

WEF 世界経済フォーラムコミュのWorld Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2007

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World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2007

次回、来月2007年1月の会合のテーマは、Power Equationを変えること。


国連でのResponsibility to protectの議論なども、そうだと思います。当然のことです。介入主義と紙一重のところ、介入主義と言えば介入主義と言われてもしょうがない、そういう国際社会側の対応が今後さらに増えるのではないかと思います。

The Shifting Power Equation

24-28 January, Davos, Switzerland

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting offers a unique opportunity for leaders from all walks of life – business, government, the media, academia, the arts and civil society – to shape the global agenda for 2007. The Forum’s multistakeholder platform provides a powerful stage for them to engage together and make change happen.

Shaping the global agenda requires new mandates to gain trust, identify solutions, make decisions, take action and generate new thinking to manage networks – across organizations, industries and regions. In particular, in Davos we will focus on four main areas:

Driving Growth
Addressing Global Fault Lines
Exploring Identity and the Communication Disconnect
Leading in a Networked World

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2007 will provide the opportunity for influential leaders from diverse fields and areas of the world to address these concerns and build the effective, innovative communities needed to create new approaches in the spirit of global citizenship.


John Browne of Madingley, Group Chief Executive, BP, United Kingdom

Michelle Guthrie, Chief Executive Officer, Star Group, Hong Kong SAR

Neville Isdell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Coca-Cola Company, USA

James J. Schiro, Group Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Group Management Board, Zurich Financial Services, Switzerland

Eric Schmidt, Chief Executive Officer, Google, USA

Video interview: Jonathan Schmidt, Director, Global Agenda, World Economic Forum, shares more details on the Annual Meeting 2007.

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting offers a unique
opportunity for leaders from all walks of life – business, government, the media, academia, the arts and civil society –
to shape the global agenda for 2007.
The Forum’s multistakeholder platform provides a powerful stage for them to engage together and make change happen.
As we build the programme for Davos, we see that much is
going well for business. Strong growth continues in most
regions and profits are up for many.
The BRICs have kept their momentum, both despite and because of rising commodity prices.
And we see a new generation of leaders, applying new
business models based on a pervasive commitment to
innovation as the single most important strategic focus.
But concern is growing about whether the global environment can sustain this success.
The changing power equation, driven by resource competition and the rise of new economic powers, brings many unknowns.
This translates into a sharpened unease about economic imbalances, job insecurity and migration, which are feeding a new form of backlash to globalization.
Both energy security and costs are a source of increased tension and political leverage, and public concern
about climate change has increased markedly.
Business and political leaders are being challenged to adjust strategies rapidly in response to the rising economic and geopolitical influence of emerging markets, in particular China.
Moreover, leaders must manage more risk factors. For example, Iran’s stance on its enrichment activities and the rapid strengthening of the Shiite crescent may further destabilize an already turbulent Middle East.
In addition, despite wide press coverage, the world’s
ability to react to a global pandemic remains woefully
The apparent governance deficit and lack of institutional capacity to respond to any of the above issues has
reached a critical level.
Davos 2007 will provide the framework to shape the global agenda and identify effective responses.
Global business leaders have a unique insight into the impact of the governance deficit – and the need for collective responses.
Business can apply its experience in identifying and implementing effective solutions, but it cannot do so in isolation.
Exceptionally at Davos, the Forum and its members can federate the power of many stakeholders and global networks around these global concerns.
Shaping the global agenda requires new mandates to gain
trust, identify solutions, make decisions, take action and generate new thinking to manage networks – across
organizations, industries and regions.
The goal now is not just to navigate, but to create the future.

In particular, in Davos we will focus on five main areas, each briefly listed below:

Driving Growth: Economic outlook, job creation and skill sets, entrepreneurship, finance and markets, new networks, business strategy, technology and new models, emerging MNCs, personal and institutional leadership, trade, development and competitiveness.

Scaling up Sustainable Solutions: Sustainable business
models, greening supply chains, emerging fiscal, regulatory and voluntary measures, innovation, consumer behaviour, technological “fixes”, new product/market development opportunities, resource management (water, air, soil, biodiversity), sustainable urban development and the future of mobility.

Addressing Global Fault Lines: Security, shifting balance of power – regional and global implications, energy security and petropolitics, climate change, terrorism and new forms of conflict, democracy and transition, disparities, migration, ageing populations, disenfranchised populations (especially unemployed youth), the rise of populism and pandemics.

Exploring Identity and the Communication Disconnect:
Factors shaping identity today, the new backlash to
globalization, cultural shifts and conflicts, tribalism and crosscultural trends, nationality and the individual, convergence, digitalization and channel fragmentation, reputation and branding, understanding the brain and human psyche, the influence of religion, research and ethics, the metamorphosis of learning and infodemics.

Defining Leadership Mandates and the Power of the Network: Long-term versus short-term solutions, incentives,collaboration management and social network systems,
institutional and corporate organizational models, the
effectiveness of democracy, new skills, customer-led innovation, emerging market power and governance, business and the global agenda.
The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2007 will provide the opportunity for influential leaders from diverse fields and areas of the world to address these concerns and build the effective, innovative communities needed to create new approaches in the spirit of global citizenship.

We look forward to seeing you in Davos.
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2007
Executive Summary

Davos, Switzerland 24-28 January
Shaping the Global Agenda
World Economic Forum, 91-93 route de la Capite, CH-1223 Cologny/Geneva, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)22 869 1212, Fax: +41 (0)22 786 2744, E-mail: contact@weforum.org, www.weforum.org



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