covered with mountains and plains accounts for only 13%.
(試験官) 13%. OK. Next question. What is Kabuki ?
Kabuki is a traditional stage drama which developed and flourished in the Edo Period.
This traditional art is characterized with rhythmical words and songs and accompaniment music, and elaborate costumes,… and I also have to note their elaborate make-ups ! (ここで両手を顔でおおって、化粧の形の真似をしてみせました),and Kabuki originated in Kyoto. First kabuki was performed by a woman called Izumono Okuni.
(試験官) I see. But today I think Kabuki is performed only by men. Then, you are talking about the first Kabuki was played by a woman. Why is that ?
Oh, yes, today Kabuki is played exclusively only by men. At first women performed this art, but the government banned it because… their dances etc.
are too much erotic.. and this is somewhat a ethic issue .. and then, Kabuki was played by also young handsome boys, but under the same reason, this was banned , too. And Kabuki's original Japanese word, Kabukumeans something extraordinary or stunning , and need to surprise audience and I can imagine what kind of dance or play was performed by women or young handsome boys..
(試験官) OK, in Japan, women has been rather strong and do you think women join Kabuki again in the near future ?
Well, indeed women have the equal right as men in Japan now, but this is a traditional art and … I think it will be difficult.
(試験官)OK, next question. What is Bon
Bon? You mean Bon Festival' s Bon, or Obon?
(試験官) Yes.(明らかに外国人試験官の方は非常に日本の事情に詳しい人でした)
Well, Bon is the Buddhist holiday which falls on August 13, 14 and 15. It is said during this period dead spirits come back to home or families and people light up stone lanterns to guide them and people also perform Bon Festive folk dance to entertain them. This bon dance's purpose is to console departed souls.
(試験官) OK, Question NO.4. How is Japan's Prime Minister selected ?
Oh, Prime Minister. Japan's Prime Minister is not decided by a direct vote.
This is not just like the Presdent of the United States. Prime minister is selected in the Diet, House of Representatives and so… he is selected by statesmen.
(試験官) I see, but why Japan's prime minister changes so often ?
Because … (ここで、思わず手を広げて笑顔でシ゛ェスチュアしてしまいました)
there are so many serious problems in Japan now ! Especially after the collapse of bubble economy in 1992 or 1993, first economy is very bad, and national pension system needs to be reformed due to lack of budget and moreover, the … national debt ! It is.. about 8 trillion yen , incredible amount. Even a superman cannot solve all the problems completely, so…
(試験官) OK. Next. How many world heritages in Japan ?
Well, there are 13 cultural heritages and 3 intangible assets , Kabuki, No, and Bunraku puppet theater and also there are 3 natural heritages. One is in Shiragami, northern part of island and Shiretoko in Hokkaido and Yakushima, southern island , south of Kyushu.
(試験官) OK, in natural world heritages, which one do you recommend me to visit ?
Well, all the natural heritages are strictly controlled to protect nature and rather hard to visit, but I dare recommend.. Shiretoko. There must be some good sightseeing programs ,
(試験官) Yes, I have actually visited Shiretoko ! (間違いなくめちゃくちゃ
I envy you ! (思わず本当にお金と時間があれば行ってみたかったので、言ってし
(試験官)(日本人の試験官の方をみやって) Do you have any questions ?
(日本人試験官)I have no questions . So thank you , the interview is over .
(私)(立ち上がって) Thank you very much


(1) What is the land size of Japan and what is the land like?
(2) What is Kabuki ?
(3) What is Bon ?
(4) How is the Prime Minister of Japan selected ?
(5) How many world heritages are there in Japan ?





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