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竹取飛翔 〜 Lunatic Princess./ Deeper Than Your Eyes, Farther Than Platinum Moon.

musics. Deeper Than Your Eyes, Farther Than Platinum Moon.
Original. 竹取飛翔 〜 Lunatic Princess.
Source. 東方永夜抄 〜 Imperishable Night.
Final B Boss Theme; Kaguya Houraisan.

Album by Alstroemeria Records.
Reitaisai 12 May 10, 2015.
Arrangement. Masayoshi Minoshima.
Lyrics. Camellia.
Vocals. Mei Ayakura.


日付を一つ超えて 薄く靄が滲んだ夜の
静けさに触れられて 君も動きを止めるのだろう
月の輪 見詰めて

Passing a single date, being touched by the stillness
of the night thinly blotted with mist, you’ll also stop moving won’t you
Gazing at the the circular moon
(Losing temperature)

まだ深まる夜の海に 白金の球が浮かぶ
まだ解けない目線 絡まったまま 星を探しだす

In the yet deepening sea of night, the platinum sphere floats
My gaze, yet unbroken, remaining tied, searches for stars

明日の朝が眠る 朱色の空は遥か遠い
藍が幽かに爆ぜて 音もなくあたりを満たしていく
木の影が遮って 斑雲の群が覆っても
怖いほどの閑寂に 君も光を漏らすのだろう
月の輪 透かして

Tomorrow’s morning sleeps, the vermillion sky stretches long and far
Filling the vicinity without a sound, indigo faintly bursts and spreads
Even if the trees’ shadows obstruct and groups of speckled clouds conceal,
in the scarily tranquil stillness, you’ll also let out your light, won’t you
The circular moon shines through

日付を一つ超えて 薄く靄が滲んだ夜の
静けさに触れられて 君も動きを止めるのだろう
月の輪 見詰めて

Passing a single date, being touched by the stillness
of the night thinly blotted with mist, you’ll also stop moving won’t you
Gazing at the the circular moon
(Losing temperature)

まだ深まる夜の海に 白金の球が浮かぶ
まだ解けない目線 絡まったまま 星を探しだす

In the yet deepening sea of night, the platinum sphere floats
My gaze, yet unbroken, remaining tied, searches for stars

露がその肌伝う 落ちて消えればまた滴る
どれだけこの夜明けが 近づいても逃げてしまいたい
振り撒かれた光る砂 一つずつ辿って繋いで
道のない夜空では 君も独りじゃ寂しいだろう

The dew follows down your skin, another trickling if it falls and disappears
No matter how close the dawn comes, I just want to run away for good
Following the scattered sparkling sand, I connect them one by one
In the roadless night sky, I’ll bet it’s lonely being by yourself

月の輪 追いかけ 瞳に 映して

Chasing after the circular moon, casting into my eyes

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