

開催終了MafuMafu X'mas Party2012!!(12/25)


2012年12月17日 19:14 更新

It’s the time of the year to have some fun!
MafuMafu Christmas party 2012 is the place to be for it!!
The party will be held on Tuesday, December 25th.
Let’s enjoy X’mas celebrations communicating with international people.
You’ll have a great time either coming with your friends or just by
yourself ;)

More than 300 people had such an awesome time at our party last time.

Click a link below to see some photos!!
goo.gl/Vp6mD <http://goo.gl/Vp6mD>

So please come and join us!!!

Delicious Chrisms dinner and drinks
-Be prepared for surprising dishes!
-We serve alcohol this time!

Christmas Presents (you might win)
-Specialty products of the disaster district area (i.e.: Fukahire
soup, Beef tongue, finger foods, etc)
-VIP tickets valid for a year at IBUNKA-KORYU CAFÉ, etc.

-MafuMafu Live and Show.

(Contents may change according to availability)

Tuesday, December 25th, 2012, from 19:00-21:00.

L・Park Sendai
Address: 141 Building (Sendai Mitsukoshi building on Jouzen St.)
4-11-1 Go, Ichiban-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai city.

★How much?
Japanese: 3,000 yen
Foreigners: FREE
Kids (students under the age of 15, junior high school): 1,000 (if a child
comes with an adult, then it will be free for the child.)
*if you pay on the day of the event, you will be charged 500 yen extra.

★How many people can come?
Japanese: 135 people
International: 100 people

★Application and Due Date
Deadline: 21:00 on Thursday, December 20th, 2012.
Application: Please send an e-mail to the following address with the
information needed.
e-mail address: talk@gakuwarinet.com
・Age (ex.) in 20s, 30s…)
・E-mail address
・Phone number

*If you are coming with your friends, we would like to have the
information above not only yours but also your friends’.
*It’s first come, first served. So make sure you sign up as soon as
*We’ll send you a confirmation e-mail within a week after you apply.

<<Contact Information>>
NPO Gakuwarinet


  • 2012年12月25日 (火) 19:00~21:00
  • 宮城県 L-Park Sendai Gallery Hall
  • 2012年12月20日 (木) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!