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When I was 18, my family was living in Seattle at the time, I was baptized at a Baptist church. And this church had all kinds of rules about sexuality, dancing. I asked what was wrong with dancing, and the response was, “dancing leads to sexuality.”
Really? Obon dance leads to sexuality? But I didn’t object. I was in college at the time, and I became involved in campus ministry where the goal was to convert the entire campus. We would go up to people and tell them that they were sinners, and the world was going to end and they would have to choose between being saved or eternal damnation. One day, myself and a campus minister met a young South Asian man whose hair had been dyed blue. He had many piercings on his ears, and his nose. And my campus minister asked him, “Can we talk about Jesus?” That was our opening line, can we talk about Jesus? Usually 90% of people would answer “no.” And people can be very rude to us as you can imagine. But this young man was different, he was composed and polite. And this was his answer, “Yes, I’d be happy to talk with you about Jesus but I want you to know up front, I am gay and I’m not ashamed of it.”

そうでしょうか。盆踊りは、男女問題に発展しますか? しかし、私は反論しませんでした。私はその時大学生で、キャンパスの全ての人を回心させるという目標を持って、キャンパスミニストリーに打ち込んでいました。私たちは人々をつかまえては、彼らは罪人であり、世界には終わりが訪れ、そして彼らは救いか永遠の地獄かを選ばなければならない、と説いて回りました。

And immediately, the campus pastor started telling this young man, “You are going to hell if you doesn’t stop being sinning.” Like a broken radio, he repeated this over and over, and the volume kept increasing, increasing, increasing. The young man responded, “I respect your position, but I disagree. I’ve always been gay as far back as I can remember. God created me this way. God loves me just the way I am!” And the campus minister responded with even more vigor. His face turned red and his fists tightened. According to the script we had practiced together, I was supposed to join in after the opening line, but I got scared, instead of joining in, I began to back away, further and further. At some point, I stopped hearing the words. All I could see was an image of a man acting in rage and the other lovingly, calmly responding. I can tell you, the young man looked more Christian than the campus pastor.


That day, for the first time I began to question my assumptions about homosexuality. I couldn’t sleep that night. The next day, I brought my questions to my pastor, and immediately, I was told to leave the congregation.
And I spent the next two years continuing to question my basic beliefs about the Church, about God, and about the Bible. This was my time of wilderness. Eventually where I arrived was a Reconciling Methodist Church and there I began to piece together my relationship with God. And this was where I began my journey toward pastoral ministry. I started my ordination process. It was a pastor named Mark Williams who became my mentor. He was smart, he was fun, and he made me believe that I actually had something to share.


After graduating from college, I came to Berkeley to attend a seminary. But back in Seattle during annual conference, in front of hundreds of pastors and lay people, in front of his bishop, Mark stepped up to a microphone and said, “I am a lifelong United Methodist. I’m a United Methodist Pastor, and I am gay.”
I heard that this auditorium with over thousand people was dead silent. Now, I want you to understand, today we have hundreds of pastors who have come out as gay or lesbian, and most of them will not face charges, but back then, that was not the case. Mark was immediately placed on suspension. And this news was on the front page of Seattle Times. Everyone in the state of Washington had heard about the “gay Methodist pastor.” I prayed every day that Mark would be reinstated as a Methodist pastor, I couldn’t think of anybody else more qualified to be a pastor than Mark.


My parents had also heard about Mark. And they were conflicted. On one hand, they knew he was gay, and on the other hand, they knew he had a tremendous impact on me and that he was the one that led me to ministry in the United Methodist Church.
My parents didn’t know what to do with this conflict. So what did was, whenever they found a newspaper article about Mark. They would cut it out and send it to me. They never said, “We approve of Mark or disapprove.” I believe they were trying to figure that out. This was their time of wilderness.


Four years ago, my mother had a health related incident that almost killed her. And they decided to spend the remainder of their lives being closer to us. I asked if they were moving to San Jose. They said “no.” I think they wanted to be close, but not too close. So they moved to a house in Aptos, and they told me they were joining Aptos United Methodist Church. I could not be more surprised, this was a Reconciling congregation. They had a wonderful young pastor and he’s openly gay.
I wasn’t sure if my parents were ready for this? I had no idea. I called the pastor. “I have a bad news for you, my parents are joining your church. If they misbehave, can you let me know and I’ll come down immediately!”
I never received such call, but I could not stop wondering, how are they doing with this issue? Every time I asked them how their church was going, they said, “it’s fine, it’s going well!”

両親はそのことを知っているのだろうか? 私には定かでありませんでした。私はその牧師に電話し、こう告げました。
「悪い知らせがあるのです。両親があなたの教会に行きます。もし彼らが失礼なことをしたら、知らせてくれますか? すぐにそちらに行きますから。」

Recently, as a District Superintendent, I visited Aptos UMC to preside over their all church conference. My parents were there sitting in the back corner. And the pastor began sharing about what the church did in 2017. He mentioned that the church had joined a local pride parade and that they spoke against homophobia.
And as I was hearing this, I tried so hard not to look my parents, but I couldn’t resist, I slowly turned my head toward my parents. And this is what I saw. What I saw was my parents standing up and joyfully clapping their hands. And in that moment, I realized something had changed in all of us. Tears started to fall on my face. What I saw in my parents was the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness.

My parents are in their 70s. They are the most stubborn people I know. And yet their lives had been changed. They are the living testimony to the Matthew text, with God, all things are possible.
Folks, we have much work to do on this issue, and it’s more than political change, it’s more than institutional change, at the heart of it, it’s a spiritual change. Let us be in prayer that God’s Spirit will bring a transformation. Amen.


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