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TOYOTA SXE10 Altezza thrust fine correction

Fine correction of thrust angle in TOYOTA SXE10 Altezza was performed yesterday in spite of hottest weather in the pit room. The value of discrepancy was minus 43.00 second(angle), but even in such a trifle error, change of driving feel was clearly distinguished as it's often the case. There exists no specific steering habit, because any kind of habitual tendencies could be conquered and eliminated by scaling, adjusting and correcting errors in the wheel alignment and axle suspension constructive geometries. Although, writing like this easy but doing actually and establishing this is far above difficult, muscle pain inviting task with some delicacy and patience. In short, adjusting the 4 wheel touching points to form Positive trapezoidal from the upper point of view while straight running phase. The centric feeling of the driver meets with that of the vehicle after establishing upper written requirements. Description would not be recognized until the driver does a well adjusted one how ever hard I might explain here.
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