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Only six months ago, the bilateral U.S.–Japanese alliance was seen as being at its strongest point in decades and as the bedrock for U.S. security inter­ests in Asia. Policymakers had focused principally on the additional steps needed to facilitate steady evolution toward an even more integrated and expansive partnership. However, the sudden depar­ture of stalwart U.S. ally Shinzo Abe and the conten­tious Japanese debate over Japan's commitment to the global war on terrorism has upended U.S. policy toward Asia.

Prime Minister Fukuda's difficulties in renew­ing anti-terrorism legislation calls into question Japan's commitment to a security role beyond its immediate environs. It also runs the risk of dissi­pating momentum for Japan's role in other critical security issues, such as missile defense. Fukuda advocates synergizing a strong U.S.–Japanese alli­ance with improved relations with all of Tokyo's neighbors, but perceptions that Prime Minister Fukuda favors cooperation over confronting North Korean and Chinese threats may raise U.S. concerns that Japan will retreat to a less assertive, more isolationist policy.

Left unchecked, these uncertainties (if not suspi­cions) about Prime Minister Fukuda's policy inten­tions could lead to a growing U.S. alienation from Japan. Putting the relationship back on track is essential to ensuring continued peace and stability in Northeast Asia; however, this will require a con­certed effort by both countries.

Prime Minister Fukuda must navigate uncharted political waters with a weakened LDP while fending off challenges by an opposition determined to bring about his downfall. Public support for the ruling party remains low, and the split legislature guaran­tees deadlock and policy stagnation unless the opposing parties can reach consensus on significant legislation. Japanese politics faces a tumultuous and uncertain year ahead.

The Bush and Fukuda administrations, as well as both legislatures, should step up coordination of policies and remove obstacles that pose a challenge to regaining the positive momentum of the past five years. Washington should encourage Japan to main­tain course on adopting a stronger security presence and implementing the necessary legal and constitu­tional changes to do so. At the same time, U.S. pol­icymakers should monitor emerging changes in the Japanese political paradigm so that they can swiftly and effectively address trends that could affect U.S. strategic interests.



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