

ワインとチーズで英会話コミュの2005 Beaujolais

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Has anybody tried this year's Beaujolais Nouveau yet? I received 5 different bottles from my relatives and have already finished drinking all of them!

Until this year, I hadn't drank much Beaujolais, so it is difficult for me to compare this year's wine to past years. However, I think 2005 is a pretty good year. I especially like the 2005 un-filtered Beaujolais Nouveau. I have found that the less-colorfully labeled bottles have tasted the best.

Beaujolais is great because it goes well with almost any kind of food or cheese.

Beaujolais drinkers, please let me know what you think!


Hello, Seth. How are you?
I live in Venice Beach in California.

I've tried 8 different bottles of Beaujolais Nouveau this year. I think most of them were pretty good.

Althought, this is the first time that I tried many different bottles of Beaujolais Nouveau.
So, I cannot compare them to the past years.

I had great time to enjoy good wine and cheese with my friends!
Hi Seth-san,
I am not a big drinker nor fan of Beaujolais but have tried some for several years.
Year 2005 has been advertised very positive and actually was good.
In my impression Beaujolais in 2005 was not really like “Beaujolais” in a good sense, means not too light, not too watery, and not too fresh.



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