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(quoted from)¡ØThe Laws of SUN.¡Ù¡Ã¡Ã¡Ã

¡ÃÎáÏ£²Ç¯£³·î£±£·Æü¡Ø(quoted from)THE LAWS OF THE SUN¡Ù¡§kochi-atago
(quoted by,)¡¡Hamada-Toshihiro ¡Ê£µ£¶ºÐ¡Ë¡Ã[Íý³Ø»Î]¡Ã¡Ö°úÍÑʸ¾Ï¡×¡Ã
Do you think life is just the decades of time spent in this world from birth till one's death? If so, then this book will completely overturn your views on life after just a few pages. If life were finite and if you, an individual with a name that was given you by your parents, become nothing when you die, leaving behind just a handful of ashes and some bones after being cremated, with all else vanishing into the air as carbon dioxide and water vapor, then why do you bother to put so much effort into living your life? Why do you study and go through handships? Why have you been deeping your understanding of life or pursuing your dreams? Let me ask those who are proud of being modern intellectuals: who among you could ever master the Truth and expound it in a way that was so surperior that it would be enough to refute the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha? If you insist that the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha are compelete fiction, then what about the Truth taught by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago? Can you claim that his teachings were equally nonsensical? More than a billion people in the world admire Jesus Christ, who had kept believing in God. But can you just dismiss God as a total fabrication based on Jesus' own personal belief and prejudice? Jesus was a true envoy of the Truth who prayed as he sweat blood in the garden of Gethemane and was crucified wearing a crown of thorns. If you can call him a madman, you should come forward and prove to the world that you are sane.
No one can actually do such a thing because there is no one who has ever mastered Buddha's Truth more deeply than Shakyamuni Buddha, who achieved the highest level of enlightment, or Jesus Christ, who was guided by El Cantare, the core consciousness of Shakyamuni Buddha.
Therefore, you must first be open-minded and start learning what Buddha's teachings are. This spirit is the exploration of scientific evidence in the truest sense. Throughout this entire book, I intend to answer the question,­àWhat is Buddha?" As I do so, I will also present you with many clues and

¡Ã¡Ã¡Ã¡ÖThank you very much.¡×¡Ã¡Ã¡Ã¡þ¡Ã¡Ã¡Ã

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