

無料英語学習★タダぺら★コミュの 英語で日記一緒に書こう〜Why don't you write a diary in English??〜

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We have the same goal!!

ヾ(* ・ω・)人(* ・ω・)ノ゛{{WE WILL BE PERAPERA PERSONS FOR FREE!!}}

Why don't you write a diary in English?!

Of course, it is free!!

How's everything with you?? ヽ(´∀`*)ノ

Let us know your today's story!!




Yah! I'm pioneer!
I'm not good at English, but I wanna keep studying English. That's why I started English Diary today!

In this evening, my friends called me.
I really surprised because I hadn't communicate with her for a long time.

She is my best friends that I had been to Junior college with.
She moaned to someone about her chaotic emotional life.
Also, we talked about the homecoming of our college.
We will see in it!! It is really exited for us!!

I'm really looking forward to see her and other friends again!!
Good morning!
Today, I'd like to introduce myself.
I am a college student.
And my specialty is Information Science.
But I love English more than it.
I've liked and studied English for more than 10 years.
When I was a high school student, I had a desire to go abroad.
Then I had a chance to go to Toronto in Canada.
I stayed and studied English there for 3 months.
I remember it was very nice time.
Actually, I'm not yet good at English very much.
So I keep studying English after coming back to Japan.
Now I, of course, study English every day.
I want to get a real English skill that enables me to talk with English naitive speakers fluently by my graduation from university.
Thank you for reading.
Today I'm little sensitive, so I wrote poetry.

Just open my mind.

Just accept myself.

Just take action.

There are all just do things, but there are all difficult.
I need my emotional confidence.

I'm not sure it is my selfish or for each other.

I just....

Just wrote my personal feeling, so may be you guys couldn't understand what I wrote, I'm sorry ○o。..:*・(uωu人)・*:..。o○but I hope you could share my feeling a littleヽ(´∀`*)ノ
This morning I overslept.
I think it's because I stayed up late last night.
And I couldn't attend one class of university.
The class was Economics, in which I'm interested these
So I regreted so much that I skipped it.
In the afternoon I attended two classes.
One is 'Information Theory'.
The other is 'Art & Techonology'
Both was not easy to understand but interesting.
After finishing the classes I went to work a part-time.
I work at Yakitori (or grilled chiken) restaurant.
It was a bit boring because there was few people coming there.
I was not busy.
Only when the restaurant is busy, I can feel it's a
rewarding job.
And my boss may order me to punch out a time-card and
come back home if the restaurant is not busy.
I need money.
So I wanna work as long as I can.
Fortunately, I was able to work till closing time today.

I was very happy.
Now I am alone because my hasband has gone to Japan on
business. He'll come home tomorrow. After school I
dropped in a bookstore and bought an English novel.
I am not sure if I can reach to the end or not. I went
to a Starbucks and started reading a little bit.
Starbucks in US is not crowded like in Japan. I spent
time with coffee and cake. Today was beautiful sunny
day. Sometimes I looked outside and felt happy.
Good evening! It is first contact wiht you. I have'nt been opened my computer in a half year.... I cant not continue anything...That is makes me worry...From now, I decide to make the most of this chance!!! Everyone who see my page,please gime me a mail! In English or In Japanese, Either are Ok..+'(◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)..+* I am waiting your reply!!!
Good morning.
I joined this community today.
I have to take a English test 3month later.
If I couldn't pass the test, I will be fire.
That's why I started to write my diary in English from this week.
Afeter that, my friend cannot read my diary...
Nobody can reply....
Buy I never quit my English diray.
Now, I have a really exciting plan.
The plan is going to see my friends that I had been to Junior college with.
“Swan festival” made the chance.
Swan festival is a college festival.

I live in Nara, but I studied in Tokyo.
So I have to go to Tokyo.
It is little trip for me.

I'm really wating for it!!
Difficult but Possible!!

Tomorrow is always up to you!!

I declare
I will be a person who can make hope and power of life.

We can do anything we want.

Just do it!!

Just accept yourself!!

Be strong!!

We must Win!!!!
Long time no see...(ノ∀`)

These days sad things happened to me ,and I was really busy.

My grand fathers were gone.

It is like leaves turn red and gold.

They died a glorious death.

I really appreciate with them.

Thank you my grand fathers.
Hi Emily

I am glad to hear from you. I'm worried about you.
I know your situation and I'm sorry for them.

You had a lot of great memories with them.

I hope you will come back soon as usual.



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