

USA TODAY でアメリカをよむコミュのUSA Today's Today News9/20

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*タイ クーデター タクシン首相追い出し成功か
野党がボイコットした選挙をへて 選挙無効判決
首相暗殺未遂はやらせ という事件をへて クーデター
選挙は来年になっちゃた いいのかわるいのか。

Army chief: Thailand general election will be held in October 2007

BANGKOK — The army commander who seized Thailand's government in a swift, bloodless coup promised Wednesday to act as prime minister for only two weeks, until a new leader "who is neutral and upholds democracy" is found and a temporary constitution is enacted.

Army chief Gen. Sondhi Boonyaratkalin told a news conference that a general election would be held in October 2007, and he hinted that ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra could face prosecution for wrongdoing.

うわあ タクシン帰国できないなあ これじゃ。

The British Foreign Office said Thaksin was to arrive in Britain Wednesday on a private visit. A spokeswoman for London's Gatwick Airport said a chartered Thai Airways jet was due to land there around noon ET.

でどこにいたかというとロンドン 英国で亡命か

"Any citizen of the world is free to visit the United Kingdom providing their paperwork is in order," he said on condition of anonymity in line with government policy. "He can come spend his money at Harrods if he wants to."


The International Monetary Fund, which bailed Thailand and some of its neighbors out of a financial crisis in the late 1990s, was closely watching the situation but believed the region would be little affected, said the IMF's chief, Rodrigo de Rato.

"Thailand's economy is fundamentally strong," de Rato said.

経済への影響はなし でしょうね。タクシンの不正疑惑なので

Asked whether there would be moves to confiscate Thaksin's vast assets, Sondhi said that "those who have committed wrongdoings have to be prosecuted according to the law." He did not elaborate.




The European Union condemned the coup and demanded a return to a "democratically elected" government.

The U.S. State Department said it was uneasy about the military takeover and hopes "the Thai people will resolve their political differences in accord with democratic principles and the rule of law."



The U.S. Embassy, in an e-mail to its citizens living in Thailand, said while there had been no reports of violence, Americans should "monitor the situation closely, avoid any large gatherings and exercise discretion when moving about the city."


"At this point, we are not advising Americans to leave Thailand; however, Americans planning to travel to Thailand may wish to carefully consider their options before traveling until the situation becomes clearer," the e-mail read.


Britain told its citizens living in Thailand to stay in their homes, while Japan, Australia and Canada advised citizens to be extremely careful in the Thai capital.



*かあさん 大変 なんか窓から見えるよ!!!


Astronauts find three more objects outside shuttle during inspections


HOUSTON — Shuttle astronauts spotted three pieces of debris floating in space outside Atlantis early Wednesday, a day after the discovery of two other mysterious objects forced a postponement of the landing.
Atlantis commander Brent Jett described the objects as two rings and a piece of foil. He told Mission Control the first object, about 100 feet from the shuttle, was "a reflective cloth or a mechanic looking-cloth. ... It's not a solid metal structure."


NASA has not worked on a contingency plan of parking the shuttle at the international space station for astronauts' safe haven, but has not ruled that out if serious damage was found.

予期しない深刻なダメージがあれば、国際ステーションに戻ることもありえる そうな。そりゃ大変だ



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