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I went to see my doctor as a regular check up this morning.
I had been concerned about the baby's position.
He was breech position two weeks ago.
But I felt reliefed to find he changed the position correctly.

Doctors measure the width of the baby's head,the length and the width of the baby's abdomen,and the length of the thigh bone to estimate his weight every time.
A doctor told me that this baby's abdomen is thin, and his leg is long.

It means that this baby's body type is differ from the elder boy's one.
My first child is stocky type of body since he was a new born baby.
He seems to become a good Judo player.
I love his tough body type.
But I'm also happy to hear the second baby is slim and has long legs.

What will it be the same, and the difference?
I'm looking forward to raise the two boys, both born in early summer.
Thank you very much for writing a diary in English.
And among other things I hope that you will give a
birth successfully.

I don't have enough competence to correct your diary,
but for the benefit of each other's and other viewers'
English learning, I'm going to write about grammatical
mistakes that I noticed. If you feel bad about it,
please let me know.

>But I felt reliefed to find
→But I felt relieved to find

>Doctors measure the width
→Doctors measured the width

>this baby's body type is differ from the elder boy's one.
→this baby's body type is differnt from the elder boy's
→this baby's body type differs from the elder body's

>I'm looking forward to raise the two boys,
→I'm looking forward to raising the two boys,
!! Thank you for your comment,Mr.Ricky!!
(If I spelled your name wrongly, forgive me plz!)
I nodded many times reading your advices.
I appriciate this from my heart!
I'll be happy if you give me comments to my diary only when you have enough time.
Thanks a lot^^
"Pet peeves"
I've never heard of this idiom until I read an essay on the web.
According to the essay, a "peeve" means something annoying, and a "pet" means what annoys one may not necessarily bother someone else or vice versa.
For example, the writer's pet peeves are these; clean-up duties by the costomer in the fast-food restaurant, her husband's sound of scraping his bowl for the last bit of rice.

Actually, those are not pet peeves for me at all.
So I started to think my own pet peeves.
But I couldn't find any concrete acts or situations.
Instead, I found 3 things that made me easy to get annoyed.

1: A sense of hunger
2: Lack of enough sleep
3: The weather is going to rain

These things can change me into a touchy person who has so many pet peeves.
So, I must be careful when I'm irritated by someone.
Is it really him that should be accused, or am I just hungry?
I must think it well before making complaint.
This is important...I know, I know.
The new semester of radio English program has just started.
The first topic is "Why this craze for English?".
Accoding to the article, the English language education industry takes in about 2.5 trillion(!) yen in a year in Japan.
This writer is assuming that the reasons why Japanese are so eager to learn English are these; for work, for study, for travel, for acquire informations through Internet, and self-improvement.
And in conclusion, he insists that we students think deeply why we study English.

When I think about the reasons why I study English, I always imagine a picture of an samurai polishing and powdering his katana, even he is not working as a samurai.
I will be start working in several years, despite I don't have any jobs now.
And that will be as a midwife, cause I have a national license.
I seldom had used my English ability working as a midwife.
Even though, I want to brush up my English skills.
If I give it up, my katana (English skills) would be rusted and I couldn't use it any more.

The writer mentions the reason "self-improvement" is woolly, which means inaccurate or vague.
But that is exactly the reason for me.
The passion for it makes me listen to the radio every midnight, lying beside or breast feeding to my child, fighting with sleepiness in a dark room...even sometimes it defeats me.
That's not woolly for me at all.
Thank you for your kind comment, Ms.Mizuho!
I'm so encouraged to hear you passed the 1st grade of STEP raising twin babies.
That's incredible!!
I've got my hands full with only one baby until a few months before!
Anyway, I want to stick to this Engllish diary.
As the proverb says, "Constant dropping wears away the stone".
I feel happy joining in this group^^
It was sunny and warm today, despite it was snowy yesterday.
So I brought my son to a small park.
When I entered the park, it seemed like the ground was covered with a pale pink carpet.
There is a big old cherry tree in the park, and a lot of petals was fallen off to the ground.
Even though, the cherry blossoms were beautiful enough.

Children in the park shouted with joy when winds blew hard.
Cause the petals start dancing in the air and running on the ground with the wind.
Some were trying to catch the flying petals.
Others gathered and threw them to their friends.
My son was playing with the pink petals instead of usual gray sand.
It became the most beautiful memory with cherry blossoms for me.
Thank you for your comment, Ms mizuho!
Yes, if I recommend foreiners to come to Japan, I will choose this season.

Today, my son and I went to the same park as we went yesterday, wondering the scenery had changed or not.
As a result, we found it was one day dream.
The petals were almost swept away, and the remaining ones were turned to brown and looked similar to the ground.
There were no one in the park, maybe the schools and kindergartens started from today.
The pale pink park filled with joyful shout was as ephemeral as the cherry blossoms.
Nice to meet you, Ms Yuzz.
My name is Hiromuraro.
I have 3-year-old girl and 8-month-old boy as you have.
I' m studying English to get EIKEN pre-1st grade in the near future.
As you are poor at writing and speaking, so am I.
It is a lot of fun for me to read your dairy.
As you know, I'm don't like to write English though,
I want to comment on your diary as possible.

How beautiful you photo is!!
It is lucky for you and your son to have a good park near your house.
The park where I and my children go don't have a cherry blossoms.
However what short term the cherry blossoms blooms!
Thank you for your comment,Ms Hiromuraro!
I was flattered reading your comment *^^*.
Let's keep writing something in English together!

The cherry blossoms season had gone...but, the dogwoods and azaleas are waiting in the wings of the stage!
In spring, I feel I am like a unfaithful lover.
At the peaktime of azaleas, I completely forget the beauty of cherry blossoms that I praised one month before.
"In season"

There is a menu which I cook only in this season every year.
It's "rice cooked with green peas".
That's very easy to cook.
Shell green peas,
Chop up onions,
Put them into rice cooker with rice, some butter and salt.
Put some black pepper on it before start eating.
Easy, but popular menu in my family.
I believe it owes the power of "in season" food.

I love to eat vegetables and fruits in season.
In-season veggies are fresh, tasty, and most of all, cheap!!
I also believe the food harvested naturally in summer has some good effects on human body in summer, and vice versa.
I want to get more knowledge about the best season of foods.
My son is 1 year and 10 months old, and he is gaining his mother tongue rapidly these days.
He imitates adults' conversation mostly without knowing the meaning.
For example, when my husband and I were chatting about the difficulty of translation, he suddenly said,
"Bunka ja nai! Gengo da! (Not culture, it's language!)"
He seemed to get the words "bunka" and "gengo" without knowing the meaning.
Because we laughed a lot, he kept saying it.

He seems to be a talkative type as a boy.
He keeps talking from the moment he gets up untill he falls asleep, sometimes even while sleeping.
Cause he talks a lot, he makes funny mistakes a lot, too.
They always makes us laugh and happy.

But in fact, everytime I laugh at his cute mistakes, I also admire him.
If I can be like him speaking English, my speaking ability would get better soon!
Imitate someone all day long, and keep speaking no matter making many mistakes.
No wonder he is acquiring vocabulary in a short time.
I've written this diary while my son is sleeping, but these days, I spend this prime time with another thing.
It's a picture book made of felt.
I'm making it for my son's birthday present.
I have made picture book originally twice before, but fabric one is the first experience.
It takes much longer time than paper one.
I devote all my spare time to make tiny trains and animals for the book.

I can listen to the English program while stitching, but I can't write diary .
But I want to find chances to stick to this.
I must learn how to manage time!
One month before, the most popular greetings among Japanese would be "When will the cherry blossoms bloom?"
Now, it changed to "What are you going to do in golden week?"

We have long holiday season in early May, which is called "golden week".
We have holidays in mid-summer and new year season too, even though, the golden week is somewhat special.
The main reason would be the climate.
I believe the most beautiful season in Japan is early May.
Not too hot, not too cold, not humid.
The greens are powerful, many kinds of flowers bloom, winds are comfortable, and the sun shines brightly.

This kind of weather won't last so long here.
Actually, the rainy season is around the corner.
All the more reason, we appreciate it a lot.
I don't know why there are many national holidays in this season.
It may be accidental.
But I thank someone who gives us holidays in such beautiful season.
I can understand the feeling of someone who named this season "golden" weeks.

This year, we won't travel far because I'm in the 9th month of pregnancy.
We are planning to see locomotions and moss phloxes near here, expecting our son's happy face.
I'm looking forward to it.



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