

Japanese-English Meet upコミュのPlease introduce yourself / 自己紹介お願いします☆

  • mixiチェック
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


Hi, I am manager of the community. I will be taking the nihongo nouryoku shiken level 4 this December 3rd. I will be the one organising events such as trips to starbucks, fridays, etc.

Due to me working with foreigners, I rarely have the chance to communicate with Japanese people. As such, I believe this would be an excellent way for both Japanese and Foreigners to not only meet and become friends, but fully improve our speaking and listening ability in the languages. Please introduce yourself when you join.


hay everyone! American guy living in Tokyo, been here for almost 2 years now, and working in health and wellness, . Long story short my wife (japanese) and i moved our business here to tokyo, because we wanted to japan with its current health epidemic. I am enjoying my time in the beautiful country, and want to explore as much of it as i can. I decided to join mixi in the hopes to find new friends, maybe have fun, and learn a few things.
Hi, I'm Maiko.
I live in Tokyo, and I'm Japanese.
I'm a woman in the 30s.
When I was a child, I used to live in US for about 4 years and a half.

Right now, I teach kids english.
It's really fun. I love them so much.

I don't have a chance to speak in English other than the lessons for my students and that's not enough for me.
So I want a friend who can speak in English.

I'm not good at teaching things to adults, so language exchange is maybe not a good idea, but I'll try if you'd like to.

plz send me a message if you're interested!
Hi,I`m Kei.
I`m a Japanese.

I live in Tokyo and I work in treading company.

I study English but it`s so difficult.
I`m looking forward to making foreigner friends here.

If you wanna study Japanese, please send me a message.
Hi, there! I am Sammy from Gunma pref. and look for a friend who can make me laugh and smile and happy through English coversation, etc. I am a middle age man and used to live in the U.S. for approximately 13 years. I have family in the U.S. and am taking care of my mother here. I am pretty much a happy go lucky person who can go along with all ages and any nationalities. I love joke around people. Anyway, you welcome to visit my profile and see you can understand who you deal with or what kinds of guy I am.

Oh, by the way, right now I am deep into the cooking. You will see when you visit.

Have a nice day.

Very turely yours,

Sammy (^^)

Hello,my name is Miyako.
I want to chat on LINE app with foreigner.
that why my English is not perfect,so I want to study English more...
If you allow me to chat with you,please send me message.. :-)
hi,i'm yumiko.
i'm japanese and live in tokyo.
i like speaking english but i don't have my foreign friends so much.
i'd like to meet someone who speaks english and live in or around tokyo.
i'm looking forward to hearing from someone!
にほんごを べんきょう してからにほんじんのかたとなかよくなりたいです!
きがるに めっせ ください
みなさん、こんにちは。私はマシューです。私はアメリカ出身ですが、私は霞が関、東京に住んでいます。私は、フィットネストレーナーです。私はまた、マッサージを与えるのが得意です。私はいくつかの日本語を話すことができます。私はまた、ネイティブに英語を話す。私は自由に新しい友人をたくさんので、ご連絡ください、私を作る楽しみください。あなたがきれいに尋ねれば、私はあなたに無料でマッサージを与えるかもしれない。多分。 LOL

[Hello, everyone. I'm Matthew. I am from the USA, but I live in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo. I am a fitness trainer. I am also good at giving massages. I can speak some Japanese. I also speak English natively. I enjoy making new friends a lot, so please message me freely. If you ask nicely, I might give you a massage for free. Maybe. LOL]
I'm 26years old men living in Yokohama.

I''m looking for a language exchange person who can speak English.
If you wanna study Japanese or just hung out with me, please let me know. Thank you.

See you soon!!!

Exchange パートナーを探しています。

I am the guy, and living in Tokyo now.

I am looking for the foreigner's friends who can speak English, because I want to improve my English skills both speaking and listening.

If it is possible, I want to have a language exchange foreigner's girl's friend in Tokyo area.

My hobby is taking photograph of the model or the cos-player.

Why don't you talk each other?

I am waiting for your message.
Hi! I work in Shibuya.I want Friend of the foreigner
はじめまして! コーリーです。
友達になりましょう ね!

Nice to meet you! I am Cory.
I am 23 years old.
I live in america.
Lets be friends!

For my LINE id message me!
>>[733] さん I can help you speak English. skypeでついか!:) madmanover9000
>>[733] さん I can help you speak English. skypeでついか!:) madmanover9000
Hello, I would like to help people speak English! I am available on skype. My id is madmanover9000. message me!
G'day! I'm a trainer for English teachers, who graduated from several colleges overseas.


小学校の後半はインターナショナル フリースクールへ行きました。

If you wish to have a chat or whatever you like! お気軽にどーぞー!わーい(嬉しい顔)

Thank you.

≪資 格≫
・TOEIC 975
・英検1級 (二次満点)
・Versant 75/80
・TESOL Diploma 国際英語教師資格  など

Tsu Josh
Hi. I'd like to my friend.
Leaning English already.
Please send to me a message(^^)
Hi! I am high school student who am like English
I want to conversation English-speaking countries
I am not good at speaking English but someday I would be good at speaking English
If you help me , I am very happyうれしい顔うれしい顔and to contact
So please commentsお願いお願い
Native English speaker who wants to learn Japanese! Live in the USA, and also can help with someone's English as well


Also love to play video games, watch anime, cosplay, etc
>>[774] さん
Hi Miko.
Where are you? I'm in Saitama.
Let's be friends!
Peter イギリス
Hi Yumiko.
I live in Saitama. Let's be friends!
Peter イギリス
Japanese female, 33years old, lives in Kyoto
Love eating and drinking, art, listening to music



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