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Positive Trapezoidal theory in wheel alignment

Remembering my past 20 years, I had been paying attention to the thrust angle measured from rear axle construction too much, but recently I have realized that the establishing the Positive trapezoidal figure from upper point of view while straight running is prior to the conventional way of thinking. Though driver's weight is put on the seat, the theory does not prevail at all under the actual dynamic conditions on the way. However hard and however many times I might do it, constructive axle supporting structures and wheel alignments measuring and adjusting have not been favorable at all. So, I did change the point of view of alignment of vehicles into the idea of forming Positive trapezoidal while straight running. Finally, all the trouble events of straight running were wiped out and diminished like some different world. Of course, the so to speak Thrust angle is not zero when adjusted to form Trapezoidal figure, but the steering feel is noting but comfortable and the steering wheel is fixed at the centric position with tackiness and no symptoms is felt to change lane so easily as ill-setting cars. The thrust angle is not correct numerically, but the driving feel is the best if the Trapezoidal figure is established.
As we know, indispensable conditions should be satisfied before that, the axises of front and rear should be parallel each other meaning the elimination of Setback and Swung rear discrepancies and lateral offset also leading to the equilibrium of wheel bases each other, camber values should be the same, front and rear promptly, not only that caster values also.
in short symmetric conditions should be supplied anyway, this is why I mentioned about the figure of Positive Trapezoidal figure from the upper point of view.
Though I have made up desert TOYOTA SXE10 Altezza with 30,000km use at the beginning, I feel some strong regrets attachment and lingering affection after this critical wheel adjustment. Just because of inconvenience for model airplane handling and stowage(rear gate convenience). Also, my lovely VW1302 Super Beetle still remains with the same reason.
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