

開催終了Motherland アフリカを讃えるイベント


2007年03月22日 00:28 更新


六本木Super Deluxeにて行われるアフリカ大使館の関わるイベントです。ライブペインティングに太鼓に歌に演奏にダンス!!



テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス現代日本研究所 / アフリカ大使館 主催  
Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies (ICJS) / African Embassys Presents


March 24th @ Super Deluxe  Open 6 pm entrance 2500yen 1 drink , w/flyer 2000yen 1 drink, co2's guest 1500yen 1drink


☆ 'j.o.o.k'--Hiroko & coco Ayumi--feat. Franck and Mukuna (Ethno-Exotica style Dance Performers / Djumbe drummers)

Among the populer artists from Africa (Nyama Kante, BB Mo Franck) "j.o.o.k" a performance unit since 2004 founded by House/African style dancer Hiroko, and Dancehall Reggae/ Romani, Cabaret, Fire Belly dancer 'coco' Ayumi will give a special show featuring Djumbe drummer/model Franck Mel from Cote d'Ivoire and his partner Mukuna Tshiakatumba from Congo. 'j.o.o.k' is known for their 'Afro-Caribbean' style show and has been featured in many art, music events and music videos. Be ready for the breath taking ecstatic drum sound and the dance performance!!

'j.o.o.k' ジョック----ヒロコ、coco 鮎美 (ダンスパフォーマー)フランク・メル、ムクナ・チアカトゥンバ(Cote d'Ivoir(象牙海岸共和国)出身、Congo出身)House/ African Dancer Hirokoと、Dancehall Reggae/ Romani, Cabaret, Fire Bellydancer 'coco' Ayumiにより2004に結成されたユニット'j.o.o.k'。その独自のスタイル'Afro・Caribbean Style'(Dancehall Reggae/African Dance)から様々なアートショーやイベント、PVで活動。今回はこのイベントの為に作った演出のショーをする。Cote d'Ivoir(象牙海岸共和国)出身の、雑誌やCMモデルで存在感のあるドラマーのフランク・メルと、Congo出身のプロ演奏家ムクナ・チアカトゥンバによる生ジャンベの演奏に、ダンスとの視覚的な刺激で体の芯から熱い夜になること間違いなし。

☆Shino Takahide (painter/illustrator)

Shino is a Japanese artist from Kochi prefecture whose work is inspired by African music and an intimate understanding of African culture. After wandering the African continent, he became an illustrator in 1987 and has since done wall paintings in Tokyo, Kochi and Kenya. The current theme of his work is “MAISHA” which means “life and live” in Swahili.

シーノ・タカヒデ(画家/イラストレーター) 高知県出身。アフリカ音楽に奮起され、アフリカ文化に深く感化された作品を制作し続けている。アフリカ各地を放浪した後、1987年にイラストレーターに。東京、高知、ケニアをはじめとする各地でウォールペインティングを創作している。現在のテーマはスワヒリ語で人生、生活を意味する“MAISHA”である。http://www.pigapiga.com/04shiino.html

☆Nyama Kante (dancer/singer)

Nyama was born in Guinea and grew up in Cote d’Ivoire in a traditional “Griot” family, whose musical roots were based on the music of Mande tribes (with inspiration from Guinea and Mali). She started her professional music career in Abidjan, as a member of the musical theater “Koteba” and was in an idol group “Les Go de Koteba”. She is married to an anthropologist Hiroyuki Suzuki and came to Japan 1998.

ニャマ・カンテ (ダンサー/シンガー) ギニアに生まれコートジボワールの伝統的な”グリオ”の家系で育つ。彼女のミュージックルーツはマンデ民族の音楽(ギニア、マリを基盤とする)マンデ音楽にある。アビジャンのミュージカル劇団“コテバ”でプロ活

☆BB Mo-Franck (musician)

BB Mo-Franck is a Congolese keyboard player, percussionist, lyricist and composer whose work is inspired by his research of African tribal rhythm with European and Zairean musicians. In 1983 he came to Japan to perform in the Hiroshima/Nagasaki peace concert, and his
breathtaking performance with Sadao Watanabe made his name well known in Japan. Since then he has played at Piga Piga, for many international organizations, and has recently mixed culture in music with Japanese shamisen and taiko musicians.

BB モフラン(ミュージシャン) コンゴ出身のキーボード、パーカッション奏者。作詞作曲も手がける。彼の創る音楽には、ヨーロッパ、ザイールのミュージシャンたちと研究した様々なアフリカ民族のリズムが息づいている。1983年に広島長崎平和コンサー

☆Sakaki Mango (thumb piano player)

Born in Kagoshima, Japan in 1974, Sakaki Mango studied the Swahili language at the Osaka University of Foreign Studies, where he also began his research on the music of Tanzania. He traveled to the African continent to receive direct training from the late
Hukwe Ubi Zawose (then the lead limba player of the Tanzanian National Theatre) on the limba, and from Galikai Tillicoti on the mbira. In addition to the limba and mbira, Sakaki Mango also plays the electric likimbe, a Congolese amplified lamellaphone.

サカキ マンゴー(親指ピアニスト) 1974年、鹿児島県生まれ。大阪外国語大学でスワヒリ語を専攻、そのころにタンザニア音楽の研究を始める。アフリカに渡り、当時タンザニア国立歌舞団の主席奏者を務めていた故フクウェ・ウビ・ザウォセ氏にリンバ
の演奏と製作を、ジンバブエのガリカイ ティリコーティ氏にムビラの演奏を師事した。リンバとムビラのほかコンゴの電気リケンベを演奏する。伝統的な演奏スタイルをふまえた上で、新しい解釈でアフリカ音楽のトランス感覚に注目した表現を展開している。http://mango.orio.jp/

☆James Atchison & Chris Gillyard

J&C are American study abroad students at Temple University's Japan campus in Tokyo. James Atchison is a visual artist and rapper from Texas with an avid interest in Japanese culture (he is a
senior Asian Studies major, a student of Japanese language and a published manga artist). Born and raised in Maryland, Chris Gillyard is the only double major in Theater/Dance at Amherst College, who in addition to being in his college a-cappella group, is also captain of the football team.


☆DJ King Tone and the fabulous Zulu Kings b-boy crew

Universal Zulu Nation Japan DJキング・トーン ズールーキング b-boy ユニバーサル ズール ネーション ジャパン

Founded in 1972, the Universal Zulu Nation (UZN) is dedicated to harnessing the cultural relevance of Hip-Hop music to serve as a catalyst for education advocacy and other societal concerns fundamental to the well-being of youth
throughout the world. UZN is a non-governmental, non-partisan, international coalition of Hip-Hop artists, entertainment industry leaders, education advocates, civil rights proponents, activist, and youth leaders united in the belief that Hip-Hop is an enormously influential agent for social change which must be responsibly and proactively utilized to address the issues of poverty, injustice, discrimination, racism, classism, mental and physical health and well being, and any other issues vital to the societies we live in.

VENUE: Super Deluxe in Roppongi Hills,
between Nishi-Azabu Crossing and Roppongi station,
at the intersection of Roppongi Dori and TV Asahi Dori

* * * * * * * * * *


** Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies (ICJS) **

The ICJS is an organization dedicated to fostering study and research on various topics related to contemporary Japan. The Institute hosts lectures, seminars, and symposia that provide a forum for Japanese studies scholars to present their work on issues related to contemporary Japanese social, cultural, and political issues. The ICJS reflects TUJ's commitment to offering research and study programs linking Japan and other countries, fostering greater overseas understanding of Japan, and serving an innovative role in international education in Japan.

現代日本研究所(ICJS: Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies)



■テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(TUJ) テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス(TUJ)はアメリカ、ペンシルベニア州にあるテンプル大学の日本キャンパスです。TUJは日本で最も古く大きな海外の大学です。その創立以来大学課程、法学修士課程、教育学英語教


  • 2007年03月24日 (土)
  • 東京都 Roppongi SUPER DELUXE
  • 2007年03月24日 (土) 締切
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