

開催終了9・9・9 ワンネス瞑想


2009年09月07日 18:04 更新









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Dear brothers ans sisters, here is the meditation I talked about when we were together- I could not get it through the Spiritof Maat magazine since I was passed the deadline - feel free to share it or get it translated in your mother thong - Already the french world is advised and responded wonderfully - since we are all in the ONE time the NOW, the time is that one of your country

09-09-2009 MEDITATION

I am preoccupied; Secret Governments wanting to take control of humanity are about to make vaccination compulsory in many countries. The game has been to spread the H1N1 Flu and create a wave of fear so that people will accept vaccination. We know that about 200,000 people die of the flu every year and yet, that has never made the headlines in the past.

In early April 2009 I received a news alert warning that 3 truckloads of viruses had been directed to American Army bases and that “they” would be testing the spread of theses viruses at the end of April. The information was made available by one of the drivers who could not keep it secret and who decided to contact a reporter. The experience started in Mexico at the end of April. Since then, it has been kept in the spotlight in daily newspapers and various media around the world. Government organisms are claiming it has pandemic proportions by keeping track of the number of deaths planet-wide – very little compare to other deseases.

The process is simple and similar (like with Aids): Create a virus, test it in certain regions, drum up a huge media campaign around it to increase the level of fear, and then suggest a solution for all. This time though, the solution - vaccination - would be mandatory – Why? Doctors and scientists consider this flu as a normal cold that is healed easily and do not understand why the medias are so worked up over it! Not only that, but scientist have proven that vaccines are very polluted with substances that have themselves created illness and disfunctionality among humans and in this case, the H1N1 vaccine contains viruses or substances that could kill a population. In fact, it is being said that a world-wide genocide is planned through this vaccination.

BUT people and organisations are now starting to mobilize around this issue:
Doctors are speaking out, e.g.:
- Dr Andrew Moulden, M.D., PhD, BA, MA : Doctor, neuropsychiatric specialist and behaviour neurologist, has compiled neurological, haematological and immunological scientific data on vaccines and concludes that ALL vaccinnes pollutes the body and can cause major harm to people’s health, including chronic diseases and syndromes such as autism.
The journalistic world is also responding, e.g.:
- An Austrian journalist has lodged an official complaint with the FBI and is suing the American Government for world genocide over the coming vaccination program.
Groups are mobilizing, e.g.:
- Officially brought to a court of justice in Nice France by a group of concerned citizens: File: “Flu pandemy –H1N1 Virus: Vaccination or weapon of mass destruction?” Object: Presentation of a complaint tabled in April 2009 to the FBI in Austria by Jane Burgermeister, science reporter. Reason for the complaint : programming of a genocide crime. Our request: To launch a criminal investigation to prevent a serious health crisis through a mass vaccination campaign that must be stopped immediately.

As I was receiving all these emails, I reflected on what we could do within the spirit of the New Earth and the phases of transformation that we are going through. While I was reading Martine Vallée’s new book « 2010 » and more specifically some of Kryon’s words, my little inner voice started to talk to me. « If you are preoccupied by something, it is your responsibility to do something about it. With all the energies that are reaching human beings now, the creative potential of individuals and groups is growing exponentially. » Thus, connected in our multidimensional potential, what could we Light Workers, getting together in Unity do about this situation?

More specifically, my question was: What can we, in keeping with our integrity and values do that would not be « for or against », since this would keep the duality active. In Meditation, my little voice suggested the following images.

For many years we have been participating in meditations to help resolve conflicts and wars around the world and to keep the situation from degenerating. Each time we have been involved in global action, there have been impacts. What were they? Our minds would like to know but is that useful and necessary? What we do know is that we are still here and on the path of our unfolding consciousness. Our ability to create, while remembering who we are is expanding rapidly. What matters now is how we use this potential. I believe that we can now change what is no longer desirable on this Sacred Earth of our Ancestors and of Future Generations. Would not this vaccination situation that we are facing be a beautiful opportunity to manifest our Divine Potential?

Spreading the information is great but acting with our attributes of Love Consciousness is a marvellous tool available individually and collectively. So it is time to stop being in re-action and get together to create an action. What action? A targeted meditation. When:

09-09-2009 at 09:09 AM and/or PM
Ps : remember, 9 is the end of a cycle

Duration : 9, 18 (1+8=9) or 27 (2+7=9) minutes.
1) Connect to the heart of our Mother Earth Gaia, and connect to the Heart of the Cosmos, Father Sky;
2) Bring your consciousness to the Living Light Vehicle – the living Merkaba field - that you are;
3) Go in your heart and feel the love energy pulsating and emanating from your Divine Dimension. You are this love; let this love embrace all things in the Universe and feel that all of us, Human Beings, are one living cell working together with love. Feel how we are all connected to the Universal Matrix of Creation, that pulsating matrix within and around us all that is powerful love energy. Visualize our Sacred Earth shining in the Universe, on this evolutionary path.
-Finally, visualise these pulsations of Love and Compassion as beams of Joy and of Life that are directed toward our brothers on this Sacred Earth that are acting against our Human Evolution. They have forgotten who they are to the point of executing commands coming from those who are blinded by their attachment to power and who aspire to control humanity. With your intention, direct the beams of Love and Compassion so their hearts are touched, and more specifically, direct these beams of Love and Compassion towards those who are concocting the project of vaccination and world-wide genocide. Feel your love for all of them, they are our brothers... do not forget. The beams of Light, Love, Compassion, Joy and Life are surrounding them and touching their hearts.

Feel this love, be this love…, be this love…, be this love…

There is Nothing else to do. Just BE!
LIFE will take care of the rest !!

Rachel Pelletier – Translated by Alain Kalfon, Drunvalo’s translator in Québec

Rappelle toi, seul l'amour existe
le reste n'est qu'apparence
Remember only love is real, the rest is appearance


  • 2009年09月09日 (水)
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  • 2009年09月09日 (水) 締切
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