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わーい(嬉しい顔) Chiyui Iino,
わーい(嬉しい顔) Hazuki Ooki,
わーい(嬉しい顔) Maiko Nagahashi, and
わーい(嬉しい顔) Orie Fujimoto.

What have you done toward your goal? : )


We are "mochA"ハート

"moch" means our initial, and the last "A" means
Australiaaaaaa!! lovely揺れるハート

last Tuesday, i talked w/ a foreigner,(maybe Australian)
is customer of Otoya now i work.
that was fun.

and last week, i talked w/ Chinese!
that was first time for me. dokidoki lol
(but, have nothing to do w/ this program...)

anyway, there are many foreigner in my shop.
so, i will try to talk to.

i forgot to write my goal! :P

my goal for this program is
1. learn Australian culture
2. be able to speak more smoothly
3. make a lot of friends
4. enjoy!!!!


who is next??

Thank Orie for telling our team name;)
Next, that's me!

My goal for this project is to be easy to use English more in my life.

For this goal,,, I started review the words during taking the train every weekday.

I want to be good at listening English more!
I want to be good at reading English more!
I want to be good at speaking English more!
I want to enjoy this program♪

Who's next???
This team is very industrious and I love that 指でOKぴかぴか(新しい)

Orie, you're a very approachable person and that's your talent.
I like your goals; what have you done to learn Australian culture?
Did you find some books in the library? What goals are you working on
to polish up your English conversation skills?

Maiko, your goal statement is beautifully structured.
I look forward to seeing how much improvement you have made
at the next session!

> Hazuki

Good goal : ) Enriching your vocabulary is certainly a "golden path"
toward becoming a good communicator in English.

When you listen to NHK news, why don't you also repeat what the narrator says?
That is called "shadowing" and it is known to be particularly effective to
improve both listening and speaking skills.

good evening!

i've decided to listen English news everyday at least two.

also, i'm gonna talk to oneself about daily happenings, while taking a bath.

Good evening!
My schedule of x'mas is watch Disney movie with English. Becouse I like Disney and have many DVDs. I always watch the movie with Japanese. So I remenberthe phrase. And, I will try watch foreign films with Englsh. Therefore I want to used to healing English.
Happy New Year! : D

I hope this message will find you well well and sound with peaceful mind.
I look forward to seeing you soon in our very last pre-departure session
on the 12th. Study hard and be ready for the Deakin placement test!

Sincerely yours,




2010冬季海外EAP 更新情報

