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Lower arm bush for Super Beetle

Unexpectedly, the lower arm bush part for my Super Beetle arrived at my hand this after noon, that due to some desperate effort by VW Shop "Intake". I really appreciate his contribution to me.
Though I promised to remove worn bush and re-insert new one with my intimate friend, an indispensable stuff of Netz TOYOTA, another idea comes up to me.
These parts had lasted me as long as 30,000 km at the longest, so, exactly the same procedure to disassembling front axle thoroughly must be performed after covering the same distance.
Construction of Special Tool that can remove old bush without disassembling front axle but just removing bush hinge center bolt adjusting camber value, eccentric design as it has, and the only bush outer lace could be sliding removed and inserting new one in the same manner. If it is possible to make up such kind of device, I can short cut the procedures, disassembling front axle, reassembling it again and wheel alignment and axle geometry re-construction.
Designing is almost finished in my Cortex, I would like to proceed to actual making of ST.
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