

日本語 101コミュのはじめまして!

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feel free to talk in english, portuguese or other language here..let's try to improve our 日本語 and understand better how mixi works.


It's good to hear this word that is Japanese 101. It's like college. It sounds really good to me. That word hooks me up.
Can I take japanese 101, even I am Japanese?
Can I try it?
I'm studying japanese for about a year and a half, sort of. I'm problaby at JLPT level 4, maybe level 3, though I dind't take the test yet. Some of the Kanji used here in mixi are somewhat unknown to me, though I seem to manage using the dictionary. The problem really starts when the kanji is very small and is in a picture... then I have trouble identifying the radicals... and it takes a lot of time to understand the meaning. One of these is the kanji the appear after "my mixi" and "community" in the main page, below the picture.

Reading other people's posts also is a challenge on its own, but I'll get better.... I already invited some people from my japanese class to join mixi!

Thanks for stetting this community up. I saw your
posting on it in Orkut and have joined.

I am taking JLPT level 3 in December, but quite
possibly won't pass. I got a hold of the prior year
tests to practice, and came close to a passing grade
on them, but did not pass. Hopefully my studying
since then will let me pass.  がんばってね。

Im Jorge, from Brazil, and i start studying japanese a few moths ago. Im here to learn and make many new friends!!
Message me!!
My name is wokada.
I live in Shinjuku,Tokyo.
I sing a Haiku in English every Sunday.
Come to my blog and learn Japanese!
See you.



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