

開催終了Sunday English Play Group Omames in Saitama


2010年12月24日 20:48 更新

Omames is a play group for English speaking parents and their children.
Our members are mostly Japanese mothers and their preschool children (most are around 2 years of age) but our door is always open to any English speaking foreign parents and their children.

We meet twice a month on Sunday mornings. The dates are dependent upon room booking availability at the public hall where we meet.
Detailed schedule can be found the link below;

Our goal is to provide an enjoyable and interesting experience in an English atmosphere.

As you know, in Japan it is hard to find English-only environments for children, so we have decided to create one for our children.

By encouraging and nurturing our children in English we hope they will not only become bilingual but also come to have open mind.

As a minimum mothers must be able to speak & use conversational English on a daily basis with their children. During our get togethers we use only English. Even if we make some mistakes in English it doesn't matter so much. Our priority is to ensure that our children have a good time and feel comfortable speaking English while in this English-only setting.

The public hall is close to Ageo Station on the JR Takasaki Line.
Parking is available so you can come by car.

If you're interested in our group Sunday Omames, please feel free to contact us at
or to me, the ホエール!

We're looking forward to seeing you!!

Thank you:)


  • 2011年01月16日 (日) Twice/Month
  • 埼玉県 Near JR Ageo/Omiya station
  • 2011年01月15日 (土) 締切
  • イベントに参加する
  • 気になる!