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The Fruit of the Spirit  霊の結ぶ実
Galatians 5:22-23 ガラテヤ書 5章22-23節

Today’s Scripture says, if someone is filled with the Holy Spirit, you should be able to see that, that there is something different about that person, that there are distinct characteristics exhibited by that person. Galatians 5:22-23 says: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

This is the fifth anniversary of Wesley San Jose UMC being a Reconciling congregation. What a great joy this is. When this church became a Reconciling congregation, I was just down the street serving at San Jose First UMC. I want to you to know that it was our hearing your decision to become a Reconciling church that helped us to believe, “Yes, we too can become a Reconciling church.”
What followed was a series of very difficult conversations at San Jose First. Some people made inappropriate, even offensive comments. Some people got up and left. There was tension, there was disruption. That’s what happens when you go through a change.
It was a very intense time, but the leadership of the church kept reminding each other that there is no limit to God’s love, everyone deserves God’s love and we kept pressing forward. And it was three years later that we officially became a Reconciling congregation.
Here is a picture we took from the balcony of San Jose First UMC overlooking City Hall on the day the church voted to become Reconciling. (picture) It’s beautiful isn’t it?


There is a United Methodist Bishop named William Willimon. And he’s written a book called United Methodist beliefs. It’s about what we believe as United Methodists. In that book, there is a paragraph that reads like this:
It does seem to us United Methodists that it is of the nature of the Holy Spirit to provoke and to enable change. The Bible speaks about change most often through the word, “repentance” to turn around, to be transformed, to move from one mode of life to another, to be more of the person that God intended you to be, to turn from sin and to turn toward God. Such turning we consider to be (are you surprised?) a work of God in us through the persistence of the Holy Spirit…

メソジスト教会の監督(ビショップ)にウィリアム・ウィルモンという方がおられます。彼はUnited Methodist Beliefs (合同メソジスト教会の信仰)という本を書いています。合同メソジストの信徒として何を信じるかを書いたこの本には、次のような箇所があります。

This paragraph caught my attention, because in the United Methodist Church, we don’t always talk about “the Spirit.” We, Methodists, do social service, we do community development, we study the Bible, we preach, we eat, (we do a lot of eating), but rarely, rarely, do we talk about “the Spirit.”
If we were to compare the Church to a car, the Spirit is the engine. You can wash the car. You can wax it. You can add leather seats and make it look fancy, but if the engine is not running, the car will not move. Matthew 19:26, Jesus looks at the disciples says, “…With God all things are possible.” Not just some things, but all things, all things are possible through God. And God does his work through the Spirit. When the car is fully running, all things are possible.


Many of you know that I grew up in Japan in a very traditional household. And this is a confession, but the environment I grew up in rejected and repudiated LGBTQ people. Words like “unnatural” and “sinful” have always been attached to homosexuality. I was taught this by my own parents. And when you hear these words over and over, at some point, these ideas become ingrained in you.


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