

開催終了ナクバの日 イスラエル大使館前デモ ≪5月15日 世界同時≫


2011年04月21日 12:38 更新


1 ダブリン(アイルランド) - ナクバの日: パレスチナ人との連帯デー
Dublin - Nakba Day: Demo in solidarity with Palestinian people
時間 2011年5月15日 14:00 - 16:00
場所 イスラエル大使館前
住所 122 Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge
   Dublin, Ireland

2 ロンドン(イギリス) パレスチナ第三次インティファーダ連帯デモ
London - Demonstration in Solidarity with 3rd Palestinian Intifada!
時間 2011年5月15日 12:00 - 15:00
場所 イスラエル大使館前
住所 2 Palace Green, London W8 4QB

詳細 5月15日に普通の人々が立ち上がろうというパレスチナ人の呼び掛けにこたえ


In response to the call of the Palestinian people for a popular uprising on May 15th, we will demonstrate outside the Israeli embassy in London on the same day, to demand that the Israeli ambassador is expelled from the UK,
in light of Israel's continued disregard for international law.

Please invite all your friends to this event.
We must show the Palestinian people that our government does not represent us, and that we fully support them in their struggle for freedom.

All organisations are invited to support the demonstration.
Please send us a message if you would like to do so. )

3 ロサンジェルス(アメリカ) イスラエル大使館前デモンストレーション
Demonstrations at Israeli Consulates in Los Angeles
時間 2011年5月15日 · 9:00 - 12:00
場所 イスラエル大使館前 LA
住所 Consulate General of Israel, 6380 Wilshire blvd. Suite 1700, Los Angeles CA, 90048


4 サンフランシスコ(アメリカ) イスラエル大使館前デモンストレーション
Demonstrations at Israeli Consulates in California
時間 2011年5月15日 · 9:00 - 12:00
場所 イスラエル大使館前 サンフランシスコ
Consulate General of Israel, 456 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, 94104


Nonviolent demonstrations for Palestinian human and national rights and against the Israeli occupation
will take place at Israeli embassies and consulates all around the world,
including Israeli consulates in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Key contacts needed for SF and LA demonstrations.
Contact Scott Kennedy, Middle East Program, Resource Center for Nonviolence, Santa Cruz, Ca 95060 (831)423.1626 x 107. )


  • [1] mixiユーザー

    2011年04月23日 04:01

    5 ボストン(アメリカ)
    Demonstration in Solidarity with 3rd Palestinian Intifada!
    時間 2011年5月15日 12:00 - 15:00
    場所 ボストンイスラエル領事館前
    Boston Israeli Consulate
    20 Park Plaza
    Boston, MA
    詳細 5月15日に普通の人が立ち上がろうと呼び掛けるパレスチナに呼応して行われる抵抗運動です。私たちは彼らに連帯し、ボストンにあるイスラエル領事館の外でデモンストレーションをします。

    This protest is being held in response to the call of the Palestinian people for a popular uprising on May 15th, we will demonstrate outside the Israeli embassy in Boston in solidarity! )

    6 ローマ(イタリア)
    時間 2011年5月15日 12:00 - 15:00
    場所 ローマ、イスラエル大使館前
    Ambasciata d'Israele, via Michele Mercati 12, Roma

    詳細 (イスラエル大使の追放を要求し、キング牧師のことばで結語しています)

    In risposta alla chiamata del popolo Palestinese per una sommossa popolare il 15 maggio, manifesteremo dinanzi all'ambasciata Israeliana a Roma lo stesso giorno, in sostegno del popolo palestinese e per richiedere l'espulsione dell'ambasciatore Israeliano alla luce del continuo disprezzo d'Israele nei confronti il Diritto Internazionale!!!

    Si prega di invitare tutti i vostri amici a questo evento. Dobbiamo dimostrare al popolo palestinese che il nostro governo non ci rappresenta, e che noi supportiamo vivamente la lotta per la libertà.

    Tutte le organizzazioni sono invitate a sostenere la manifestazione. Vi preghiamo di inviarci un messaggio se si desidera farlo.


    "Non ho paura della cattiveria dei malvagi, ma del silenzio degli onesti" cit M.L.King FACCIAMO SENTIRE LA NOSTRA VOCE!!!!!
  • [2] mixiユーザー

    2011年04月23日 04:36

    7 ベルリン(ドイツ)
    Massenkundgebung aus Solidarität mit der 3.palästinensischen Intifada
    時間 2011年5月15日 10:00 - 17:00
    場所 Israelische Botschaft Auguste-Viktoria-Str. 74-76 14193 Berlin

    Massenkundgebung aus Solidarität mit Palästina
    Zeit: Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011 12:00 – 15:00 Uhr
    Ort: Israelische Botschaft
    Auguste-Viktoria-Str. 74-76
    14193 Berlin

    Weitere Informationen:
    Anlässlich des Aufrufs der Palästinenser nach einer weltweiten Massenkundgebung am 15. Mai 2011 werden wir an diesem genannten Tag vor der Israelischen Botschaft in Berlin demonstrieren.

    Wir fordern, dass der israelische Botschafter aus Deutschland ausgewiesen wird, da der Staat Israel kontinuierlich das Völkerrecht missachtet.

    Ladet alle eure Freunde dazu ein! Wir müssen dem palästinensischen Volk zeigen, dass wir hinter ihm und seinem Kampf um die Freiheit stehen und, dass die Bundesregierung nicht uns repräsentiert.

    Alle Organisationen, die dies unterstützen, sind herzlich dazu eingeladen. Bitte schickt uns eine E-Mail, wenn Interesse besteht.
  • [3] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:20


    Sunday, May 15th 13:00 - 15:00

    “I come from there…and I remember” Mahmoud Darwish

    To mark 63 years of Palestinian Nakba, on May 15, 2011
    Palestinians and supporters will march….
    • In the West Bank & Gaza, march to check points
    • In the Arab countries, march to borders of Palestine
    • From the refugee camps, march to borders of Palestine.
    • Inside Palestine proper, march to the 67 borders
    • Around the world, march to Israeli Embassies and Consulates
    • In D.C., march to the White House with our NAKBA mobile LED truck circulating around the White House and the Lincoln Memorial.
    We'll join in songs of patriotism and remembrance; resistance and endurance. Wonderful oud and derbekah players will lead us in passionate song and national dance as a statement to all....that we remember the Palestinian Nakba of 1948, we shake the world 63 years later, generations of us stand proud and we will return!
    • In New York, march to the UN, for details about the march on the UN in NY, please contact: may15rally@gmail.com

    Sponsored by: US Palestinian Community Network – DC Chapter

    For information and endorsement contact: dkennedy@freegaza.org

    US Palestinian Community Network


  • [4] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:21

    9 ニューヨーク・アメリカ合衆国

    Rally To Demand the Right of Return!

    Sunday, May 15th 13:00 - 16:00
    1 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
    47th St and 1st Ave
    Manhattan, NY

    We are living in a time of revolution. The face of the Middle East is changing daily, and the force of people's demands for justice and freedom have overwhelmed the dictators that have been holding the hopes and dreams of their citizens hostage

    For Palestinians, this changing world has yet to become their reality. 63 Years after Al-Nakba, Palestinians across the globe are still facing catastrophic oppression. Palestinians in Pale...stine and in the diaspora are continually being denied the right to exist as Palestinians, as free citizens of our world. Living under existential and physical occupation, it is the strength and determination of the Palestinian people that inspires this call to action.

    We are calling for the implementation of Right of Return for Palestinian refugees to their homeland, and for the UN and the associated global community to live up to their responsibilities. Resolutions are nothing but words if no action is taken to honor them. Declarations of peace and peace processes mean nothing when negotiated by dictators and occupiers.

    We answer Palestinian refugees' call from the refugee camps of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Gaza and the West Bank, who will be mobilizing for the 63rd anniversary of Al-Nakba, and support them to the fullest extent possible. We will never forget the Nakba of 1948, and will continue to fight harder, and more passionately as long Israel and the rest of the global community deny Palestinians their right of return, and their right to a homeland.

    We are calling upon the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities, and every ally, supporter, and person committed to freedom and justice in the United States to take part in this action by endorsing, participating, spreading the word, and making it clear that Palestinian refugees' determination to return home is greater than ever, and will never be defeated even after 63 years of exile, oppression and occupation.

    The twisted system of occupation and oppression that burdens and cripples the lives of Palestinians all over the globe must be dismantled if we, as a global community, are truly committed to the ideals of democracy and freedom for all.

    We are calling on the Palestinian and Arab communities in the US and our allies to rally at the United Nations in New York at 1 pm at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (47th and First Avenue) on Sunday, May 15th, in support of the Right of Return and the actions taken on that day by refugees themselves.
    If you would like to endorse this call and/or to join the Organizing Committee, please email us at may15rally@gmail.com

    (Sponsor list in formation, if your organization would like to sponsor this action please email may15rally@gmail.com)

    Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition,
    American Muslims for Palestine- NJ,
    American Muslims for Palestine NY,
    US Palestinian Community Network,
    WESPAC Foundation,
    Existence is Resistance,
    Hunter Students for Justice in Palestine,
    Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine,
    Brooklyn College Palestine Club,
    International Action Center,
    National Lawyers Guild - International Committee,
    Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa'adat - North America,
    New York City Labor Against the War,
    Labor for Palestine,
    United National Anti War Committee NYC,
    Norma Harrison,
    California Peace and Freedom Party,
    International Jewish AntiZionist Network.
  • [5] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:22

    10 デンバー・コロラド州・アメリカ合衆国

    May15 12:00 - 14:30
    Colorado State Capitol Building in Denver.

    We, the people of Colorado will be protesting for Palestine.

    ** The Message:
    1) To tell people that Palestinians still have the right to return to their homeland.
    2) To tell people that there is NO peace without the Palestinian country.
    3) To tell people that the U.S. needs to agree about the existing of the country of Palestine.

    ** The Rules:
    1) PLEASE be on time, its very important for ALL of us to be there at the same time.
    2) This is a PEACEFUL and NONVIOLENT protest.
    3) We will meet in the front of the Colorado State Capitol Building, then we will start marching into 16th street mall. Then, we will get back to the Colorado State Capitol Building.
    4) No flag but the American flag and Palestinian flag.
    5) No religious signs.

    ** The Signs:
    1) Cut US tax dollars funding weapons killing Palestinians.
    2) 7.2 million displaced Palestinians are waiting to return.
    3) Peace = Palestinian state.
    4) Hamas is a product of the zionist settlements.
    5) Make your own and write it down, so we can make sure that we all at the same page.

    11 ボストン・マサチューセッツ・アメリカ合衆国

    USA-Boston Israeli Consulate
    Boston: Demonstration in Solidarity with 3rd Palestinian Intifada!Boston Israeli Consulate
    20 Park Plaza
    Boston, MA

    This protest is being held in response to the call of the Palestinian people for a popular uprising on May 15th, we will demonstrate outside the Israeli embassy in Boston in solidarity!

    --Boston Committee for the Support of the Third Palestinian Intifada
  • [6] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:23

    Houston - Protest Israel with the Commencement of the 3rd Palestinian Intifada

    Sunday, May 15, 2011
    16:00 - 19:00

    Starbucks corner by the Galleria
    Post Oak and Westheimer Rd.
    Houston, TX

    This is a world-wide event that we need to support locally by exercising our freedom of speech.


    Rally for Israel's Birthday
    Sunday, May 15th
    between 2pm - 5:45pm

    Israel and your community need you to attend. The haters are having a Death to Israel rally at the same time, should they get exclusive news coverage of their propaganda? Come help us get the truth out.


    While we are celebrating the rebirth of the Jewish homeland, the Enemies of Peace and Freedom will be calling for war against Israel. Will you make your voice heard?

    Let's gather on the Southwest corner of Post Oak and Westheimer in front of the Galleria sign.

    We ask that everyone wear white shirts and blue pants (or shorts). Bring water and be prepared for Houston summer weather. Brief visits are welcome, you don't have to stay the entire time.

    Park in Galleria underground parking or in Dillard's lot. AVOID the lot on the Northeast corner by Starbux. Stay on the south side of Westheimer.

    Houston Police and security will be present at this rally. Students and children are welcome. What better way to teach your children activism, Love for Israel and standing up to Do What's Right.?

    Please bring your Israeli, Texas or U.S. Flags.
    We will provide signs with positive messages. Signs or flags may not be on metal poles. Wooden poles must be 3/4" or less if round or max 1/4" thick if rectangular.

    If no pro-Israel folks are there, then the hate mongers get all the news coverage.



    MICHIGAN Nakba Commemoration
    Saturday, May 14, 2011
    6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

    Burton Manor
    Street: 27777 Schoolcraft

    The Palestine Cultural Office and the US Palestinian Community Network present Nakba 63 Commemoration Event featuring Awad Abdel Fattah, Noura Erekat and Helen Thomas

    Saturday, May 14, 2011 6:30 PM
    at Burton Manor, 27777 Schoolcraft, Livonia, MI 48150
    Preferred Seating $50.00
    General Seating $35.00
    Dinner, Cultural Program, & Music
    For more info call: (313) 945–9660

    We have just confirmed Awad Abdul Fattah from 1948 Palestine to speak on May 14th. He is the Secretary General of Tajammou party, the same as Azmi Bishara’s from 1948 Palestine.

    We are also hosting the Palestinian youth virtuoso, Ali Amer, who is a Quanoon player vocalist flying from Boston to play and sing Palestinian songs on May 14th.


    Nakba Observance, Sunday, May 15th, 2011

    Please join us on Sunday May 15 at Westlake Plaza in Seattle as we remember the Nakba of 1948, when 500 villages were destroyed and 800,000 people driven out of what was then called Palestine.

    We'll be at Westlake from 12 to 5. We'll have some coffee and music as well as our Nakba display. Please come visit or spend the day with us, to remember and remind that no matter what they do to censor or silence or disappear us, Palestine is still alive.

  • [7] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:25


    Protest Palestinian Refugee Revolution 63rd Anniversary- Nakba Montreal

    Métro Mont-Royal, Corner Mont-Royal East and St-Denis
    Montreal, QC

    Le 15 mai 2011, nous, le peuple de la Palestine, marchons en paix;

    Nous, le peuple de la Palestine, marchons pour la justice;
    Nous, le peuple de la Palestine, se tenons devant vous dans la plénitude de notre douleur, notre fierté et notre aspiration pour la liberté;

    Nous, le peuple de la Palestine, marcherons pour commémorer la Nakba.
    Nous nous souviendrons. Nous marchons pour les 750 000 Palestiniens qui ont été déplacés en 1948.
    Nous nous souviendrons de tous ceux qui ont péri depuis.

    Nous, le peuple de la Palestine, rappelons au monde, et nous-mêmes, que nous sommes les propriétaires de notre destin et gardiens de notre lutte.

    Nous, le peuple de la Palestine, vous appelons pour vous joindre à nous pour revendiquer la justice et la liberté.

    Nous, le peuple de la Palestine, unissons nos voix aux révolutions des peuples arabes de la Tunisie à l'Égypte, de l'Algérie au Bahreïn, de la Syrie à la Lybie en passant par le Yémen. Notre lutte est internationale.


    Amenez vos drapeaux palestiniens

    Joignez-nous accompagné de votre famille, vos amiEs, et vos voisins.

    Toutes les organisations sont invitées à appuyer la Troisième Intifada. Veuillez nous contacter au mpalestinec@gmail.com pour ajouter le nom de votre organisation à la liste d'endosseur.

    Des tracts et des affiches sont disponibles à la demande. Veuillez contacter mpalestinec@gmail.com .

    Organisé par le comité Montréal - Palestine


    On May 15th 2011, we, the people of Palestine, are marching in peace;

    We, the people of Palestine are marching for justice;

    We, the people of Palestine, stand before you in the fullness of our pain, our pride and our yearning for freedom;

    We, the people of Palestine, are marching to commemorate Al-Nakba.
    We will remember. We will march for the 750,000 Palestinians who were displaced in 1948.
    We will remember all those who perished since.

    We, the people of Palestine, will remind the world, and ourselves, that we are the owners of our fate and guards of our struggle.

    We, the people of Palestine, are calling on you to join us and stand with us to demand justice and freedom.

    We, the people of Palestine, are uniting our voices with the Arab revolutions from Tunisia to Egypt, from Algeria to Bahrain, from Syria to Libya and Yemen. Our struggle is international.

    This is the THIRD INTIFADA.

    Bring your family, friends and neighbors.
    Bring your Palestinian flags

    All organizations are invited to support the 3rd intifada. Please contact mpalestinec@gmail.com to add your organization’s name to the list of endorsers.

    For posters and fliers, please contact mpalestinec@gmail.com

    Organized by the Montreal - Palestine Committee

    Appuyé par/endorsed by:

    Coalition pour la justice et la justice et la paix en Palestine (CJPP)
    Palestiniens et Juifs unis / Palestinians & Jewish unity (PAJU)
    Solidarité pour les droits humains palestiniens / Solidarity for Palestinian human rights (SPHR)
    Tadamon! Montréal

    Fondation canado-palestinienne du Québec (CPFQ) EVENT

  • [8] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:26


    Protest Palestinian Refugee Revolution 63rd Anniversary- Nakba Toronto
    May 15th 12:00 - 16:00

    In front of the Israeli Consulate- Downtown
    180 Bloor St W
    Toronto, ON

    On MAY 15th of this year, thousands of Palestinian refugees, Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians and many others will participate in peaceful protest in Palestine and around the world in hope to end the violent Zionist Regimen of Israel's occupation.

    With the middle east amidst many political reforms and humanitarian uprisings, the Palestinian people have every right to claim their stolen land and the rest of the...ir basic humanitarian needs. Egypt had a tyrannical ruler for 30 years, Libya 40 years, Tunis 32 years and the Palestinians have been deprived of their freedom for 63 years.

    It is time to put an end to this...

    The news channels have failed to give elaborate coverage of the Palestinian Revolution or the Israeli air strikes and missiles targeted at Gaza taking place as you are reading this right now.


    Feel free to bring any flags and banners related to the Arab uprising.
    We will be marching to Dundas Square.
    No burning of flags or any violent behavior

    TRAILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm8VsHECnlg


    If you would like to help out, please email shefaobaid3@hotmail.com or anwar_othman@hotmail.com

    For information about the occupation and the conflict:



    "Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." - Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament] quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts," New Statesman, June 25, 1982.
  • [9] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:26


    May 15th: Vancouver Rally to Support the Palestinian People

    May 15th 14:00 - 16:00
    Vancouver Public Library
    350 West Georgia Street
    Vancouver, BC

    On May 15, 1948 David Ben Gurion proclaimed the establishment of the state of Israel. This is day for the Palestinian people is know as the Nakba and every year since then, they've been commemorating it hoping that they would return to their homelands one day.

    The Palestinian were forcibly expelled from over 500 Palestinian villages in a vicious and ugly process of ethnic cleansing. Massacres were committed, houses and field wer...e burned and water wells were poisoned.

    In Vancouver, we will commemorate this day and we will reaffirm the Palestinian right to return to Palestine UNCONDITIONALLY!!

    Join the Palestinian community on May 15, in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery (Robson Side) at 1:00 PM to remember the victims of the Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people.

    Endorsed by:

    Afghans for Peace
    Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign (BIAC) - Vancouver
    Canada Palestine Association (CPA) - Vancouver
    Canadian Boat to Gaza (CBG) - Vancouver
    Jews for Just Peace (JJP) - Vancouver
    Palestine Speaks - Vancouver
    Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) - UBC

    For endorsements and questions send an email to vancouver.may15@gmail.com
  • [10] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:29



    Nakba Day: International Call to Stop The Israeli Violence
    May14&15 12:00 - 14:00
    Opposite Israeli Embassy, 2 Palace Green, London W8 4QB
    London, United Kingdom

    63 Years after Al-Nakba, The Israeli Regime is still continuing violent operations, by occupying Palestinian cities and refugee camps and violating every basic human rights.

    The occupation has caused the deaths of Palestinians and Israelis alike. Currently we are witnessing an escalation of violence, as the Israeli state, enters Palestinian autonomous territories, committing war crimes and severe violations of human rights.

    We are calling on everybody to rally opposite the Israeli Embassy in London at 12 pm May 14th & 15th, 2011 to condemn the Israeli Violence all over the world.

    Please invite all your friends to this event. All organisations are invited to support the event

    Download a leaflet at:

    If you would like to endorse this call and/or to join the Organizing Committee, please email us at:

    For more details:

    Stop the violence of Israel (www.stoptheviolence.eu)

    1-2 ビクトリア公園・ロンドン・イギリス

    Al-Nakba Commemoration Rally

    May15 14:00 - 16:00
    North-west corner of Victoria Park

    On May 15, please join us in recognizing and commemorating their struggle and march with us in solidarity for the Palestinian Right of Return.

    The Day of Catastrophe - otherwise known as Al-Nakba in Arabic - saw the dispossession and expulsion of over 750,000 unarmed Palestinians from their homeland by Zionist forces in 1948. At the time, that number amounted to over 60% of the population. Villages were devastated, religious sites desecrated, and families were slaughtered to set an example to the rest of the indigenous Palestinian population, should they not take flight. For the past 62 years, Israel has continued to deny Palestinian refugees their right to return to their ancestral towns, villages and homes. At approximately 7.2 million, Palestinians are the largest and longest suffering group of refugees in the world. One in three refugees worldwide is Palestinian.
  • [11] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:30

    Kundgebung aus Solidarität mit der 3.palästinensischen Intifada

    Sunday, May 15th 15:00-18:00

    Israelische Botschaft, Alpenstrasse
    Alpenstrasse 32

    Anlässlich des Aufrufs der Palästinenser wollen wir am 15.05 vor der Israelischen Botschaft in Bern demonstrieren.

    Weltweit werden gewaltfreie Demonstrationen für die Rechte und Freiheit der Palästinenser und gegen die Isralelische Besatzung vor den Israelischen Botschaften gehalten.

  • [12] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:31

    Demonstratie in solidariteit met de derde Palestijnse intifada.

    Sunday, May 15th 14:00-15:00
    Israëlische ambassade, Sterrewachtlaan 40 1180 Ukkel
    Avenue de l'Observatoire 40 1180

    Het Palestijns volk roept op voor een volksopstand op 15 mei (de derde intifada). Als reactie daarop zullen er op hetzelfde moment in verschillende hoofdsteden, alsook in Brussel, demonstraties gehouden worden voor de ambassades uit solidariteit voor de Palestijnen. Zolang Israël het internationale recht niet respecteert wordt de uitwijzing van de Israëlische ambassadeur geëist.

    Nodig al je vrienden uit op dit evenement om duid...elijk te maken aan het Palestijnse volk dat onze regering ons niet vertegenwoordigt, en dat we hen volledig steunen in hun strijd voor vrijheid.

    Alle organisaties worden uitgenodigd om de demonstratie te ondersteunen. Stuur ons een bericht !

    En réponse à l'appel du peuple palestinien à une journée de soulèvement populaire le 15 mai, nous appelons les Belges à manifester devant l'ambassade d'Israël à Bruxelles le même jour, pour demander l'expulsion de l’ambassadrice au vu des perpétuelles violations des lois internationales commises par Israël.

    Nous vous encourageons vivement à inviter tous vos amis à cet évènement. Nous devons montrer au peuple Palestinien que notre gouvernement ne nous représente pas, et que nous les soutenons dans leur lutte pour la liberté.

    Toutes les associations sont invitées à soutenir le rassemblement. Pour cela, veuillez nous envoyer un message.

    In response to the call of the Palestinian people for a popular uprising on May 15th, we will demonstrate outside the Israeli embassy in Brussels on the same day, to demand that the Israeli ambassador is expelled from Belgium, in light of Israel's continued disregard for international law.

    Please invite all your friends to this event. We must show the Palestinian people that our government does not represent us, and that we fully support them in their struggle for freedom.

    All organisations are invited to support the demonstration. Please send us a message if you would like to do so.

  • [13] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:32


    Rassemblement en soutien aux revendications du peuple Palestinien!

    Sunday, May 15th 14:00-17:00
    Ambassade d'Israel - Paris

    En réponse à l'appel du peuple palestinien à une journée de soulèvement populaire le 15 mai, nous appelons les Français à manifester devant l'ambassade d'Israël à Paris le même jour, pour demander l'expulsion de l'ambassadeur Israélien de France au vu des perpétuelles violations des lois internationales commises par Israël.

    Nous vous encourageons vivement à inviter tous vos amis à cet évènement. Nous devons montrer au peuple Palestinien que notre gouvernement ne nous représente pas, et que nous les soutenons dans leur lutte pour la liberté.

    Toutes les associations sont invitées à soutenir le rassemblement. Pour cela, veuillez nous envoyer un message.


  • [14] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:32


    Manifestación en Solidaridad con la Resistencia Palestina

    Sunday, May 15th 12:30-15:30
    Madrid. C/ Velázquez 150, 7º

    En respuesta a la llamada del pueblo palestino para un levantamiento popular, el 15 de Mayo en todos los países de Europa habrá manifestaciones frente a las embajadas de Israel.

    Únete en Madrid ese mismo día, para exigir que el embajador israelí sea expulsado de España en vista de las continuas violaciones de los derechos humanos y del desprecio del derecho internacional.

    Por favor, invita a todos tus amigos a este evento. Tenemos que demostrar al pueblo palestino que nuestro gobierno no nos representa, y que no están solos en su lucha por la libertad.

    Todas las organizaciones están invitados a apoyar la manifestación. Por favor, envíanos un mensaje si deseas hacerlo.

  • [15] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:33


    Demonstration i solidaritet med den 3. palæstinensiske intifada

    Sunday, May 15th 12:00-15:00
    Den Israelske Ambassade
    Lundevangsvej 4
    Hellerup, Denmark

    Denne demonstration er oprettet som en kopi af de mange andre støttedemonstrationer for en aktion i landbyen Bilin, der markerer årsdagen for Al Nakba (oprettelsen af Israel og fordrivelsen af palæstinenserne)

    Der er ingen grupper der står bag - alle er velkomne til at være med til at arrangere. Skriv til administratorerne, hvis I også vil have administratorrettigheder.

    Programmet kommer snart.

    Oversat fra den engelske side:
    Som reaktion på opfordringen fra det palæstinensiske folk om en folkelig opstand den 15. maj, vil vi demonstrere udenfor den israelske ambassade i København samme dag for at kræve, at den israelske ambassadør bliver bortvist fra Danmark, på grund af at Israel fortsat ignorerer menneskerettighederne og FN's konventioner.

    Inviter alle dine venner til denne begivenhed. Vi skal vise det palæstinensiske folk, at vores regering ikke repræsenterer os, og at vi fuldt ud støtter dem i deres kamp for frihed.

    Alle organisationer opfordres til at støtte demonstrationen. Send venligst os en besked, hvis du ønsker at gøre det.
  • [16] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 12:34


  • [17] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 13:00






    在米パレスチナ人コミュニティーネットワーク DC支部




  • [18] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 13:22

  • [19] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 13:40







  • [20] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月14日 13:48


  • [21] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月15日 02:38

  • [23] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月15日 09:09


    Dear friends all over the world
    - you who reject injustice and oppression,

    In solidarity with members of the People's Committees in Palestine,
    we invite you to participate in mass demonstrations at the Israeli embassies
    in the countries of Europe, the United States, and the Arab countries.

    To you, my friends...
    Our enemy, Israel, has blatantly disregarded all the international and human
    rights laws. It is time to say no to oppression.
    No to occupation - and yes to justice and fair peace.

    We must aware that the purpose of the demonstration is:

    1 - We are demanding the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador from your
    home country and to cut off relations with the occupying power.
    We are not to be partners in the killing of the innocent Palestine.

    2 - We are standing in solidarity to support the third popular
    uprising to end the occupation.





    1 占領国と、あなた方の国との関係を断つために、イスラエルの大使の追放を要求しています。無辜のパレスチナ人を殺害している人々と共犯関係をもちません。

    2 私たちは占領を終わらせるために湧きおこった第三回目の(注)闘いを支援し、共に立ち上がります

    (今回パレスチナの人々が世界の人々に求めているような非暴力デモンストレーションのうねりが、第二次インティファーダ中およびその後ずっと続いていて、パレスチナの人々は、そうした非暴力系の権利要求闘争を、第三次インティファーダと名づけています sky注)







  • [24] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月15日 09:14


    2011年5月15日 16:00-19:00
    デモ集合場所 青山公園南出口


  • [25] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月15日 09:21



    「the third popular uprising to end the occupation」



  • [26] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月15日 10:36




  • [29] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月15日 14:58

  • [31] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月15日 16:16

    > オオノさん
  • [32] mixiユーザー

    2011年05月16日 03:45









  • 2011年05月15日 (日)
  • 都道府県未定
  • 2011年05月15日 (日) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!