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The more 〜 The more についてですが、

1.I felt that the more I studied English , the more I had difficulty to learn English.

2.I felt that the more I study English , the more I have difficulty to learn English.

3.The more I study English the more difficulty I have in learning English.

4.I felt that the more I studied English , the more difficulty i would encounter in learning English


Why are the sentences number 3 and 4 better than the sentence number1 ?


Q2 Is there something wrong with sentence number 2?

to learn English と in learning English ではどういう意味の違いがでてくるのでしょうか?

What is difference between " to learn English " and " in learning English " ?



mique san

Thanks to your advice, I completely understood.
And I had second thoughts:

Sentence number 1 is wrong because of island constraint you taught me.

And sentence number 2 is definitely wrong because of sequence of tenses and island constraint.

However I wonder what difference is between " to learn English " and " in learning English " .

Do I care about the grammars too much ? lol.
> 3.The more I study English the more difficulty I have in learning English.

The first "the more" in the example sentence is an
adverb, while the second, an adjective.

a) more as an adverb:
I stduy English more.

b) more as an adjective:
I have more difficulty in learning English.

Here, I wonder whether I can say as follows:

b') more as an adverb
I have difficaulty more in Learning.

If I can say this, is the sentence below grammatical?

The more I study English, the more I have difficulty in learning English.

Another question is whether I can say "I study more English," where more is
an adjective.

Anyway, I still prefer the way of saying used in sentence 3, though.
Mique-san thank you for advice,you are the amazing person. I didn't expect that I could understand in English that the difference between "to learn" and "in learning".It's appropriate to use "in learning " in that sentence.



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