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Autumn season is at hand

Though it is hotter in the daytime around 30 degree Celsius these days, the sign of Autumn is observed here and there.
Not a few people are planning travel this season, so every road is crowded especially on holidays. I make it a rule not to drive in such a inconvenient condition.
Aggressive drivers are increased in number immediately after Autumn road safety week, because police is active in that interval.
I drive my car at relatively low speed when starting after red signal stop, because the initial stage on starting consumes gasoline the most. Making sure not to push down accelerating pedal too much is the best way to compensate fuel consumption.
Professional track driver behind me might be invited some frustration at that time.
I'm prepared to apologize in case of trouble, "The driver is geriatric and my car too, sorry."
Actually, my car has enough potential to drive so vividly to lead traffic flow, but I try not to run so quickly.
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