

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのUNITE AND WIN RALLY in PHX AZ 1

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Speaker 1: (28:25)
Please rise and remove your hats for the singing of the national anthem. (30:57)
Hey, everybody. Would you please stand and join me in the pledge of allegiance, please?
. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Let us open with a prayer. Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for bringing us together. Thank you for the creation of this great nation we call America. Thank you for our home Arizona. Thank you for the blessings of Liberty. We ask that you watch over us gathered here today, and those watching from afar.
We ask that you place a hedge of protection around our families here tonight and as they travel home, our children, the most precious gift you can give us, protect them, guide them and show them the way that they should go. I ask that you protect the candidates and elected officials here today and their families as they take on this monumental task assigned by you. Give them the wisdom to do right, and the discernment to make the right decisions for our land. Watch over our military and brave first responders. Please continue to bless our land and our people. We ask this all in your mighty name. Amen.

Tyler Bowyer: (32:35)
Hey, everybody, how are we doing? I said, how are we doing? Well, welcome back to Arizona Financial Theatre. Once upon a time, Arizona Federal Theatre, once upon a time Comerica Theater, for those of us that are really old, like you guys with the white hair right here. Yeah, you Dodge Theatre. Right? I don’t know what it was before that. We are so excited to be back here. It was about a year ago that we hosted Donald J. Trump. If you were here for that, give me a shout out for that last year. About half. Yeah. All right. It was a great time. I think he was really surprised to hear about a little lady named Kari Lake and he heard everybody screaming her name and he was like, “I’m going to endorse that girl,” and he did. Here we are here later, and August 2nd was a pretty dang good day, right? So my name’s Tyler Bowyer. I’m the chief operating officer for Turning Point Action.

Tyler Bowyer: (33:52)
I’m also the Republican National Committeeman for Arizona. I like to think of myself, I’m not only one of the youngest guys on the Republican National Committee, but I’m the most conservative, and so not everybody likes me over there. They’re going to learn to like it. We have quite the show here for you today. We have a lot of special guests, some people I wanted to bring out here in our pre-program before we got things going, but before we get everything started, we wanted to frame what today’s all about. It’s really uniting everyone to win in the state of Arizona. It wasn’t that long ago that we had some pretty bad guys that were representing the Republican Party, and we’re not going to name names, but we had a state that was in decline for the Republican Party. I think this year, 2022 is going to be the rebirth. We’re in the city of Phoenix. It’s going to be a real Phoenician year for the Republican Party here in Arizona and Turning Point Action’s happy to be supporting that.
Not a lot of people know what we do on a day-to-day basis at Turning Point Action, but we are the political arm, the grassroots activism arm of our sister organization Turning Point USA. What we do is two big things: One is, we recruit precinct committeemen to take those spots here in the state, and we actually have a table out front that you can actually start preparing to be a appointee to a precinct committeeman spot in the state of Arizona. The second thing that we do is we get people elected. One of the things that we were proudly doing this August 2nd, was working hard to educate people on candidates, particularly here in Arizona and across the country. Give it up for Charlie. Charlie, who I happened to meet, just it was almost a decade ago. It was about eight years ago that I met and he was an inspiration. He was like an 80-year-old man trapped in a 20-year-old body with his much great knowledge and speaking ability, and he’s been able to take the world by storm. Who here is excited to hear from Charlie today?
I mentioned I was one of the youngest guys in the Republican National Committee. There’s a guy that’s just slightly younger than me running for us Senate that’s going to be here with us today. His name is Blake Masters. Gosh, it was so cool to have one of the youngest U.S. Senators in history to be right here from the state of Arizona and a true conservative. For those of you, I’m a seventh generation in Arizona and I grew up watching Fox 10. I remember a lady being on there that a lot of us trusted, and her name was Kari Lake. Then not too long ago, she came out and said how much the media was terrible, and that’s why she left the industry and now we trust her even more, right? So we’re excited to hear from her today. Then lastly, of course, those of you that know the beast of the East, the best governor that we have in the country, we’re going to be excited to hear from governor Ron DeSantis.
Look, let’s make no mistake, today is about winning back Arizona. It’s about making sure that crazy people like Katie Hobbs never touch the Governor’s Office, totally ill- equipped. So Katie Hobbs, most people don’t realize this, she’s like the Hillary Clinton of Arizona, except she’s worse. She hangs out with Antifa and she supports Biden’s economic policy. She’s totally ill-equipped, totally-ill equipped to become governor. She has a lot of problems with discrimination and that’s one thing to remember. So I want to bring out one of the best voices here to give us a little pump up as we get started here. It’s our good friend. You know him From KFYI, James T. Harris. James, come on out.



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