

meavが好き!コミュのmeav's Concert December 18, 2007

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Concert Song List
Song list and comments by Kelli:

「Dulaman」. She presented us with a fantastic new arrangement of it, and I loved it!
I will always identify this song with Méav and I loved it. It was a great way to start off the show, with tons of energy and excitement.

「She Moved Thru the Fair」. I absolutely loved Méav's chatting with us about the songs. Her speaking voice is as beautiful as her singing voice and it was great to learn details about each song that I didn't know before. Right before "She Moved Thru the Fair," Méav thanked the audience for coming out on this very cold night. An audience member yelled back, "You'll warm us up!" Her eyes flashed mischievously and she responded with a grin, "You BEHAVE!"

「Waves of Tory」 was next. (A note: On other venues this song was alternated with "Martha's Harbor.")

「Last Rose of Summer」. Oh, so beautiful! There is no such thing as a Méav song I don't like, but so far the song choices were just perfect!

「The Wicked Sister」. I was anxious to hear this next song, as I was curious how they would adjust it without the harmonics of a harp. I laughed at her introduction of the song and enjoyed her discussion of it.

「Scarborough Fair」. Méav sings a slightly different arrangement than I've heard in the past and takes her voice VERY high, quite suddenly at the beginning. I jumped a bit and was reminded of her laughing at the audience back at Red Rocks (CW concert) with "Mo Ghile Mear." I wondered if that's what she was going for with those sudden high notes. (I was saddened when she didn't sing this song the next night at Verona, but I hope to hear this arrangement again in the future. It certainly shows off the power in Méav's upper register).
At one point, she was taking a drink of water from a plastic bottle on a stool next to her. She grinned and says something about her mother not being pleased to have her drinking out of a plastic bottle; that a glass was more ladylike.

「I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls」. Conor took over emcee duties and treated us to his sense of humor in introducing this next song. He explained to us that this song is thought to bring bad luck: the sort of luck that leads to disappearing music, disappearing sopranos, etc! But only if you whistle it.
If we are to believe Conor, we are NEVER to whistle this song in a theatre.

「Suantrai(a lullaby)」. This song was completely new to us. I think this is the song that Méav said was written by Conor and herself.

「Si do Mhaimeo i」, was next which got us moving in our seats. She gave us more of her great wriggles and we had such a good time.

I don't remember when in the show it happened, but at one point in the second half she was introducing the next song. She placed both hands on her hips as she was talking. I was struck immediately by the feeling of this being HER show. She was in her element, and she was a Force!
Next, she gave us a great lesson on Irish songs and talked about the concept of Suantrai (lullaby/comfort), Goltrai (sorrow), and Geantrai (joy). The three songs she sung next would follow with that concept.

One of the songs was another surprise,「 The Blessing」, dedicated to her daughter. Wow! Méav's treatment of this song was simply fantastic. I was again thinking of Lisa, remembering a personal connection I have with this song, and thinking of how Méav blesses us and we bless her too.
(And I realized a little too late that I hadn't remembered to get my tissues closer for the second half! Sorry Méav if I distracted you in reaching for my tissues, but they were quite the necessity at that point!)

Following that was「 Danny Boy」, which she dedicated at Tarrytown to all of the people who had traveled great distances in this weather to see her. She said she really appreciated us, and I believed her completely. I had so much emotion at this time that the actual memories of this song are a bit fuzzy.

「Glasgow's Burning」. Another new song! WOW!!!
Méav invited us to sing along with her. She tried to teach us the chorus. I got the "Ohhhh" part, but missed the rest. Definitely a new language for me.

A third new song greeted our ears next,「 Winter Fire and Snow」. This is a soft song written by Brendan Graham. Méav explained that it was about a little boy lost in a snowstorm. It was a prayer for this little boy's safe return home. As she sang at one point about the cold and chill, she brought her hands up to her arms as if she was chilly. I found myself with a case of the chills as well! I felt like I was transported at that moment out of the theatre and into a cold snowstorm, but thankfully we had Méav's warm voice to lead us home!

Next was 「Don O’che Ud」 and 「Silent Night」. After she sang "Silent Night," she commented about how great it was to be able to sing it, that it was such a beautiful song.

This woman is the full package with entertainment, I tell you! Finally it was time for the 「encore」. I simply could go on forever about how great they were!
I couldn't believe the show had ended.

Editor's Note:
Meav also sang "The Voice," a David Downes composition that is part of the CW repertoir.









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