

喜納昌吉コミュの地球こそが人類の聖地である The Earth is the only sanctuary for Human-Beings

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とても美しい文です、たびたび掲載されているとは思いますが、今まさに「基地問題」や「県知事選挙」などで揺れている沖縄で 彼が奮闘している、その「理念」というべきものであろうと思います。

もっともこの声明文はミュージシャン・アーティストとしての彼が 日本代表の一員として宗教精神指導者会議といった場に参加した際のものであり、世界の「宗教・精神指導者」という、特定の人達に対してのメッセージとなっていますので、表現としては抽象的な表現が多いものではありますが、この中には喜納さん独特のユーモアもちりばめておりますので、楽しんでご覧いただければと思います。

The Earth is the Sanctuary for Human-beings

地球こそが人類の聖地である。 覚醒した人々はそのことを勇気をもって宣言せねばならない。無限に広がる宇宙、そこに浮かぶ水色の美しい惑星、太陽から遠くもなく近くもなく、神の愛のダンスと歌に育まれし生命達の宴を、奇跡と呼ばずに何と呼ぼうか。 


The earth is the only sanctuary for human-beings. Those who are awake must bravely declare it. We are blessed with this beautiful blue planet which floats in the infinite universe. It sets itself with ideal distance from the sun and enjoys a banquet of life nursed by God's love songs and dances. This is by no means anything but a miracle! The essence of the universe is joy and bliss but not grief or conflicts or hatreds. The intelligence opened to the universe recognizes that air, water and the blessing of nature are all special properties of the earth, but that they are not inexhaustible. That is why man-kind has an instinct of sharing knowledge and technology, driven by distress and awakening, so that it can benefit the planet.

人類は3000年の間に5000回も戦争をしてきたと言われる、そしてなおかつ破壊兵器を生産し、地球を何十回、人類を何千何万回も滅ぼす核と化学;生物兵器をもっていると言われる。 人類の不幸とは、精神的に目覚めている人達よりも目覚めていない人達に技術の使用権を握られ、何十万人ともいわれる科学者達の頭脳が愚かな武器開発に使われているところにある。 資本主義も共産主義もその意味では不完全である、 なぜならば限りある自然の富を軍産複合体のシステムによって生命の破壊の方向に使っているからだ。 決して科学や文明が悪ではなく、原因は人間の内にあることに気づく。 有限である自然の恵みと永遠につきあうこつとは“共に生きる”ことであり、傷つき病み疲れたこの母なる大地を見たとき、戦争にはいかなる勝利者もなく、人類の敗北であることを知る。そして戦争だけが人類の滅びの道ではないことも知るだろう。

Man has gone into wars over five thousand times in the past three thousand years. Yet, it still continues production of destructive weapons. We carry nuclear, chemical and biological arms that could exterminate the whole planet dozens of times and the entire man-kind thousands of times. The misfortune of man-kind is that those who are not awake, rather than those who are, hold an access to technologies. Scientists waste their intelligence over absurd weapon development. Neither of capitalism nor communism is perfect in this regard because both systems use limited wealth of nature for killing, through the mechanism of military-industrial complex. Science or civilization itself is not an evil. We must realize that everything starts from man's mind. Eternal relationship with the limited blessing of nature means to "live together". Seeing our motherland being exploited, hurt and exhausted, we realize war generates no winner but it only brings defeat to human-beings. We will also find war is not an only path for annihilation.

私達は対立する概念を、強い意志を持って跳び越えなければならない、 国家と国家、民族と民族、人種と人種、宗教と宗教、あらゆる対立するものを和合させる地点へ。 


With strong determination, we must leap over contradictory conceptions and reach the place where any national, ethnic, racial, or religious confrontation disappears but they harmonize with each other. Birds and fishes or wind and clouds all fly or swim freely and float without purposes. The substance of life does not suffer from divisions. Even artificial information or a radio wave is free from captivation. Only the species that stands at the top of evolutionary pyramid gets contained by national borders, generates problems on a global scale, hates each other, and fights the fights that entangle other species in destruction. No matter what intention drew lines on this planet, we must rectify this error. When we eliminate national and mental boundaries, we will be able to sense the unity of human-beings and the unity of this planet, and realize the existence of love and affection.


The special characteristic of the earth is its balanced setting in the universe planned by God, and the same goes with the balanced relationship of friends. Distance from your brother is too short, and that from a stranger is too long. Creatures cannot survive if the temperature is too high or too low. Friends are the people who build the bridge of rainbow and fill the distance gap between a brother and a stranger. Repeated terrors and retaliations illustrate these. Whatever the reason or so-called justice, what you find there is scores of dead bodies. There is something wrong with it. Judaism, Christianity, Islam; their absolute monotheism is too close and too hot in its relationships. They need exchange with polytheistism that has totally different divinity. Other religions must be of help in building a bridge between the extremes and try diverting our courses to the direction where we can live with happiness. Endless expansion of monotheism represented by YHWH would create entirety. In the same way, endless division of Shamanism should also create entirety. Micros and Macros are not separate. Genuine nature of religion will flourish where individuality and entirety fuse together, and it opens the door to the God, resulting in the linkage between the heavens and the earth.


As the incomplete past took refuge in the course of wars, the incomplete future did the same in the course of so-called peace. Those who justified wars or so-called peace should now abandon their principles but instead, go hands in hands and join the banquet of concord called "harmony". That is when the stage of eternity invites the past and the future to the blissful present. What we need is to bring about harmony of the love umbrella based on truth, instead of harmony of the nuclear umbrella bound by terror. We also need to build a world which is open to the universe instead of fascism. Because you, men of religion, know the taste of God, you should dedicate yourselves in changing this planet from a battle field to a place like Jerusalem, Mecca, Buddh Gaya where humanity can create friendship with each other. To realize heaven, the Pure Land, Utopia and freedom, I here declare to open new doors to the heavens and the earth, and to establish my mother island Okinawa's independence from principles of national boundaries, the root of all evil.





All weapons into music instruments.
All the military bases into flower gardens.
Blooming Flowers into hearts of all.
No wars, but Celebration!

喜納昌吉  国連主催ミレニアム宗教精神指導者代表者会議にて


るんるん調べてみると、喜納さんがこの会議に出席したのは なんでも京都妙心寺の主管(お偉い方?)からの要請があってのこととのようでした。







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