

Anissina and PeizeratコミュのMessage from Gwendal

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A&P MLを通じてGwendalよりメッセージが届きました。

Here is my message for Japanese people and Japanese fans:

I am shocked by what I see of the consequences and the damages done by the earthquake and the tsunami. Japan is the place I've been visiting more often in my life.
It's like my second home country and some friends in Japan are like my family...my Japanese family.
Seeing all these places I've been to, destroyed and flooded just brake my heart and thinking of the suffering caused to Japanese by this catastrophe is unbearable.

I want to send all my positive energy to all Japanese people hoping you will face this hawfull situation the best way you can. I know you will face it with courage and the efficacity you show in everything you do.

Best of luck to all of you. Hope all your families and friends are safe and sound.

I really hope World championships will be held. Being there I will be able to help and it would mean that things are already getting better.

All my love.


Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011



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