

開催終了GAP映画鑑賞会【Cut Sleeve Boys】


2007年05月08日 23:32 更新

映画はまたしても話題の【Cut Sleeve Boys】です。最近いろんなベニューで上映されましたが、まだ見てない方はこの機会に無料ウォッチしてください。

Hi boys,
How are you all doing? As promised from last month, here is "Cut sleeve boys". The movie received great review around the gay festivals around the world. It was shown at the Melbourne Queer Film festival this year. We are getting to see it.

When Saturday 12 May @ 1 p.m.

Where 6 Claremont St
South Yarra

What Cut sleeve boys

This event is for Asian men only. Please let me know if are able to make. Sorry for late notice. Have been very busy with work. Bring things to eat and share with others.

Cut Sleeve or tuan hsiu (斷袖) is an euphemism for homosexuality which originated in the Han dynasty (220-260 BC). The history books have it that Emperor Ai (6BCE-1CE) had woken up one day to find his beloved male concubine asleep on his sleeve and unwilling to disturb the sleeping youth, the emperor cut off the sleeve of his royal robe. The “Passion of the Cut Sleeve” has since become a favoured court statement by the Han literati as a term for male love.

Top of page (left to right): Producer/co-star Chowee Leow, Steven Lim and writer-director Ray Yeung. Cut Sleeves Boys will be screened at the Bangkok International Film Festival on Feb 19 and 23 at 9pm at Siam Paragon. Tickets for the festival’s regular screenings as well as other sidebar events are available for sale at the Siam Paragon Box Office. Please click here for more details. <http://www.bangkokfilm.org>
Produced by writer-director Ray Yeung and Chowee Leow who also co-stars, Cut Sleeve Boys tracks the life of Mel, an aging scene queen, played by Singapore actor Steven Lim; and Ash (Leow) who crossdresses in an attempt to find himself a “real man.”

Yeung, who has worked as Festival director of the Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival since 2000, was inspired to write a romantic comedy after having to struggle to find queer films made by Asians to screen at the festival each year.

He said in a statement: “I wanted to watch a film about modern gay Asian lives. A film which asks ‘What happens to gay men once when they have accepted their queerness? Do they live gaily ever after?’”

For more detail log on http://www.fridae.com/newsfeatures/article.php?articleid=1619&viewarticle=1


  • 2007年05月12日 (土) 午後一時
  • 都道府県未定 South Yarra
  • 2007年05月12日 (土) 締切
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